
Sunday, August 22, 2010

No direct sunlight for me

This veggie patch does not received any direct sunlight (very shady area) but I want to make it useful for growing food for our kitchen or make it pretty than leaving it bare.  Previously I had success growing celery, Chinese celery, parsley and believe or not honeydew melon (growing vertically) in this area in summer. In the picture there is the sad looking galangal that has been dormant through the cold weather. Hopefully it pick up growth again when it gets warmer here. Chinese celery and a year old parsley look well there.














Ahem…so with limited choice of seedlings in my stock for spring planting, I decided to grow coriander, viola, Chinese celery and komatsuna in this shade area. Hopefully they will like their new place.












This Chinese celery seedlings should had been transplanted at least 2 months ago because I sow them last May but I did not have any space to transplant them. Now it is full of roots. They had to compete each other for water I think. I had trouble separating them to keep the root as intact as possible. While I am completing my task here , Mik and Ilhan were making trellis? tall fence? for cucurbit to grow vertically to utilise space.

















In the picture background, the peas are producing many flowers now and the trellis is not visible anymore. Ilhan favourite at the moment eating peas straight from the garden.

Happy gardening in the weekend!


  1. That's a cool trellis!

    oh it must be really challenging having no direct sunlight. I hope that galangal will grow again for you. Btw, could you just prune the roots of the Chinese celery?

  2. I am not sure if I could trim Chinese celery root or not because they need lots of roots to absorb water since 99% of this vegetable is water. But for example for leek and spring onion you could prune the roots before planting.
