Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hen and Chicks

 It took more than 3 years after I have adopted 3 hens and chicks plants at the same time that they decided to bloom for us. It was really sad to leave them since it took so long to finally enjoy their lovely bloom. Now these plants have been safely adopted by other gardeners in Adelaide.
 Hen and Chick plant is very easy to grow and can live with neglect at our previous dry Adelaide garden. This succulent plant is easy to propagate and does not need much soil to grow big. A very drought-hardy plant. It needs well-drained soil to live happy. The plant leaves form a rosette which resembles more like a flower itself.
 The flower bud jutting out from the leave rosette centre.
How the flower stalk form from this angle. I waited so long for the flower bud to finally open and bloom. I was even very worried that I will miss the chance to watch the bloom before I have to part with it.
 Alert alert when you found black ants exploring your hen and chicks plant, make sure to get rid of them. Those black ants will only cause problems to the plant as it usually a sign that it has bring some pest along with them and give shelter to unwanted pest. The presence of many ants on the flower bud can damaged the buds from being able to open and bloom.
Not just me, but bees were also enjoying themselves with the blooming flower of hen and chicks plants.
I think those gave-away plants must have more blooming flowers now. 
Sigh, wish I still enjoy looking at them.


Sunray Gardens said...

Very pretty. I love Hens and Chicks also and their "no care". The blooms are pretty and different.
Cher Sunray Gardens

makcikmanggis said...

pastinya Diana sangat sedih nak berpisah dgn segala tanaman Diana kat Adelaide kan...

Unknown said...

Cantik laaa pokok nih....tkpernah tau lak nama dia ....mane bley dpt pokok nih Di?

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

You got some lovely blooms on your hens and chicks.
We always call the bloom their last "hurrah" as the plant dies after that. At least with the variety I have.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

MKG dear,
Mama planted this plant back in Sydney but we never saw any flowers, even after five years....But I remember some ferns we had, called Hens & Chicks too if I'm not mistaken....they were yummy to munch (and green yak thereafter). purrr....meow!

Anonymous said...

cantik bunga ini,satu kenangan manis.

rainfield61 said...

Hens and Chicks sounds so familiar to me.

Because I have one too.

suka suka said...

pokok dan bunga rupanya.. memang kurang ilmu nama bunga ..

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

I wonder why this plant named as hen and chick plant, very cute name ..never seen this flower before .

donnyien dot com said...

hai Diana,

Like this flower.. cantik betul

Sue Catmint said...

hi diana, for a minute I thought you had got yourself some chooks! Glad they finally decided to flower for you. cheers, cm

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Cher~ When I was googling some images of Hens and Chicks saw some variety with red pinkish colour very pretty.

Makcikmanggis~Sedih juga tinggalkan tanaman yang tak dapat dibawa bersama. Tapi boleh mula cuba tanaman yang baru pula.

Yus~ Di tak taulah mana nak dapat pokok ni, inipun orang yang kasi. Malam dapat tido lena?

GoSS~Oh I did not know that the plants will die after they bloom. Did not have the chance to see all the flower bloom. They were still many bud unopened.

Cat-from-Sydney~Eh boleh makan ke? Bila nak datang main kat tempat kami ni. Banyak benda boleh kejar...hahaha...

sm forestgarden~ Ya kenangan yang manis.

Rainfield61~ I was wondering whether this type of plant produces flower in tropical weather?

Kak Mar~Saya ingat tak de bunga mula-mula, kawan-kawan blogger yang tolong ID kan.

Sonia~Nasi Lemak Lover~ There was an explanation in wiki why it is called hen and chicks but I forgot already lor.

Donnyien dot com~ Cute kan macam loceng pun ada.

Catmint~ We do have chooks now actually. Not only chooks but geese, ducks and a turkey too. I was so happy that the plant bid us farewell with their beautiful flower.

de engineur said...

We've got few of these at our backyard but never get to see them flower.
Great that they do on you.

Mayje said...

That is very pretty flower. :)

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

De engineur~ Thank you we are lucky that they bloom for us for a sweet parting.

Mayje~ Pretty :).