Monday, March 21, 2011

Seed & Bulb Tea Party

How was your weekend everyone?
Mine was a very perfect weekend even though Sunday was a rainy day started late morning. Due to rain, I was able to focus on sowing seeds and not get distracted with other chores in the garden.Woke up on Saturday morning before the kids awake, opened email and very glad to hear a very dear friend whose family lives near the recent earthquake effected area was safe although their house were badly damaged. He wrote to me, he don't know what will happened from now on but he said he will do all his best ~GAMBARUKARANE.
Saturday afternoon, I received many precious home-saved seeds,seedlings,spuds,eggs, garden produces, and bulbs from generous gardeners~ARIGATOUGOZAIMASHITA. I was so excited felt like Christmas. It was good to meet other gardeners and out from the house except for appointments to the hospital since we came back from Melbourne.
One of my plan in gardening year 2011 is to try growing flower from bulbs which I never had any experience. I would like to thank Julie and Andrea author of  The Mad Gnome Strike Again! for making my dream come true. I have the chance to grow different colour of irises, daffodils and jonquils. I have already planted most of the bulb immediately after we reached home except for jonquils which hopefully will be planted soon after clearing up some patch.

I thought one of our iris that Julie gave us last month dissapeared and I forgot where my mother planted it. Found it yesterday and sprouting new shoot (or is the correct term leaf?). Made my day so cheery just looking at it.
I can't stop smiling since yesterday afternoon, I feel so happy and lucky because I never dare to dream that I can grow so many Elephant and Purple Monaro Garlic this year although it was on top of my wish list. I am in cloud 9 Andrea! Thank you so much. I got also 3 different variety of not easy to buy seed potatoes even in nursery yesterday from a very generous gardener and thank you so much for sharing. South Australia don't allow potato from out of state so you can't order them from out of state which where most of the seed companies are located.
Thank you Bob for the passionfruit plants he grown from seeds and offering it to other gardeners. I went to Bunnings 3 times thinking of buying passionfruit plant this summer to grow near my one and only garden arch but were not allowed to have one by my sisters or cousins each trip to Bunnings. They keep telling me I won't be there to taste my first fruit. But I simply enjoy looking at them growing so I won't really mind even I won't be tasting the first fruit. Anyone know how long do we have to wait for passionfruit to bear it first fruit?Also, someone shared some home-saved sweet pea that I can grow near the garden arch as well. Saturday was my lucky day. 
Not sure the real name of this plant. But it has fame with bringing luck and fortune. I hope it link with good health as well.
Some of my winter vegetables seeds sowing today. Notice I don't follow moon planting calendar? No choice the boys make the rule. Rayyan had a surprisingly long nap and Ilhan more keen on spending time with dad so mummy have some time for seed sowing finally. Direct sowing vegetable have to wait until next month, probably on easter break as summer vegetables are in full swing now.

My cousin Lenay sowed many flower, herbs and winter vegetables 10 days ago when we were still in Melbourne and some of the seeds have already sprouted especially brassicas. Flower seeds that have sprouted are nasturtium, calendula, stock,cineraria, bellis perennis, foxglove and poppy. I have to update my seed sowing schedule. 
I sleep much better this week after Rayyan is back with us and had his complete corrective surgery. When he was born and before had a shunt surgery, I keep on waking at night not only because of feeding but making sure he is ok and breathing.
Sweet Dream everyone:)


kitchen flavours said...

Lovely collection of plants you've got there! I'm as excited as you to see your garden when it is in "full swing"! Our weather over here has been crazy, I did not do much gardening, as it has been raining rather heavily for the past week. Have your receive the sawtooth coriander seeds? The ones p3chandan sowed has already sprouted!

meemsnyc said...

Wow, what a great stash of things to plant! I love that you have a passionfruit, that is going to be amazing! I love growing bulbs too. Right now, I'm obsessed with Amaryllis. It's great fun to plant and see what grows.

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

Nice post. Tomorrow if the weather want it, I will start to plant my seeds. Like tomatoes, salad, pepper, .....
Which me luck.

Channal said...

Lovely garden... you are very good in gardening!
Thanks for visiting me... yes, it looks like sakura - Bird Cherry (Prunus padus)and and we hopefully will give the people hope in Japan!
much love Anna

Fishtail Cottage said...

Iris's......can't wait to see you grow these. Will be so pretty with all your garden flowers! xoox

Mark Willis said...

You have such a wide range of plant types in your garden. I have never exchanged seeds with other gardeners - I only buy them from catalogues.

rainfield61 said...

Seemed like the rain never effected your day.

i amsterdam said...

I love poppy and iris !! Where did u get the seed for poppy? Do u think we can grow poppy in M'sia??

miruku said...

Looks like you had a great day spending time with your plants today. Also glad you sleep well these days. A lot of mummies don't have enough sleep at night.

One said...

Good to hear your friend in Japan is well. I wonder how they manage with their houses damaged.

I guess you'll be very busy preparing for veggie beds and sowing.

Lrong Lim said...

