
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Silky Poppy

DSC09995  I am glad that I decided to sow some poppy seeds last autumn for spring flowering as one of my new experience of growing flower from seeds for this year. Living in Mediterranean climate I found that sowing time play a very important role ensuring the success of certain plant. Growing up in tropics you can plant all year round. Here in Adelaide I had to do my own research on determining when is the perfect time to sow certain plant seeds I would love to grow. At first I thought I sowed those poppy seeds too late and they won’t produce any flower for me at all. I almost gave up on them and thought to clear them up to giveaway their space for other plants. I got worried  because when I walk around my neighbourhood nobody has poppy plants in their front yard garden except this one house which grow Californian poppy that has bloom 2 months ago which mine has not even after a month back then. Luckily I was patient enough and now got to see the reward. There is so many different shade or colours of poppy blooming now in my garden. Which one is your favourite?
We grow one of the hybrid of Shirley poppies (ornamental poppies).DSC09601DSC00001 The first time I touched poppy petals, my first thought was silk or soft tissues.
shirley double mixed poppy (5)
Fresh poppy bloom is on the right side where the something (don’t know what its call) around the green capsule is yellow where as on the left it has already turn brownish in colour.shirley double mixed poppy (14) Poppy don’t bloom that long about 3 or 4 days, the petals are easily carried away on windy day. But I am not worried because not long they will be new bloom to replace the old ones.
shirley double mixed poppy (29) Sexy red poppy dancing facing the sky. 
shirley double mixed poppy (28)
shirley double mixed poppy (33)
The first poppy bloom colour in our garden was crimson red.  It so much remind me the colour of cheongsam and blood.DSC09573

For more bewitching red colour hop on to Mary blog the host for Ruby Tuesday.

This is an old entry but I would like to join Tracy party at Fishtail Cottage for Cottage Flora Thursday’s #3.


  1. Those are AMAZING!! I can never get them to germinate. The seeds are so tiny. I love the "sexy red ones facing the sky"...

  2. The flowers look so beautiful and artificial. lol.

  3. Beautiful poppies! Thanks for sharing them...we are entering winter now so I don't see much blossoms....this brightened up my day. Have a lovely week!

  4. You don't even have to guess which one I like the best! Hooray for the poppies! I am so happy you told me about this. What a sight for sore eyes!

  5. These poppies are just amazing

  6. Such beautiful poppies. I haven't tried planting poppies. Great shots.

  7. Very beautiful and pretty flowers. Love the variety in colors.

  8. Awasoome! They all look expensive! Glad you decided to sow the seeds earlier. Now your garden is amazingly beautiful. Thanks for posting these wonderful flowers! Btw, your current wallpaper... poppies?

  9. Beautiful blooms! You have green fingers :) Thanks for the comment on my post on Sunflower Seeds, i'll definitely wanna learn more from you. Banyak terima kasih :))

  10. Beautiful! I am so having red poppies in my garden next year

  11. Oh how your patience rewarded you... and ME! What a beautiful sight. I truly think all your poppies are marvelous, and if I must choose a favorite I still can't pick between the classical red and the first white. Lovely!

  12. The poppies are so pretty! You have nice collection of flowers now!

  13. Wow! They are beautiful, Diana. Wish I can grow them too. What will happen if I do?

  14. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    Your poppies are in full bloom and this is a great entry for Ruby Tuesday!

  15. Wow, the flowers are beautiful! Never knew poppy flowers could be so pretty!
    Wish you and your family Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha! Enjoy your day!

  16. Your poppy pics are stunning! Beneficial info and excellent design you have here! I want to thank you for sharing your stories and ideas and putting the time into the stuff you publish! Great reading! Great work!

  17. Wow! Great pics!
    I've got some poppies in my garden but they aren't as beautiful as yours:-(
    Thanks for sharing:o)

    Have a nice week****

  18. I'm not sure if my comment posted, so if it did I am sorry, you can delete the second one.

    Your red poppies are stunning. I am glad you waited. They put me in the mind of the Wizard of Oz.

  19. These are so cute....are they called Silky poppies? or are they all shirly poppies? All are so beautiful!!!
    PS - thanks for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday! I'm loving getting to know your garden.

  20. Oooh all of your poppies are so pretty!... I love them all and they really do look like silk... xoxo Julie Marie

  21. Hello, love your poppies! I know this is an older post, but I was hoping you could tell me what time of year you have found best for sowing your poppy seed. I am also in Adelaide, and have so far been unsuccessful with getting flowers bigger than a 50cent coin, on plants about 30cm high!!! Which is a bit sad!!
    Any poppy growing advice you could offer me would be sincerely appreciated. :)

    p.s Love your blog, and I get alot of good advice from reading it, especially about plants that do well locally, considering I'm in Adelaide too. Thanks!

  22. Meeka~ Hi! I found April~May the best time to sow poppy seeds. I have my sowing seed notes at the end of my blog page. However, I am not sure whether this applies to all variety of poppy flower. I grow shirley poppy. I found that our poppy performance was much better last year than this year. This year our poppy blooms seem to have difficulties opening their bud from the shell. Like it got stuck opening and make the flowers look a bit bruise. Last year the flowers bloom open up like popcorns.
