
Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Calendula or also known as ‘Pot Marigold’.

Rayyan likes to touch this flower. I think he is attracted to its bright colour.It is a medium size flowe.Become easy for Rayyan to caress the flower petals feeling its texture. Good for veggie patch borders. Hope it grows through summer and beckon bees to them. I need many bees this summer to help pollinate many kind of cucurbit I have plan to plant.


Oops steady…a version of ‘Rayyan in Wonderland’. The broccoli plants are taller than Rayyan.


Different layer of petals.










I am trying to figure out how to collect this flower seeds. Below are where the seeds are located (the green moon shape thing). I tried leaving it on the plant to let it dry by itself. After a few days I noticed the seeds are getting fewer or lost completely but the seeds are still green. So should I just pick it and try to dry the seed. Or am I wrong?


I noticed that they are increasing numbers of bees buzzing near the calendulas.  Spring is just around the corner?


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