How does the elephant garlic taste like? Have always wonder...

cikmanggis said...

wow bila baca n3 Diana kali ni Cm pun tumpang gembira :)bagus bagus hidup mesti ceria-ceria selalu ..murah rezeki tau hehe.Cm pun tanam pokok passion fruit dan dah mula menjalar di dawai yang kami gantung.insyallah nnt Cm akan buat satu posting tentangnya.

Berry Gnome said...

Hi there, the potatoes on Saturday were from me (Julie), I always have plenty sprouting if you need any. I dont worry about seed potatoes just buy some from an organic fruit and veg shop like Wilsons in Gouger St, they always have some interesting varieties.

Autumn Belle said...

Now that your friend in Japan has responded and baby Rayyan is getting on ok, the garden will explode in fresh produce with your apt fingers and more time. It is so refreshing and uplifting to see seeds sprouting new shoots and new life.

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

To any gardener, the most delightful moment is to get out and see plants growing and seeds sprouting. Yours is so many and weather is secondary...... Hope Rayyan recovers quick....

Sue Garrett said...

I didn't think that it took very long for passion flowers to fruit and anyway the flowers are really attractive whilst you wait!

shaz said...

What a great day. The last time I planted passionfruit, I got fruit in the first year after planting. Not many, just a handful, but still fruit. Some of the nasturtium seeds you sent over have sprouted,hooray, and I'm pretty sure the calendula have too. I can't remember where I sowed the others, and right now there are many seedlings all around so will have to wait and see. Hopefully the slugs don't get them, this rain has brought them out.

CathJ said...

interesting.. planting onion... I never saw 1... selalu bought from market only... :D

Malar said...

That's a lot of pots! Soon you will have many seedling to take care off and harvest!
It's raining heavily here too!

littlekarstar said...

Hooray! What a lovely lot of plants! So glad rayyan is ok. When will you plant your garlic? I went to plant mine today but the instructions (diggers) say mid April.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Joyce~ Sawtooth coriander have not arrived yet. My mother did said it was raining heavily in Klang Valley so no seed sowing at the moment as all will rot.

meemsnyc~Amaryllis is such a pretty plant. can't wait to see them growing in your garden.

Ellada~ Good Luck with the seed sowing.

Channal~Very pretty that bird cherry plant.

Tracie~Your garden must have many buds ready to bloom.

Mark~ I am grateful that Andrea and Julie introduce and invited me to join our local seed-exchange group event this year which has inspired me to learn how to collect more home-saved seed. I learn a lot from others from this meeting. Feel very lucky to meet them all as many heirloom seeds were made available which has not been in the catalogues anymore.

Rainfiled61~ The rain cannot dampen my day.

I amsterdam~ I got poppy seeds from local nursery. I am not sure either whether we can grow poppy in Malaysia.

Milka~ I tarik balik my word. Did not have a good sleep last night because Rayyan got jelous when I hug his brother wait for him to fall asleep. Rayyan merajuk sangat.

One~ I am not sure either how they are coping. Busy sowing at the moment. Next month will be much busier when the seedlings are ready to be transplanted.

Lrong~Elephant Garlic taste milder although the size are bigger than others.

Cikmanggis~Tak sabar nak tengok pokok markisa CM.

Hughbert said...

Passionfruit is a quick grower, I think you will have fruit next season, at least a little.

I know the unnamed plant as 'Money Tree'. I've also heard it brings luck.

Mrs Bok: Traditional wisdom is to plant garlic on the shortest day of the year (June) and harvest on the longest (December). But WA agriculture department says March-April, and their climate is similar to Adelaide. The new bulb only begins to form when the days start getting longer, but maybe having it in the ground earlier helps it get established? MKG's calendar (bottom of page) shows July.

Tomorrow is planting out & seed sowing day for me, I hope it rains, but not TOO much!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Julie~ Oh I did not realised those potatoes were from you. Thank you so much.Good idea will take a look for spuds in organic veggie shop. Looking forward to visit your place and we wonder when is the best time to visit both of you.

Autumn Belle~ A new beginning in the garden when autumn start for us.

Bangchik~ I always produce excess seedlings but I can share with others when that happened.Last autumn, I made a friend of ours a small garden patch with our excess seedlings.

Sue~ When you said that, I can't wait for spring!

Shaz~ Happy that those seeds have sprouted for you same here except for the lakspur which have not sprouted.Thank you for the passionfruit info!

CathJ~ Planting onion family is so easy and pest-free.

Malar~ I am already out of pots today! I sow many so I have some to spare when they are attack by pest.

Mrs. Bok~ I will start to plant garlic in April. The weather have cool down this month but afraid we will have suddenly days that are warm. So just on the safe side, we plant them earliest mid-April.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Hughbert~ I still don't have anything to plant out yet or space since summer veggies are still producing. Last year, we had more rain in winter compared with previous year some of my growing garlic were rotten when I planted them earlier. Last resort, I planted some garlic clove in July. Hope you enjoy your time in the garden tomorrow.