Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New pop poppies & busy bees

I found this poppy just bloomed a few minutes before I took out my camera and snapped pictures of it while bees are busy buzzing around it to sip fresh juicy nectars. From observation, bees this year in our garden is much fatter compared to last year. Maybe because we planted more flowers this year than last year. I think we pampered the bees this year with hope that pollination is better this year.

Is there any room for two?
This two bees managed to balance themselves on this single poppy.
More ruby colours on Mary blog.
This is my current favourite flower that I am submitting for Fer carnival blog.


Maria @ LSS said...

Fantastic shots! Happy Ruby.

Maria @ LSS

SMK Pengiran Omar II said...

berdiri bulu roma sy tingu tu lebah..haha.. had bad experience sama sang lebah..mcm ada bunga raya cikit :P

Lola said...

What terrific shots & terrific blog! I'll be back soon!


p3chandan said...

Such an outstanding beautiful red colour no wonder the bees were clamouring to have a go at the nectar!

A.M.I.N.A said...

I love the flowers' rich red colour.It looks very attractive to the bees.Apa khabar Sis?

Leora said...

These are lovely poppies. How wonderful for you and your son that you are gardening for health.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my goodness...gorgeous gorgeous color!!!! Wow!!!

My RT Link

Hope you can stop by for a visit!

Jennifer@threedogsinagarden said...

Such lovely poppies. Red is my favorite color.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely photos of the poppies. They are beautiful flowers.

Rinkly Rimes said...

Beautiful flowers! Beautiful photography.

Malar said...

the poppy flowers are so gorgeous! Striking colour!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous poppies!
My Ruby Tuesday

Makarimi Abdullah said...

Very nice poppies...the color very beautiful, no wonder bees like to be the first visitor. Is it the same family plant for 'pokok ganja'? The flower looks similar. Just wondering, this plant also manage to get that thing...still thinking.

Jama said...

Beautiful poppies!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Hi All thank you for the lovely comments.

Orchid de dangau~ It is a relative of 'opium'. But the one I grow is just an ornamental one so it does not have other use then being pretty:).

Yoshi said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog in JAPANESE.
Your photos are lovely. I hope you don't get bite while photographing the last image.
Thanks for sharing.

fer said...

Such a beautiful flower!

I am definitely get some red poppies for this summer. They are one of my favorites as well.
Is no wonder the bees get pampered, you have a very beautiful garden.

Thank you very much for joining to the carnival! Is great seeing so many people join.

rainfield61 said...

Haha... How good you are to observe that those bees are fatter this time.

You must be as good as me.


Sue Garrett said...

With snow on the ground here - our bees are nowhere in sight - no doubt those that survive winter are tucked up feeding on their stores. The poppies are just what I needed to brighten my white day!

Sue Garrett said...

Just spotted your link on Fer's blog so I won't have to call you MKG any more

fer said...

Haha is funny Sue, I must declare myself guilty of the same for you. I only learned your name until now when I read your link. I can call you Sue instead of GLA.

Diana, I wanted to ask you something since the last time you posted some poppies. How tall do they get? I have start planing how I am going to arrange everything for next year.

Marguerite said...

Isn't it true that whatever flower is blooming currently seems to be the one that captures our attention the most! It feels like I just fall in love over and over again each day with each new bloom.

Anonymous said...

Great poppies (my dog's name).
I hope your kids apreciate the reason behind your gardening.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Those are gorgeous red red poppies !
I have a weakness for the oriental red ones .. we wait each Spring to see the show against my tall goatsbeard backdrop .. that red really pops doesn't it ? .. I am sure your little ones will appreciate having REAL food to eat from your garden .. it may set them on the right track for life : )

EG CameraGirl said...

Poppies are among my favourite flowers and I see that the bees like them too!

easygardener said...

What a wonderful colour. They look like they are made of tissue paper!

Gay Gardener said...

Beautiful photos! Wonderful colors!

Larry said...

I love the color of these poppies... exceptional! L

Eliza said...

Gorgeous! I'm a beekeeper and like to grow flowers that my bees will enjoy, and it looks like this is a flower I should get. I hadn't noticed honeybees spending so much time on poppies before.

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

Beautiful, beautiful red poppies !!!

Amy said...

That is a great choice! I just put down poppy seeds and can't wait until spring to see them.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Y. Ikeda~ The bees in our garden has gotten used to me and I don't think the bees want to sting me as we have form a pact. I grow the flowers so they have juicy nectar & they help me pollinate our vegetable flowers.

Fer~ Thank you for hosting the carnival. The poppies can grow more than a metre tall.

Rainfield61~ Maybe it easier to snap some shots of bees now as they are bigger and easy to see from the lens. LOL.

G.L.A (@Sue) ~ I also noticed your name from fer carnival blog link.

Marguerite~ Yes, its hard to pick a favourite.

Ilanadavita~ That is a nice name for a dog. I bet he/she is a cutey.

CanadianGardenJoy~ We have different colour of poppy growing in the garden. But the red one really stand out. I will visit your blog later.

EG WOW~ Look like the bees current favourite flower in our garden is poppy as well.

Easygardener~ That what I first thought when I touch poppy petals like tissue paper.

Eliza~ The bes really like our poppies and send so much time there currently compare with other blooms in our garden.

Gay Gardener, LC & Ellada ~ Thank you.

Amy~ When spring come to your place, please share your poppy with us.

Patty said...

Lovely photos of your poppies. I have not seen many double forms, yours is superb.