
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Almost 0% of calories but made of almost 100% of water

We hope next month, October will be celery month for us seeing how well they are growing now. August has been cauliflower month for us. September too has seen many of cauliflower produce from our patch but we do have leeks and peas to harvest as well. I reckon the celery plants from our patch has grown at least 50cm now. 


Celery growing beside leeks, calendulas and peas near the car porch. We can start harvest the celery stalk from the most outer part but I simply want to see how fat it can be.DSC08822

Celeries growing in polystyrene container. They really need big and wide space for their root growth. When they are still young, I found that they have more root then leaves!!! Several time when I grow them in containers, I can take the celery out from the container with the soil still intact because it was full of roots.DSC08773

3 Celery plants growing in the middle of cauliflower vegetable bed. At the back row near the fence are corianders which we plan to let them produce seed and attract beneficial insect later important for pollination. Front row, poppy as a natural border. This is our first time growing poppy, we can’t wait how the poppy flower will look like. We grow them from seeds.DSC08812

Near the kitchen window veggie patch, the nastartium are taking up all the space and covering the celeries.celery (3)

We had too much celery seedling sowed in autumn maybe because I thought the celery seeds stock we had is not good and sowed too many to increase germination. The celery seed stock that we had the supplier has written the expiry date was in August 2009. However, the seed germination was still good almost 100%. Ended up with lots of celery seedlings. So, with lack of space I transplanted the seedlings to a place that received only maximum of 1 hour direct sunlight on very sunny day and no direct sunlight during cloudy and day. This is how they look like a month ago just few weeks after transplanting  them, the same size as the primula flower plant.celery (1)  Now a month later and growing well. The celery plant has grown double the previous size, look at how small the primula flower plant now compare to celery. Celery grows well in shade area (part shade) too.



  1. Your garden looks interesting and the celeries look yummy!

  2. i wish i could be your i can beg you those yummy celery.hehehe

  3. They are just not green and nice but great edibles as well! Good job ;-) Btw, I like the fact that you included some flowers here and there. They really make your vege patch prettier!

  4. Your vegetable patches are looking great. I like photos 4 and 5. They look very pretty with different shapes of leaves. Do you eat Nasturtium flowers only or with the leaves? I've just received some seeds.

  5. Yes, it is always very nice to be your neighbor.

  6. Wow, your plants are looking great! The celery are fantastic. They are very good in stir-fry, stews, salads and I juice them by adding apples and carrots. Good for hypertension! Yummy!

  7. Your vegetable garden patch look so good! I like your Primula too!

  8. セロリ大好きです!やっぱマヨネーズで丸かじりが最高です。

    I love celery!! I believe dipping celery with mayonnaise is the best way to enjoy taste of celery!

  9. The celery leaves look a lot like flat leaf parsley, I had to do a double take. You have so many healthy vegetables growing in your garden, it's very impressive!
