Tuesday, January 10, 2012

40 degree Celsius Baked Veggie Harvest

From the previous post, we mentioned that we lost many plants due to the 40 degree Celsius hot weather that we had at the closing of year 2011 and starting of 2012. Almost all of our pumpkin/squash plants died and we only managed to get a pumpkin each from the spagetthi squash and small sugar pumpkin plants that we were growing. The thelma sanders sweet potato pumpkin plants gave us a second one before it also died due to the hot weather. I am not sure whether we will be able to get any more pumpkin for this year, although I did sow some pumpkin seeds last weekend.
Many of the root vegetable top were burn and some don't even have a trace so I had to dig blindly to harvest those root. This is how some of those harvested roots look like before they got a scrub. Some chilli fruit were also scorched by the heat.
Above harvest after some scrubbing...
Many of the root top parts have to be cut because blackish and dehydrated.
Pak choi leaves were also scorched but I have taken out the dried leaves. Tomato fruit skin also turn brownish at the side that facing the sun.
Carrots harvested from containers because they have no more top leaves.

It will be awhile before I can blog visit again because something suddenly came up and I have to go to Malaysia for a very short trip today. It has been 3 years since I have not been back. I will drop by and reply any question if any after everything settles down.


Kelli said...

Your harvest photos look lovely; shame about the extremely hot weather and losing some of your crops. Hope your trip to Malaysia goes smoothly. Have a safe journey.

Hazel said...

Have a safe trip back home. I hope it all goes well.

Norma Chang said...

Hope your trip back to Malaysia goes well. You are dealing with extreme heat and we are dealing with (not extreme yet) cold. Safe travels.

Anonymous said...

Even with the weather challenges, it looks like you have a pretty decent harvest.

May you have a safe trip :)

kitsapFG said...

Good work salvaging so much produce from the oven...um I mean garden! LOL!

I hope your trip to Malaysia goes well and that your travels are safe.

Melissa said...

What a wonderful harvest! Congratulations! Good luck with your trip!

Liz said...

Glad you got some pumpkins and carrots etc at least. Have a safe trip and I hope you garden is looking healthy and bountiful when you return.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

MKG dear,
Mama says meet you at Tawau Airport tomorrow morning, OK? purrr....meow!

Sean L said...

That's a bountiful harvest despite the heat! The pumpkin looks so good. Have a safe flight back.

One said...

I must say that all your harvests look absolutely lovely despite the heat. You must have done a great job to keep that many still in good shape.

Have a pleasant trip. The weather here may be a little cooler comparatively.

Sue Garrett said...

The carrots look good to say what they have suffered - I'm glad you retrieved some things as it is so frustrating having tended something to lose it to the weather, although I've never lost crops due to excessive heat!

Sunray Gardens said...

What a lot of destruction. Sad to lose that much. Hope things get better. Enjoy your trip.

lena said...

it must be quite frustrating to see how the plants got affected by the hot weather there! have a safe trip back!

rainfield61 said...

Welcome home.

Katie M said...

I think you did well, considering! Strangely, the tomatoes I have in the backyard were fine (I watered every day, mind you) but one smaller tomato bush out the front was killed outright, and the other bigger one has had nearly all its fruit burnt and now they taste very sour and not nice at all. The rhubard leaves were completely crisped too. Bah!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

have a safe return.

kumittyi said...

what a glossy and charming pumpukins they are. I'm glad that you got such some good pumpukins
and spagetthi squash .I heard the name of vegetable called as "a spagetthi squash" for the first time .
Have a safe trip back!

Malar said...

That's good harvest!
Welcome home! Have a safe journey!

Quay Po Cooks said...

Great harvest! Beautiful photos. Have a safe trip home!

cookingvarieties said...

hi diana, how are you doing... sad to see your harvest shrink and turn off color, browned out by the hot sun...
i nave never seen this kind of happening before.
but i like to see your cute white pumpkin.
have a nice day dear
hope your next harvest will be a great one

My Urban Gardens said...

Sorry about your plants. That really stinks. I'm glad you were still able to harvest stuff. It looks good and tasty, it's just a bummer that so much died.


littlekarstar said...

The hot weather is so bad for the garden but your harvest looks amazing!

Hope everything is ok back home. Thinking of you.

Daphne Gould said...

I hope they all tasted fine and the heat didn't turn them too bitter. That kind of weather I rarely have to see being so far away from the equator. Have a good trip.

Jody said...

For as hot and dehydrated as things got, your harvest still looks delicious!

Jody said...

Your veggies look great. They may be a little parched, but you've taken good care of them. I bet you'll turn them into a couple of very nice meals.