
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wallaroo fishing trip

My family and I went to Wallaroo and stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights for fishing and relaxing at the beach.  The drive to Wallaroo did not take more than 2 hours from Adelaide. We rented a cabin for our stay there. The cabin is near the beach and jetty.
At the beach where people can play in the water or sunbathing has shades which is good place to hide from the blazing sun especially in the afternoon since no coconut tree will ever grow there.
Wallaroo has a long jetty that able people to further the distance of fishing out at the sea from the beach. In the morning, we can have some shade away from the sun from things (i.e. plank material, ect) which has been line up on the right side of the jetty. However no shade in the afternoon and you are at the mercy of the sun.
Early in the morning while the sun is rising we went to catch some crab (crabbing) and we got a very good catch. We found this is the best time to catch crab.
Pull the net faster before the crab got away! This was my sisters first experience catching crab so as they still lack some skill many crabs got away. Luckily we caught so many crabs that the ones that got away was not miss.
Everynight in Wallaroo we were eating crabs and fish so much. I think we caught more than 40 big size blue swimming crab when we were there.
My husband and I think that Wallaroo is one of the best place to go crabbing as crabs here are big and have more compact meat inside the shell compared to other places that we had gone crabbing before. We also caught many mackerals in the afternoon on two consecutive days, roughly more than 40 fish a day. Other fish that were caught as well was 3 legal size of travelly and a snapper that my husband had to throw back into the sea because it length was not still legal. We also caught other type of fishes that I don't know the names but we had no luck with squid this time. When we reached home, I had to re-organize our freezer so I can keep and squeezed in all the crabs and fish we brought back from Wallaroo. Another thing I like in Wallaroo beach is that there is a separate jetty for people to swim and dive in where fishing is not allowed. I did not get the chance to play splash at this jetty because my husband,my mother and sisters was so excited and absorb with fishing and crabbing that I don't have somebody to take turn to watch Ilhan and baby Rayyan for a while. But it was fun playing with the kids on the shallow water and it is Rayyan first dip in the seawater.

 My husband and I got my mother addicted to fishing and crabbing from this trip. My mother got hooked with fishing on our first day when everytime we cast our fishing line the fish eat the bait immediately. It was like fishing marathon, my husband and I were busy putting bait on the hook for my mother and sisters and helping them to cast the fishing line as well as they still don't know how to use the fishing rod. We had so much fun and we are planning to bring them fishing and crabbing again.
For more watery images visit T. Bruce .


  1. Oh That sunshine and beach looks so hot and beautiful!!!! Here in eastern Ontario, Canada, we are frozen below zero and we have snow on the ground!!! Soon we will be going onto the frozen waters of nearby lakes to do some ice fishing. We have to drill a hole through the thick ice and stick our baited lines through the holes. It is a very cold way to fish!!!! I would much rather fish in the heat with the sunshining!!!
    I see your little man has a tube going into his nostril. Does he need to be fed through this tube? Has he been sick???? I hope he is doing ok.
    Take care.
    Warm hugs, Laura

  2. I've never seen a blue crab! Does it turn red when boiled?

  3. I love fishing to, the see relax me, and I enjoy those time always with my husband.

  4. Laura ~ We never have the experience with ice fishing but would like to try it one day. My little man need the tube for feeding only. He does not enjoy food and is underweight.He has cardiac problem but he is doing well :).

    Takaeko~ It turn red when cooked.

    Ellada~ Yes it is relaxing and I always enjoy reading your fish related post.

  5. i know people who love to fish and crab. i join them sometimes. i love the name wallaroo. it looks like you had a fun holiday.

  6. Such a beautiful beach!
    You have caught enough crabs and fishes for a month i guess! I have only seen crabs in market....dead one! hhahaha..

  7. I've only seen blue crab in Maryland. Beautiful shots! What happen to the little boy?

    Fish Conversation

  8. Wow! crabs! Love crabs! Looks like everyone is enjoying themselves, what a great catch! No wonder your mom and sis are hooked on crabbing! I would too, if I have a catch like that! Can your freezer accomodate all that catch? Yummy.....
    It is good to see Rayyan enjoying himself and glad to know that he is doing well.

  9. That is a lot of catch!! I love crab! The blue crabs look like a lot of meat and i think it must be yummy even simple steam with salt hehe.
    I'll never forget my summer experience in Aus (Melbourne), never dare to try my summer holiday there again. But your trip looks fun, so i think it's worth to get sunburn haha.

  10. i love crabs and fish and this place looks like a great weekend getaway. like Laura, i was also wondering about your little boy. it's good to know he's doing well. marvelous shots!

  11. It seems to be to a very place for vacation.

    And the crabs are my favorites. How can I resist?

  12. Love the sunrise just before you went crabbing!!


    My link above for Watery Wednesday. Hope you can stop by for a visit and view. Happy day!!!

  13. It sounds like you had a wonderful time and all of that crab sounds great. How neat to live so close to the sea.:)

  14. Ewok1993, Luna Miranda, Rainfield61, Hootin' Anni~ It was definitely a great weekend.

    Malar~ We started crabbing last year after listening to friends and getting curious how can they can catch so much.

    Chubskulit~ I have to give credit for most of the pictures to my sister. My baby is underweight so he needs the tube for special milk supplement.

    Kitchen flavours~ I have to force everyone in the house to finish 2 tubs of ice cream from the freezer to squeeze everything back in.

    Milka~ I never tried crab steam with salt before. I wish I am back in Malaysia every summer. Compare to Melbourne, Adelaide is much much hotter.

    Mr. H ~ We live 5 minutes drive to the sea. But the beach/jetty there is always full with people during weekend because it is close to the city. So it was a nice change to go crabbing and fishing in the country more relaxing.

  15. I love those blue crabs! Wish I was there too and get hooked on fishing and crabbing! Its so much fun rather than just go for a swim like our beach here.

  16. It is wonderful to look at such warm and sunny pictures and hear about your adventures fishing and splashing around with your kids in the warm water. It is freezing cold here and after reading through the post I feel just a bit warmer.
