
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Strawberries for Ilhan

alpine berryWe are very lucky our strawberry plants fruit all year round. Strawberry is an extraordinary fruit because it seeds are not inside the fruit like other fruit but it is on the outside where we could see it.I sowed alpine strawberry seed last year April and it start to produce fruit in October the same year. I did not get to see  these alpine strawberry first set of fruit because I was staying with Rayyan in Hospital nearly a month due to his critical condition in need of close monitoring. Each time I tend to our alpine strawberry plant, I feel grateful enough that it provided Ilhan something to look forward to everyday searching strawberry when it was difficult for him to cope with our absence in those hard moment because he is still very young. An activity I still enjoy with Ilhan early in the morning searching for ripe strawberry when I don’t have to rush to school.

Alpine strawberry seedlings.
Alpine strawberry flower is white. I found that during cooler season the fruit is much bigger compared to warm weather even though it takes longer to ripe. Compare with other strawberry variety in our veggie patch, Ilhan like the alpine strawberry the most.
This is the first strawberry runner we ever planted in our life. It has pink flower. This strawberry plant still provide us many fruits. The taste is not very sweet, a bit sour suitable for cakes. I like this one but not Ilhan favourite.

Another different white flower strawberry variety planted in hanging basket. I cannot remember either this is tioga or red gauntlet variety.
As I am posting this, thinking of tomorrow morning - search strawberry with Ilhan.


  1. Strawberry all year round... that sounds good and enticing. ~bangchik

  2. Where can i get the seedlings?

  3. Abhanizam Abdullah~ Saya tak pasti mana hendak dapatkan seedlings. Tapi yang alpine strawberry saya tanam dari biji benih,

  4. hi there. where can i get the alpine strawberry seed? just get it straighr from the strawberry?

  5. Mana mau dapat benih strawberi ni? Saya mau ba..mau try2 ..

