
Friday, September 10, 2010

Something amiss in Laksa or Assam Pedas without you.


In Malaysia or Singapore it is commonly known as daun kesom. Vietnamese called it rau ram. In Australia you find it in asian grocery shop labelled as Laksa leaf, named after the popular dish Laksa. The one I grown last year from stems died during winter. So now as it gets warmer here , we propagated new ones from Laksa leaf bought from Asian grocery shop that has been kept in the fridge shelves! Choose the one which are young stems and pick the leaves (use them for cooking) leaving the young ones only. Stick the young stem in soil. Then watch them grow with no need of pampering at all. 

daun kesum (2)After 10 days…more leaves develop.


After 10 days…more leaves develop.DSC08603Easy to grow. No need to buy a whole plant in nursery. Propagating own Laksa leaf from separate stems will have many plants to grow and still leaving lots of leaves for cooking. 


  1. Hi! Today I did this! I bought a bunch of mint leaves, cut off the bottom part of the stem and put them into the soil. Hope it grows.

    Selamat Hari Raya!

  2. I think this is what we call Vietnamese coriander.

  3. Great! This looks like something I've been growing here that was labeled "Vietnamese Cilantro". I'm going to try to overwinter it indoors this year - do you think that will work? It doesn't have to flourish - just survive :-)

  4. One~ I believe it will grow for you:)

    G.L.A~ Interesting, in UK it is popular with the name Vietnamese coriander.

    JGH~ It should survive if there is no frost or temperature is not that cold. Last year, ours managed to survive outside through winter. My mistake was not pruning the old leaves regularly causes them to die in Autumn this year.
