Monday, July 2, 2012

Welcome Back Home Harvest

It has been almost a week since we have been back from Melbourne. The recently discharged patient is recovering well. He starts to climb and making mischief which shows he is feeling better and is his usual self again. I am breathless to catch up with him. We were surprised when we reached home how much growth the plants in the garden had. The next day after back from home, me and Rayyan spent time in the morning in the garden harvesting while dear papa cleaned the house and let the air in after a long time away from home.
Our more than one year old an Italian sprouting broccoli plant made Rayyan happy with so many sprouts to pick. He is spoil rotten, he does not want to eat any broccoli or any other veggies in the hospital or Japanese bento take out, although it looks prettier than the one we pick in our garden. He prefers home-grown vegetables so mama has to make sure there is a supply of veggies for him. His older brother Ilhan who is now living in Malaysia at the moment has been reported to be very fussy and refusing to eat vegetables as well since its not mama veggies maybe. I have pampered my children with organic goodies, lucky boys. Rayyan was happy with the broccoli harvest as he keep asking for more in his meal.
We had one small snowball cauliflower and green dragon broccoli harvested.
Some alpine strawberry fruits treat for Rayyan.
Cut some Rainbow chard stems and some Pak choi for our kind neighbours looking after our home and keeping our mails.
We had some capsicums and chillies ready to be harvested. Carrots that was left after Rayyan kept on shouting in my ears he wanted some carrots to munch while following me around the garden. I think he ate at least 5 medium size carrots freshly harvested in the garden.
Red Choi needed to be pick quickly before it flowers.
Pak choi, tatsoi and lettuce.
I did not realised that some pink radish was ready to be pick in one of the containers as it was covered with weeds. Some turn woody or split.

I have not been a good blogger friend these past few weeks, hopefully I will be able to catch up soon. Thank you so much for all your support and good wishes.


makcikmanggis said...

Alhamdulillah..tumpang gembira bila Rayyan begitu cepat pulih..rayyan sangat kuat semangat:)terima kasih kerana doakan untuk Aqeel.Kami (Tok Mama & Tok Abah) belum dapat lihat Aqeel lagi.

Suka lihat kebun Diana ni.Agaknya sayur yang Diana tanam lagi sedap dari sayur kat Malaysia ni:) sb tu anak-anak tak mahu makan sayur:)Harap dapat visit kebun sungai buloh satu masa nanti...

Daphne Gould said...

Beautiful harvests. I'm glad Rayyan is recovering well and eating his veggies again.

tina said...

I am SO glad your son is getting back to himself. It makes me so sad when one so young is ill. Please take care and keep growing those veggies!

rainfield61 said...

I admire what you have in your garden.

Your son are really lucky.

Norma Chang said...

Aren't we all spoilt by our own homegrown veggies?
Glad your son is well and back to his normal self.
Am sure you were happy to return home and finding everything growing so well.

Unknown said...

Great harvest as always Diana! Its great to know that your kids love veggies so much. We have difficulty feeding my sister eat veggies let alone the kids of next generation.

Good to know your son is home and is recovering well.

Sue Garrett said...

You have very discerning children. They know what is good for them.

Kate said...

All those good vegetables are probably one of the reasons for your little boy's strong constitution when faced with serious illness. Welcome home to you all!

Stoney Acres said...

Beautiful harvest, glad your little one is feeling better!!

Mama Pongkey said...

Mmm love the wonderful variety and colours of your harvest. It seems like, they too wanted to welcome all of you home. Your family is very lucky indeed, to have this bounty right at your doorstep. I love the idea of raising children on good wholesome food. Hopefully when they know what real food tastes like, it will make it easier for them to make healthy food choices once they are bigger. :-)

suka suka said...

tukang kebun kecil jangan lasak sangat...take care ...

africanaussie said...

I am sorry to hear that your son was ill and hope he is recovering nicely. Your veggies all look so healthy and delicious I am sure they are pouring goodness right into him.

mat jon said... makes me itchy just looking at your harvested vege..Rayyan jangan nakal-nakal tau..

Malar said...

Great to hear that Rayyan is recovering well! He is so cute!

Nice handful of harvest for Rayyan! good that they have mama who have organice garden! :)

cookingvarieties said...

hi diana, syukran rayyan has fully recovered..over here its unususl for kids to like veggies... i guess the special sweetness of home grown veggies makes all the difference. your garden harvest looks great especially the broccoli and greens.
that radish would be great as salad huh. have a nice day dear

Anonymous said...

wah bestnyer.. main petik2 kat lama rumah aje! fresh one..

Liz said...

It must be lovely to be home and for Rayyan to be enjoying your harvests. And you sure have a lot growing at the moment. Your cauliflower looks perfect mine have some of those brown patches on them so don't look nearly so lovely.

kitsapFG said...

