
Sunday, October 24, 2010

One hour fishing

The daylight is getting longer now. I thought we are not going fishing today, it was a sudden decision my husband made while I was transplanting seedlings. Seashells in my mind, I completed my task quickly and the kids already buckle up in the car. Off we go fishing.


There were many seashell in the beach but I did not collected that many for mulch or barrier for snails and slugs. We can come collect some more later, an excuse for my hubby to come here fishing again. I had to helped him with fishing this time while he put the bait on. The wind was strong and it was hard to judge whether the fish had taken the bait or not, more tricky with the whiting. We managed to catch some but many of them escaped back into the water.

DSC09417 We have to buy Ilhan a kid fishing rod.

DSC09421 A salmon trout. Almost at the end of salmon trout season now. Surprised to see this fellow still hanging around this area.

DSC09423This time it was only an hour fishing trip for us because my husband have another fishing trip with friends tonight. When we reached home I immediately fried this very fresh fishes with turmeric powder  for dinner.

Today propagation memo:

  1. Sweetcorn
  2. Bitter gourd
  3. Wong Bok

Have a nice weekend!


  1. Nice fish, it sounds like you all had a terrific day.:)

  2. Nice catch!
    It's nice to cook 'masak lemak' watering my mouth now.
    Enjoy weekends!

  3. A few of the small seashells would look great in a dish garden. :) I imagine Rayyan had a great time. :)

  4. To me, fishing is now belonged to history. This activity consumes too much time.

  5. ターメリックということはカレー風味のようですね。

  6. Salmon fish? wow! It's too expensive here in Malaysia!

  7. what a fun trip! Those seashells are beautiful!
