
Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Summer vegetable seedlings from family such as cucurbit and fabricae is getting bigger now and starting to climb upwards towards the provided trellis. We hope this summer vegetables will establish itself before middle of summer when it is so hot here. Our favourite bitter gourd or peria is ready to climb, we can see its strong tendril curling on the stick. We grow some of bitter gourd plants in containers as we have success with it last year. I like the bitter gourd foliage as well it looks good against covering any wall. Hopefully ours will grow big soon and I can show you how it looks like.
Cucumber starting to climb up the arch but it has been blocked out of sun by the tall poppy at the other side of the arch. The cucumber plants has started to have both male and female flower.

We try to grow cucumber in polystyrene box this year. Our home-made trellis does not look so strong hopefully it won't colapse. The cucumber plant growing in the polystyrene box grow much faster than the one planted in the ground. I hope the cucumber likes the companion of carrots growing together in the same box.
Our first attempt at growing choko this warm season. We only planted one in plastic pot. It has already grown big and need a place to climb. Maybe I have to give the choko a climbing lesson with the water draining pipe from the roof or should I move it to somewhere else. Even our morning sun is so strong, the leaves of choko looks droopy.
Climbing bean takes a long time to produce beans but I was surprised with the purple king variety on how fast they grow and start to produce flowers. The snake beans (kacang panjang) that we sown the same time with purple king bean are still so small and growing so slowly. I think that purple king climbing bean can adapt to more cooler condition than snake beans. However when the heat waves comes we will see which is much more heat tolerant.

So up up up you go vertically and leaving some space for other friends to grow on the ground.


  1. Your vegetable plants look great! I don't know what a choko is and had to look it up -- always nice to hear of a new vegetable!

  2. So everything is going up, up and up.

    And away, like superman?

  3. Love all your plants! I do not know what choko is either! Glad to see that your plants are all growing well.

  4. All of your veggies are looking great and I like your cucumber trellis.

  5. You really have the touch. Every time I stop by the edible garden is amazing. I must start to work harder on mine.

  6. Your veggies looking great. Can't wait to see harvesting time in your post.

  7. My 'mystery' plant looking so much alike your cucumber so mine must be cucumber too! Cant wait for it to flower like yours. Your peria too looks healthy, I want to grow them but none of my children love to eat them, so my next seeds will be long bean..

  8. I had to look up choko too. Does the choko have tendrils? if so it may not be able to cling to the drainpipe - try wrapping a bit or wire or something round the drainpipe to 'emcourage' the choko to cling

  9. Fast growing yeah. I am always amazed with climbers. I have to check on them everyday!

  10. Hi Diana, I like your Polaroid photos. Also like your up, up, up story. Leave those precious space for the rest, don't they?

  11. I haven't tried my bitter gourd seedlings yet, wanna wait and see how you do it and learn from you :) Your plants are growing so healthy in the containers, that i thought plants would always prefer to grow on the ground, i was wrong. My tomatoes are growing slow compared to those growing in the pots :(