So glad to see Rayyan is home. Smart boy holding out for the good organic veggies! :) The nutrient dense food should help speed him along in his recovery.

Isn't it amazing how much stuff grows when we are away for awhile?

mashelly said...

glad the little fella is on the mend

cathy@home said...

I have been amiss from visiting I am glad Rayyan is on the mend from his operation.

Mark Willis said...

A good appetite is a sign that the patient is recovering well! Hospital food is never very nice, so he will be appreciating the home-grown veg all the more.

Andrea said...

Being out in the garden is so good for your soul, best wishes for you and your little boy. Your harvest looks lovely, beautiful broccoli and the red choi looks great too.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

I like to see all your organic vegetables and fruits . Your kids are so lucky to enjoy mama home grown veggies. You even planted broccoli , we here only can eat China broccoli, sob sob..

Mary Hysong said...

Ah how wonderful your boys enjoy their veggies! Good for you, hopefully they will continue on that path all the days of their lives!

Skeeter said...

I can feel the excitment you have to be back home and to have this harvest waiting for you. So glad that Rayyan is feeling better. Nothing more sad then a little one being down...

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I am glad to see you're home and your little guy is doing so well. So good to see children want to eat vegetables even if they're choosy that they're mamas. Hope all continues to be good for your family.

Autumn Belle said...

So happy to see Rayyan up and about and in mischief. After eating such delicious organically home grown vegies, I can't blame your sons for rejecting others!

Melissa said...

Glad to hear that your little sweetie is up and moving around! the more veggies the better!

Sean L said...

Good to see that he is recovering well. It is wonderful to be able to pick greens off your garden.

Anonymous said...

i keep smiling reading this post. Syukur :)
and yes, agree on others that your son recovers fast probably from the home grown fresh food and lots of love <3

baguznet said...

wow! so enjoyable! what a great harvesting time if it is mine :D

kitchen flavours said...

Glad to know that Rayyan is recovering well.
Your broccoli is fantastic! All your harvest are fantastic!
Take care!

kumittyi said...

I'm very glad to hear that your Rayyan is recovering well and his usual self. Your great colorful harvests make him very happy.
Take care of yourself too.

herny ridzwan said...

Take care rayyan.... Jgn lasak2 sangat. Diana, your harvest so beautiful as always...esp brocolli...

Unknown said...

Coleman roadtrip grill Very amazing gardening skill you have, and i hope your son will be okey god be willing.

JGH said...

Glad to hear the good news about Rayyan and can you blame him for wanting the best? Your harvest is beautiful!

lena said...

very glad to hear that your son is recovering well and are back home.i'm not sure if you are aware that there;s something wrong with your blog, it says contains virus...becos of its content from a site..

Anonymous said...

Loving the info on this web site, you have done great job on the blog posts.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Makcikmanggis~Syukur alhamdulillah dengar Aqeel dah dapat keluar balik bersama keluarga tersayang.

Daphne, Tina, Rainfield61, Norma Chang, Kate, Stoney Acres, Kak Mar, Africanaussie, Mat Jon, Malar~Thank you for the best wishes and kind thoughts.

Sri Ranjani~ Hope you sister will enjoy your bountiful harvest now.

Sue~ I guess children have more sensitive taste bud than us.

Mama Pongkey~ Exposing children with gardening will make them learn that veggies come from plants and it does not just pop out from the supermarket rack or fridge. Its kind of sad to know some children thinks peas comes out from fridge. Never bought cabbage anymore from the market since I grown them because I know it is not one easy veggies to grow perfectly pretty. Assuming that the perfect-looking cabbage on the market rack has been sprayed.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Cookingvarieties~Medical technologies are getting better and better making miracles for the patient and parents. Home grown veggie grow slower than the commercial ones so I guess they have the chance to develop flavour. Selamat Berpuasa.

Kesuma Angsana~ Jimat masa tak payah pergi pasar selalu. Tak payah pergi gym, exercise tanam sayur...hehehe...

Liz~Yes it good to be home. Sick of eating take-aways. Your cauliflower will just taste the same as ours, the brown patches are only cause by sun right. Still very lovely to eat.

KitsapFG~Yeah, I thought will have no veggies when we left home. It was really surprising how well they grow without us for long time.

Joyfulhomemaker, Cathy, Andrea, Mary Hysong, Gardener on Sherlock Street, Autumn Belle, Bee Girl, Sean L, doyouthinkitpossible, baguznet, Joyce, Kumittyi, HernyHafiz, Vaux Hall,JGH,Lena~ Thank you so much , We are very touched with all the best wishes, prayers and kind thought.

Mark~Its really a wonder how kids can diffrentiate home-grown food.

Sonia~Hopefully someday they are heat-tolerant broccoli variety we can grow.