
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Itsy-bitsy cucurbit

Who is hiding behind the pansies and leeks?

DSC09495It is Miss Itsy-bitsy squash surrounded by friends and two onions  bodyguard at the back.

DSC09486 Zucchini wants to be friends with viola.

DSC09480 This Zucchini has Cineraria to talk too.

DSC09483 Feeling happy that the home save-seed bitter gourd has germinated after a month direct sowing them. I know it was too early to sow them but I just wanted to test whether it will give us some sign later if the soil has warm enough for them. I think bitter gourd seed pop up earlier than last year.

DSC09488 We are still harvesting cold season vegetable even though we are already through middle of spring.

DSC09473 I used up all this vegetable in the Prawn pepper dish.

DSC09505 I was surprised how quick the root grow from the sweet potato shoots I bought last Sunday from the market which I put in water.



  1. Your prawn dish looks really yummy! And it's so good to use your own grown vege in the dish. Im drooling :P~~~

  2. Great to see your vegetables are doing good. Enjoy Spring, here we are just starting to have cold days.
    I have pansies on my little garden as well.

  3. エビ料理美味そうです。日本全国で急激に気温が下がり秋をすっ飛ばしてもう冬のようです。

    Your prawn dish mast be delicious!!
    Tempareture in all over Japan has down so suddenly that I wonder winter has come skipping autumn.

  4. It's all so pretty! The food is making me hungry!!

  5. I like the second last.

    It looks so similar with that on my table.

  6. Prawn pepper dish... And I thought I was not hungry! It's refreshing to see the goodies in your garden when our gardens are ready for a winter sleep.

  7. Your prawn dish looks delicious! I'm eyeing your leeks, wish they were mine!

  8. Love the look of your prawn dish... bet it's yummy! I like this patch of vege and pansy... it's lovely to see how you grow them like this. Also you have amazing green fingers :-D

  9. Interesting take on the plants "location"!

  10. Fer, Takaeko ~ I think Japan is beautiful now with autumn foliage and the weather becomes much colder now. また紅葉行きたいなあ。

    Milka, Wendy, Rainfield61, Tatyana ~ I wish I could magically transport it to you. I cooked to much.

    Kitchen flavours~ I bet you can cook more nice dishes with the leeks than I do.

    Stephanie~ The flower helps to attract me to the garden to do some weeding when I am lazy.

    Gallivanter~ Thanks.

  11. Sigh. Seeing your garden make me miss home.

  12. Your garden looks good and looks like it is doing very well.Your violas are so pretty mixed in with the vegetables.
    I am jealous and want to start over with Spring. LOL!

  13. Everything in your garden look so healthy!
    You really have artistic touch! Every vegetables have flowering plants as friends!

  14. Enjoy spring as we tuck everything up for winter

  15. A very authentic Malaysian fried prawn dish!!
