
Monday, October 11, 2010

Warrawong Animal Sanctuary

This morning we went to Warrawong animal sanctuary in Stirling. It is free access to the public from 9AM to 4PM. I decided to bring my boys to this place to have some quality time together rather than staying home because I will be distracted with housework, cooking and gardening. Moreover, good exercise for all of us and to enjoy nature. This wild blue colour smallish flower is everywhere in the sanctuary making this place more beautiful.


I wonder how these tortoises can walk on this log without falling into the water.

DSC09132 We never saw a platypus before and were hoping our second time to this place will provide a glimpse of those shy platypuses. Platypus were in hiding. But this mother duck and her ducklings were Ilhan and Rayyan favourite among other wildlife seen in this sanctuary. Rayyan is learning to speak but he called the duck, bird. So, he is learning a new word today-duck.


Ring-tail Opossum own special garden. They sleep during the day and active in night. But we saw one was quickly running away from our sight.DSC09137

I was surprised to see that this flower grow very well here.

DSC09149 We saw two koalas today. The previous trip to this place we only saw one koala. We almost did not notice the koala as it sat very high on the tree.

DSC09155 Mr. Wallaby taking a rest under the tree.

DSC09158 One of the small lake in the sanctuary.

DSC09164 Sunbathing tammar wallabies. I think today is the hottest day in this month. It feels like spring is almost at the end.



  1. The koalas and wallabies are wild or tamed?

    Any way, it's fantastic for you to watch those animals near your home.We can see those kinds animals only in a zoo in Japan.

  2. Thank you for bringing me to the park! I can smell the breeze, and you can actually be so close to the koalas and wallabies? It is fantastic.
    You asked me about the parrot in my recent post, it is not real haha. I didn't notice it is in the pic until you told. You're so observant!

  3. Lovely to see this - so very different from a walk in the park in Scotland!

  4. Beautiful pictures! I sounds like such a wonderful place.

  5. Go to the nature and nature will tell us the stories.

  6. You came face to face with Wallabies and Koalas? That's great! In malaysia We can't find any in wild...... The park look wonderful!

  7. That looks like a very good place to visit, especially with kids. And free access is nice to hear. Hopefully soon I'll have a chance to see a place like this with Imogen.

  8. How nice!
    Must have been fun for you and your boys! I really appreciate your pictures!

  9. Wow! That looks like a lot of fun! My kids and I would really enjoy a trip like that.
