
Monday, July 26, 2010

Bellis perennis


Bellis perennis also commonly known as English Daisy.english daisy 2

This is my first time growing Bellis perennis. I bought a punnet of seedling from our local nursery in Adelaide (planted them in April). It is thriving very well in Adelaide winter. Good border flower plant. I planted them in front of my broccoli.


We are collecting seeds from the flower now so that we don’t have to buy them anymore. We also have already sow some seeds from this flower. Several seeds has start to germinate this week.

This flower self-sow easily. This is for me to remember how the small seedling look when they pop up in the veggie patch. Hopefully when I do weeding, I don’t think they are weed. Hmmm…let see how the seedling look when they grow having their own true leaf.

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