Friday, March 4, 2011

little warrior doing well

Rayyan is recovering well in Intensive Care Unit. After operation yesterday, the ICU team were busy making his heart rate slow down as it was rapidly high, making sure his blood pressure goes up on average level and cool down his body temperature as he was feverish.
Today noon, he was breathing by his own and not relying on machine anymore. In the afternoon, when we were resting in the parents room, a father of one the patient in the same ward with Rayyan came to us and told us that Rayyan was sitting! We were so surprised and rush to Rayyan's bed. The first word he was saying was AIR (WATER) many times. I want water mama...he must be really thirsty. But he cannot drink as much as he wanted because he is still restricted to certain amount of fluid taken into his body. Not really please with mama as he was really thirsty and hungry. But it is such a good sign as he have some appetite to eat:), although he still can't.
Thank you very much for all your prayers.


littlekarstar said...

Thank goodness!! I've been patrolling your blog anxiously waiting on news, so glad to hear Rayyan is safe and well, sitting up and talking!! You must be so tired. All the best for his speedy recovery. Love and hugs to you and your family.

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

Praise to JEsus.. We continue to lift you all up in prayer!! the medical staff too!

cikmanggis said...

alhamdulillah.syukur pada tuhan kerana semuanya berjalan dgn lancar.Makcikmanggis tumpang gembira.

p3chandan said...

Alhamdulillah...Rayyan is well and on the way to getting better.Kesian nye tengok dia dengan wire2 tu semua. Kisses to him!

cina.fong said...

Hugs and kisses to Rayyan and you and family Diane

One said...

It's sad to see Rayyan strapped up with wires like this. Glad to know that he is able to sit up and and ask for water. May he recover fast and be free from sufferings. Rest well when you have the opportunity.

Unknown said...

That is good news - I bet it was awful for you seeing him like that.

Sue Garrett said...

Sorry Diana - Michele was me - I was signed in as a friend of mine

kitchen flavours said...

I'm so happy and relieved to hear that he is doing well. Looking at him all strapped up with tubes and wires really make me "hati pilu", but then I know all that are helping him to get better. You take care of yourself too. Give him a get well hug from me....

Mr. H. said...

I'm so glad to hear that he is doing OK, poor little fellow. What a brave young lad you have there...and a brave Mom and Dad too.

Alison said...

So glad to hear he is doing well! He'll be up and out of there and running round your house and garden again before you know it!

~TastyTravels~ said...

I am so glad Rayyan made it out of surgery okay. I agree with you. It's an excellent sign that he is thisty and hungry! I will keep you all in my prayers!! Thanks for posting an update!!

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

I was thinking of you and your son all day. I am so happy that the surgery went well.
- Rayyan be well quickly, big kiss from Greece.

takaeko said...

I'm so glad to hear your son has started recovering out of the operation!
You will have hard days for caring your son till his full recovery but I believe you will be able to see your son play, run and work with you in your garden after his hospitalization!

Veggie Gnome said...

Wonderful news! All the best to all of you. :)

Patricia said...

So very happy to hear this news. Will keep you all in my thoughts.

Kat said...

Great news, wishing him a speedy recovery! :)

Mark Willis said...

Poor thing - connected up to all those wires and things! Let's hope he can be back at home with you soon.

Rosie Gan said...

Thankfully Rayyan is doing well. Will continue to pray for his quick recovery.

Autumn Belle said...

My heart skipped a beat when I first saw the thumbnail picture of your blog. So glad he is ok now, so sorry I missed your earlier post about him going for surgery. My prayers will be with you and family for Ryan's smooth recovery. Diana, do take good care of yourself, remember to eat and drink and rest because Ryan will need you to take care of him when he wakes up.

Patty said...

I am glad to hear all is well. I hope Rayyan has a quick recovery.

Y said...

Hi Diane
How's Rayyan and also you 'sound' really tired so must mummy must take care of herself too you know.
Read your comments on the daikon and its good to know about the 5-vege miracle soup as it has been proven to be very effective. I make the soup very often to drink for health and give it to my kid as well, its very refreshing, just vege and nothing else. It balances up the 5 internal organs in our system, heart, liver, spleen,lungs,kidney,
A close relative of mine has been drinking this for a year due to a serious illness and is so much healthier thank goodness.

miruku said...

OMG. I just back to blogging and saw your posts on Rayyan. Tears came out from my eyes, i feel so sad and heartache to see little Rayyan poked with needles. But he is so brave to undergo all these. I pray for his fast recovery. Mama, be strong too!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I feel pain looking into a picture like this, in your latest post; he is recovering. That's good news !

Malar said...

It's so painful to see small boy in such a condition! I'm so glad that he is fine now! Do take care of yourself too!