
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Warming up

Night are still cold here even though during the day we have above 20 degree Celsius. Our summer vegetable seeds germination are not good as last year for some vegetable seeds. Last year, chili seeds germinated in September. But this year until now it won’t germinate for us. Cucurbit too has lower germination in this month compared to last year. On the other hand, okra, bitter gourd and snake bean seeds pop up this month which is 2 weeks earlier than last year. Last year were bought seeds but this time okra, bitter gourd and snake bean seeds are home-saved seeds.

Luckily, we have several chili plants that survive through winter grown from last summer. I almost pull it out from the soil because it look dead. I pruned this plants and now new young leaves has already grown. This mean I don’t have to long for it to fruit.

DSC09563 A few chili plants has also produced flowers.

DSC09551 White coloured sweet potato grown from tuber already producing shoots.DSC09561

Galangal has develop new bud for leaf shoot.


Bush bean (Redland pioneer) has start to produce.DSC09542  Last summer survived Lebanese eggplant has start to flower.

DSC09604 Early long eggplant also does not want to be left out producing flowers. This eggplant plants produces so many fruit until May and managed to live through winter. I hope it will provide plenty harvest this summer too.

DSC09599 Nice surprise from papaya seeds from the fruit that we ate.

DSC09537 Counting the days for munching freshly pick tomatoes from our own garden.



  1. Hello
    You grow papaya seeds, that great. I hope to see how it will become.
    Have a great week-end.

  2. I have two chili plants in my garden. I'll show you some hot one in my post, maybe somewhere in mid of Nov.

    Why mid of Nov? I don't know.

  3. I just harvested a basket full of chilies. It took me a very long time to harvest that many. I wish they were tomatoes or mangoes. I would love to e-mail them over to you since yours didn't germinate. :) Anyway, good to hear that the old one survived through winter.

  4. looks like you'll have plenty to eat in the coming weeks!!

  5. It is so strange to read your blog as your gardening season is just beginning while ours is over. I love that you were able to hold over some of your pepper plants. All of your plants in the pictures are looking great.:)

  6. I had papayas back at my country, they are really fun to grow. hope that your plants do great. It's funny to think that for you the season is just beginning, if you don't mind i will garden vicariously through you

  7. なすびはうまく育てばたくさん実をつけますよ。そうか、南半球は夏に向かっていくんですね。こちら大阪は連日の雨で、小松菜の発芽が芳しくないです。おまけに雨中の畑いじりで風邪をひいてしまいました。

    As summer is coming to your place, your egg-plants will grow well and give you a lot of fruits,I believe.
    In Osaka we have a series of rainy days through last week and only a few of my komatuna have germinated.
    And plus, I caught a cold in working in my garden in the rainy days.

  8. Is the chilly padi as hot as what we have in Malaysia? I always wonder if chilly planted in temperate countries taste the same as those planted in the tropics. Hope your papaya seedlings will grow true leaves soon.

    Have a great day!

  9. Stephanie~ I thought it was not hot as first like cili padi when I ate the green ones.But when its red so HOT! Depends on the variety.

  10. May I ask how did you grow galangal? Is it from the tuber?

    I don't have good luck where chilli is concerned. Hope your chilli plant will bear you many fruits.

  11. J.C.~ I grow galangal from tuber (rhizomes). We can order them through mail or buy one from the Asian groceries.
