Saturday, June 18, 2011

Winter Sunflowers

It is very cold this year according to Adelaide usual average weather standard. Usually in the month of June, we have some Asian greens and lettuces to harvest from end summer or fall sowing. But not this year, the growth are so slow and some were stunted. I have not even harvested one lettuce plant. Asian greens that were harvested was half their normal size. So the end summer-sowed sunflowers are cheering us up by giving many sunny blooms in this winter month! This sunflowers are making bees happy too. We still have many bees buzzing in our small garden. In the front yard our tree dahlias are making them happy and at the back bees happy with sunflowers.
Evening sun sunflower sprouted from compost and blooming in the middle of the sweet corn patch.
Have a nice weekend with your love ones.


cikmanggis said...

setiap kali lihat bunga matahari Diana ni tiap kali juga semangat berkobar-kobar nak tanam bunga matahari tapi belum jumpa benih kat kedai lagi.Mungkin kat Malaysia Bunga matahari ditanam sebagai hiasan semata-mata bukan untuk dimakan.

One Photo said...

Sunflowers are so lovely, a burst of sunshine :-) How lovely to have grown these from seed yourself.

Amy said...

Your sunflowers are so cheery! They look so healthy, as well.

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

love these captures.. and still reading you each post, jsut swamped with kids home for the summer...

Our garden is growing slowly.. being new to the TExas climate, I was late putting it out and now am late to eat yummy produce.. Next year will be better.. it is all a learning curve

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Awesome sunflowers. Will ask Mama to plant these too once she restart her garden. purrr...meow!

Susan said...

Beautiful sunflowers! They are such happy flowers!

Mr. H. said...

Just curious, have you considered trying to use a cold frame or other covering/cloche to grow your greens under? Love the sunflowers.

One said...

Your sunflowers are gorgeous. You have them the whole year long?

miruku said...

The petals of the sunflowers on my land are not as much and as wide as yours- horse manure is better than chicken manure eh? Anyway they are still my number 1 love so far haha.

cathy@home said...

Love Sunflowers the allways make me smile how they follow the sun

Alana Jo said...

Those are so pretty. I always wanted to grow sunflowers, but mine never live.

Mark Willis said...

I like the flower in the last picture best. Somehow the paler one seems less "brash" and more sophisticated.

Charmcitybalconygarden said...

Great camera-work! I love sunflowers:)

Kelli said...

Really gorgeous, cheerful sunflowers! Always a favourite.

TK said...

I love sunflowers. Seronoknya cuaca sejuk kat sana. It's very hot here in MAlaysia.

Carletta said...

The first shot is stunning! The little bee is a lovely bonus!
Thanks for your visit.

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

Beautiful sun flowers. LG Tina

Sunray Gardens said...

Those Sunflowers are beautiful. Sure they are making the bees very happy.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Kat said...

Oh they look lovely. My winter grown sunflowers only grew a foot tall, lol. Shameful failure. :P

p3chandan said...

So cheery and gorgeous! But the seeds you gave, didnt germinate at all...dont know whats wrong! Anyway Im waiting for Milka to give hers soon...

Sue Catmint said...

the sunflowers look great - i look forward to having the same cheery ones. I guess Asian greens didn't do well because it's very un-Asian weather?

Sue Garrett said...

Do your sunflowers flower all year?

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Cikmanggis~Nanti rajin-rajin check peti surat ya...hehehe...

Mr. H~I am thinking of ways how to put some protection over it. Because our garden layout does not look like a proper garden. The front yard veggie patch are all near house wall and along the fence.

Ones~ The sunflower decide whether they want to be in the garden in each season or not. They self-sowed in the garden everywhere.

Milka~ Chicken manure is actually much more better than horse. Disadvantage of horse manure is they sprouted many weeds because horse does not properly digested its food.

Catmint~Maybe this year the weather is very un-Asian...hehehe...

Sue~I am not really sure but I found the evening sun sunflower variety tolerate heat and cold very well and bloom much faster than mammoth sunflower.

Wendy said...
