Sunday, June 26, 2011

Winter June Blooms

Not many flower plants blooming in winter at our small garden now. But there are few self-sowed and perennials blooming in this sunny weekend which got confuse that it is spring at the moment. Self-sowed pot marigold and corianders blooms in the shade.
A few perennial geranium blooming.
Confused perennial polyanthus blooming.
Happy that the cheerful sunflowers still providing food for the bees. The bees in winter are much more bigger than the ones in summer.
Tree dahlias continue to provide food for the bees too.
We had a very Sunny Saturday yesterday. Spent the whole day in the garden yesterday and finally finished tidying and organising our backyard container garden. We also got to plant some excess vegetable and flower seedlings near our neighbour side driveway to our house. So happy that she agreed that we can plant vegetables or flowers there since it is only growing weeds. Hopefully transplanted seedlings grow well there.


Hazel said...

That first photo is a beauty...simple and gorgeous.

rainfield61 said...

I am sowing second seed over here.

Happy Sunday.

Mark Willis said...

Nice that your neighbours are being co-operative. Are they keen gardeners too?

littlekarstar said...

gorgeous flowers. I wonder what's happening in my garden back home!!

Judith said...

I don't have one single bloom in the garden at the moment. I've actually added flowers to my shopping list this week. Enjoy the sunshine while it's around.

takaeko said...

Great and beautiful blooming!
Now we in Japan are facing the heated weather following a rainy season(梅雨).
I miss cool and comfortable temperature in autumn....

Sue Garrett said...

It's strange to think of June and winter in the same title. I'd be happy to have so much colour in our winter!

Sue Catmint said...

it's interesting how many flowers are out in our relatively mild winters. lovely photos.

shaz said...

Such beautiful blooms! Not many blooms in my garden at the moment, just some trumpet vine and native hibiscus. We've been enjoying some sunny weather too. Been so inspired by your gardening I bought and planted some seed potatoes in a sack, hoping to see if it works :)

Daphne Gould said...


Sunray Gardens said...

You are very lucky to have such pretty blooms going on during your winter.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Katie M said...

Love the tree dahlias, love love love them :)

Cat-from-Sydney said...

MKG dear,
I'm so jealous of your garden. Mama didn't plant much flowers when we were in Sydney. But we've always admired the neighbours' gardens that we can see from the balcony or across the street. purrr....meow!

Tezzie said...

You sure have some gorgous blooms! And, I really wish MY garden could look like that during winter :) I'm lucky if dead flowers poke up through the meter deep snow! LOL

Leovi said...

Beautiful flowers, I love the light off. Exquisite. regards

miruku said...

Wow you gonna have more land for your vege, yeah! v(^_^)v

Hughbert said...

Looking amazing!! My hives are still quite active, particularly since we haven't had much rain recently. Plus there's nectar and pollen to be had in gardens like yours, which is great over the winter when these are scarcer. I'm going to look at a few of the perennials for my own garden. Thanks!