
Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Lights of Lobethal

Last night we went for a drive to Lobethal valley in Adelaide Hills to see how the community there light up their house and garden to celebrate this month festive season.  The community here has continue doing this for more than 60years and it is one of the main community event in South Australia every December. This year we avoid driving here to enjoy the view on the weekend because cars hardly move on the street, it will be bumper to bumper. It was a relaxing drive last night as not many cars were around and we managed to cover more ground than last year. This time our driver my dear husband did not complaint as he gets to enjoy the sights while driving. Last year, he had to focus on the car in front of us.
Not only in the garden but Christmas decoration in the window as well.

I was surpised that this home owner even dress up as Santa Claus and greeted everyone so warmly into his garden. Usually we just admire those light decoration from outside the garden.Can you see the red costume?

It was a cold night even though it is SUMMER! My mama was so excited she was willing to come out of the car to take picture with Mr. Santa.

We came to see this house last year and enjoy our time looking at the Christmas light decoration so this year we did the same.

Have a nice weekend everyone. I will be hopping on an island this weekend!


  1. Very pretty decorations and lights...I like the "Christmas in the garden.":)

  2. That is very beautiful. Your Mom must be delighted too as it is not a common sight here. Enjoy yourselves in the island.

  3. Great light-up!
    I and my wife are thinking what we should give my kids for the Christmas presents....Any idea?

  4. Enjoy your weekend.

    I would like to get gifts from Santa Claus.

  5. Oh wow! It is like one movie I watched during Christmas. Sorry I forgot the title. But how I wish to be there. I love seeing ligted decorative bulbs in the night. That Christmas in the garden is cute :-D Have a great weekend!

  6. Wow, must have been a wonderful experience, seeing the whole place looking like they just pop out from a Christmas card! And there's Santa too!

    What I remember about Christmas was plenty of candy canes and big tin bucket of caramel popcorns (i donno why I remember those things vividly..haha.) Memories are sweet but what you are seeing now is even sweeter. Have great time with your family!

  7. Those are some OUTSTANDING decorations! Hope your days are merry and bright :)

  8. So beautiful decoration! How i wish to be there now! This must be very enjoying comunity event!

  9. I love it when a whole neighborhood does this!

    Have a fun time on your trip!

  10. Wow that town is so festive with so many beautiful lights on and they even have Santas for 'decoration' lol. Enjoy your trip, bring back beautiful photos ya ;)

  11. Beautiful! I love that there are still people like the gentleman in the santa outfit who are nice like that and who enjoy the holidays, not for the gifts but for the spirit of the season!

  12. I like to go makan angin at night just to see the lighted houses during Christmas and Hari Raya too. Santa is a nice person, he could even make you mama smile and be less shy. Wishing you a smooth and wonderful on the Island trip. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  13. Such an amazing light show! People really go all out for Christmas don't they? I bet the kids had a wonderful time seeing all the displays! I hope that you have a wonderful holiday!
