Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rayyan sleeping in Ronald McDonald House

Rayyan has been discharged from the hospital today. He is allowed to stay with us in our accomodation, Ronald McDonald House which is just accross the road from the hospital. If anything happens, the hospital and emergency ward is very close about 5 minutes walk and we can call the medical team.We only need to bring Rayyan in to do some medical check up every morning. He was very subdued and not himself before they took out all his wires and tubes that were attached at his body. However, when they took it out, he was so happy and become very chatty, smiling and occasionally became very cheeky.
He is not taking much fluid as he supposed to, a constant battle on making sure he is growing well and putting on weight. But he tolerates solid food much better after having surgery. He still a bit wobbly on his legs but not stopping him from moving around a lot. Few weeks later, probably I will need to be much more faster to chase him.
The medical team said at first we might be able to fly back to Adelaide on friday. Scanning his heart today, there were more fluid around the heart so probably next week depend on his condition. Women and Children Hospital Adelaide will follow up with Rayyan health when we returned.


littlekarstar said...

Hooray!! He must be feeling so much happier now that the tubes are gone. He is so cute. And so brave as are you too! Lots of love and hope you can fly home soon xoxo

cikmanggis said...

Alhamdulillah.Syukur Rayyan seorang anak kecik yg sungguh kuat.peluk cium & muaahhh muaaahhh dari nenek manggis hehe.

Hazel said...

What fantastic news. Congratulations. It so good to see photos of him playing!

SMK Pengiran Omar II said...

alhamdulillah rayyan can walk n play around odi. hugs n kisses for him xx... harap2 dpt jumpa him soon =)

CathJ said...

Looking at the scar on his chest... make me cry a bucket...

you both are very strong parents.. Glad to see him playing like that.. :D

Mark Willis said...

Nice to see him out of bed and standing up - poor chap must be fed up with lying down all the time!

p3chandan said...

Tak sampai hati nak tengok Rayyan dgn wire2 tu..kesian sangat.Anyway happy to see him more active, looking better without the wires!Hugs and kisses to him!

Mr. H. said...

It is so nice to see him up and about without all of those tubes. I am so very happy that all is going well for him.:)

Stephanie said...

It's so wonderful to see Rayyan sitting on the bed like this. I am happy for him :-D I hope you all will be able to go home soon! Take care and you remember to drink water too yeah.

Alison said...

It's great to see him doing so much better! Hope he continues to improve, and you can all go home soon.

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

It is so great to see Rayyan well and play with his toys.
Give him a big kiss.

Sue Garrett said...

He does look much better - I'm not surprised he wasn't himself with all the wires - I wouldn't be either!

Jo Jo said...

good luck! Take care!

Veggie Gnome said...

Yeah! Sooo happy to see him without wires! All the best for a very speedy recovery! :)

Phoebe said...

Glad to hear it! Hes looking great! Isn't modern medicine amazing...

Anonymous said...

I've been following your posts on Rayyan and I am happy to hear he is doing well considering what he's been through. I wish the best for him and your family.

Chloe m said...

I hope that things keep going well and healing and health abound.
Take care... what a sweet little guy.

One said...

Ronald McDonald House sounds like a fun place to live in. I hope the environment cheers Rayyan up during the stay. I wish Rayyan a speedy recovery. :)

Malar said...

This is very good news indeed! I'm so happy for you!
Rayyan is such a strong and cute boy!
Hope he will get well and been allowed to go back home soon!

kitchen flavours said...

Looking at him up and about, even though a bit wobbly really makes me very happy. Hope that everything will be OK and all of you can go HOME soon! Hugs to Rayyan!

rainfield61 said...

All the best to Rayyan.

Cheers after cheers.

Rosie Gan said...

Such a relief that he is doing fine. He is adorable, your Rayyan.

takaeko said...

I feel relief about your son's recovery!

Yuzie Amir said...

All the best du'a goes for him.

Bom said...

I haven't followed Ryan's story before now. Usually just your gardening posts. I'm so glad to see that he is up and about. Were they able to correct his TOF? I hope this is the last surgery he requires.

Kat said...

I'm sure he will bounce back very quickly, you'll have your hands full keeping up with him.

i amsterdam said...


Tq for visiting my blog. I wish to say speedy recovery for Rayyan, hope that he will be up and about soon.

Btw, my son is Ilham, almost like Ilhan your first born. I almost chose Ilhan 8 years ago :D

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

Harap Rayyan segera sihat, cergas dan nakal....

Autumn Belle said...

Happiness is seeing Rayyan stand up and play. Semoga Rayyan sihat-sihat selalu.

Sunray Gardens said...

How wonderful to read this sweet update. He'll be home before you know it. Good luck.
Goldenray Yorkies