
Friday, October 22, 2010

Home sweet home

Its so good to be back home with Rayyan has been discharged today. He has a fighter spirit in him so I think he will do well for his next complete corrective heart surgery. He did not like to put in sleep before the heart catheterization procedure. He put up a fight and turn very blue and his oxygen saturation drop below 60% that they were a bit worried of his condition but he seems to get better after they finished their procedure. Now its up to the Cardiologist in Adelaide and Surgeons in Melbourne’s Royal Children Hospital  to discuss and fix the date for that much needed surgery. The gazanias welcome us back home yesterday with full bloom, finally got to see them bloom this spring with fine sunny weather. Gazania really love the sun.


Our veggie patch near near the kitchen window which is on the left side to the front entrance door. No space to grow anything yet. But I have to harvest the celery soon it is starting to bolt and taste is getting bitterish.

kitchen veggie bed Our veggie patch on the right side to the entrance door near the living room window.  A friend drop by yesterday and I gave away some celeries from this patch.

DSC09290 Its so good to be back home. Rayyan happy to be back home too as we enter the home together through the front entrance door his face look much more relaxed. I can’t moved a metre away from his bed in the hospital, he was afraid to be left alone.


  1. Yes, home sweet home.

    Home is always the best place to go back no matter what has happened.

  2. So good to hear Rayyan is on the road to speedy recovery. The flowers have bloomed to welcome him home. Do you still have birds around? I remember Rayyan likes birds, right?

  3. Hi Malay-Kadazan girl, So sorry i only read about Rayyan's admission to the hospital today. Glad he is back home and you too. There is no where like home.

  4. Your beautiful gazania is screaming welcome home!!
    Take care!

  5. My heart really goes to Rayyan, for one so young, to have to go through all this, wish him a really speedy recovery. There is indeed no place like home. Your flowers seems to welcome him home with beautiful cherry blooms!

  6. Semoga Rayyan akan lebih sihat dan banyak bersabar dengan dugaan ini. Welcome back home to all of you.

  7. Thank you all for the wishes. Hospital is not a restfull place for Rayyan he can't get a good sleep there. He was happy to be back home. After we reached home, bathed him, fed him and he fell asleep snoring for few hours.

    ONE~ I had to used the magic word "bird" to calm him down after he woke up from the catheterisation upset I was not there. I have to point at the TV saying bird made him stopped crying. He got tooattach with the birds at home and vice versa. The birds havebeen missing him, it always peek into Rayyan room looking for him. The birds greet him every morning perching on the fence peeking in the window. You just gave me an idea, I need to print a photo of those birds next time we have to stay in the hospital.

  8. I'm so glad to hear that your boy is back home and hopfully feeling better, what a very difficult thing to endure. Our thoughts are with all of you as you continue to go through this process with him.

    Your flowers are very beautiful.

  9. よかったですね!

    I'm very glad to hear your son was discharged!
    I strongly hope his treatment in the future is successful!

  10. I'm so glad to hear that everything goes well! Hope he will recover completely soon!
