
Friday, August 20, 2010

No beginner luck with Wong Bok (白菜)

I sowed Wong Bok seeds in March, April and May (autumn). Germination was near 100% and grow very fast. So I thought that it was a suitable time to grow wong bok. After 3 months our wong bok did not show any sign of leaves developing firm compact head but the leaves were  lying flat towards the ground. We even tie the leaves together to make it shape like a barrel. All of them bolted. We have about 5 plants left growing in the patch which has not flower yet but I reckon it will bolt too.

DSC08334This one the flower parts has even turn white in colour. Ilhan insist he carry that one for me and could see that Wong bok has grown very big.Wong Bok not into the wok but for compost.

DSC08340 This is one busy caterpillar found hiding in Wong Bok. It is difficult to detect any pest among the Wong Bok leaves.

DSC08331 This chili plant has survive Adelaide winter and produce fruit through the whole cold season as well. This chili plant is snuggle between broccoli plant that protected it from the cold harsh wind and growing in the patch that received the most sunlight in the day.


Will try again this spring with wong bok….

Any tips growing them?


  1. Your veggie is really huge! Better luck with your next round. Maybe you could consider using an organic spray for garden pests? At least your chili plant has bear fruits for you! I have no luck with chili plant, mine is 'hanging by the thread', I was thinking of either pull it out completely or trim the branch to see how it goes... have not decided yet.

  2. Yicks that caterpillar!

    Sorry for your wong bok. Btw, I hope those caterpillars would stay away from other plants. Sorry I do not have tips on growing.

    Your chilly plant is really looking great. My friends have warn me a lot about chilly plant, it is not that easy to grow... then to attract lots of pests.

  3. Maybe I could make those chilies as organic spray to keep away pests.
