
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our one and only Garden Arch

I always dream of having my own garden arch, an influence from the gardening books or potagers photos that I have seen. Making designs in my head what kind of plants would I like to see climbing on the arch. We actually don't have  a suitable place to put it. Sometimes I even browse in ebay just estimate of how much it cost and hope one day I have more space to have one in our own veggie patch. So one day in November at the Sunday market, one stall were selling gardening accessories and I saw this arch that cost only $10. I was undecided but my husband bought one for me anyway as he knows I have been looking at garden arch online shops in ebay for months. It is really funny, the only space that can fit this garden arch is toward a very small veggie patch close to our neighbour house but it is facing our kitchen window view. The poppy plants were growing there even before we erected the garden arch so it was kind of  a good unplanned thing at that moment.  We had so many poppy seedlings so I just planted the seedling following the entrance pathway to this small area before we bought the arch. We were lucky that we did not need to remove the poppy plants as it has some space to fit in the garden arch.
End of spring, I transplanted some Green Gem cucumber at the other side of the arch which there is no poppy growing. I am still undecided of what kind of plants I will enjoy looking on the garden arch next coming season.
The poppy season is over when summer came, and now only the cucumber plants is climbing the garden arch. Birds like to stand on this arch as we always feed the birds near this spot. There is usually bird poo on this cucumber plants but we had a few showers few days ago that clean up the mess so I can actually took some photo of it.
I am planning what to plant at the side of this garden arch this coming autumn (March) which is not far away. Should it be a perrenial or annuals...Hmmm...
(1) Passionfruit ~ Several trip to the nursery has tempted me to buy some passionfruit plant, but I don't think I will taste our first fruit as I won't be living here that long anymore. I am trying to finish my PhD ASAP don't want to have  a Permanent Head Damage that long.
(2) Rose ~ The climbing one will be nice as Roses are hardy and fond of Adelaide weather very much. 
(3) Tall growing annual flowers?
(4)  Climbing berry fruit?
(5) Climbing vegetables ?

I would really appreciate any advice and comments. So undecided...

Fer is hosting another World Garden Carnival!

new year gardening resolutions

Visit New Year Gardening Resolutions Blog Carnival

at my little garden in japan


  1. I have an arch in my potager. At the moment it has cucumber on it and I just planted some late climbing beans. But I don't know what to put on it for the Winter so i will be watching this post for people's ideas. I hope there are a lot!

  2. Considering your situation, climbing veggies seem appropriate... no?

  3. Height in the garden is always welcome. We have a wooden arch with clematis growing up it.

    Pn the allotment we use bamboo arches for runner beans, sweet peas, cucumber and garden peas. Anything more expoensive would probably disappear there!

  4. Hazel ~ I also don't know what to put in for winter and autumn is not that far away. For flower display in spring we have to plant them in autumn as well. Oh what a good idea, when the cucumber is finished you have beans to harvest. Moreover you got the beans root to provide nitrogen back to the soil.

    Lrong~ The only winter climbing veggies that I can think of is peas. Do you know any other winter climbing veggies?

    Sue~ I am sure your clematis look magnifique on the wooden arch. Growing vertically sure provide more things to grow in a small space like us. LOL. Anything that has $$$ will be gone quick enough in the allotment. We have been using sticks collected from the drive to the countryside to make trellis.

  5. Hello Honey!!!
    You have won my first Give-away!!! Please email me your name and address so I can send these treasures off to you in Australia!!!
    Love and warm hugs, Laura

  6. I think of morning glory or even grapes but I thought you would prefer beans or some kind of edibles.

  7. Maybe some scarlet runner beans? Then you get pretty blossoms and then some beans?
    I also think hops would be cool. Then you can brew some beer. :o

  8. what a great gift from your husband.. enjoy figuring out what to grow here. it is beautiful!

  9. I think climbing roses would be so lovely for your arch at least on one side, then the other side you have your timun,or purple beans would look colourful there..

  10. I would suggest some nice fragrant flowers. That way you could enjoy the view and enjoy the fragrance too! Sweet of your hubby!

  11. beautiful garden you have.. I just can't wait to start being able to do gardening again.. ^_^

  12. What a pretty arch you bought! I was going to suggest either peas or beans, or annual flowers. But make sure if you grow annual flowers that they aren't poisonous, like, for example, morning glories, since it's near (or in?) your vegetable garden. Anyway, not a climbing rose, since you will have to leave it behind when you move. But most veggies are annuals.

    I'm wondering where you will be moving to? Are you staying in Australia?

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  13. I love the arch you have! I think your photos are great too! I am so glad to have had the chance to visit today...funny ...we were just talking about arches...and how bad I want one...when I click here are saying the same type of thing!

  14. Out life is much more simple as all the plants can grow at anytime throughout the whole year.

  15. Wow!! Your garden arch!! For only $10!!! I was like you, always surfing on the internet for garden arch, also went to the shop and saw one selling at RM2,200! That is a crazy price and so i decided to draw out my own plan and hire someone to build one for me. With the whole row of picket fence, it cost me half the price of the one i saw in the shop-- still very expensive compared to yours, but everytime i see the arch, it makes me smile :)
    Remember i planted my Bougainvillea under the arch? It died eventually (because the hole was too small for it, i guess) and the Morning Glory that i put beside the arch takes over the place now. She climbs very fast and has now covered the top already. Happy, happy happy!! :)

  16. nice! I guess sweet peas would be really pretty. I've always wanted to grow those but have never gotten around to it. Passionflower is gorgeous and would do well in your zone, right? I might hesitate to do a rose if you're going to leave soon. It's really pretty now with the poppies down below.

  17. I wonder if the rootball of the rose can be packed up later... hm.... But if rose grows wonderfully in your area... I think it's great to have rose for arch :-D In any case, any flowers or berry that are showy is good.

  18. Laura~ Wow this is a wonderful surprise. Thank you so much!!!

    One~ I put the morning glory one of the choice for spring/summer display. Never plant one so can be exciting to see how it goes.

    Rosie~ Oh yeah I did not think about runner beans in winter but it is a good idea.

    Mom of M&Ms ~ I think he got the hint when the ebay watch list was full of garden arch.

    p3chandan~ Since I have only one arch, it is a good idea I think to plant different plant on each side like you suggested.

    Kitchen flavours~ Fragrant flowers will be a nice treat.

    CathJ~ I start gardening when I was 20weeks pregnant with my second child and become so passionate about it that I did not realised that I was actually having cramps about to deliver. I think it is true that gardening will make the delivery very easy. I was only in labor for less than 15minutes. The nurses was complaining that I gave them a marathon.

    Alison ~ I did not know that morning glory is poisonous. I will be moving from mediteranean climate to the tropics. I will take the remaining years here to experience growing vegetables that is suitable for cooler weather.

    Tootsie~ I hope you have your arch soon too.

    Rainfield61~ The challenge for one gardener. The tropics too have the wet and dry season.

    Milka~Really that expensive. I am going to buy another one to bring back with me then.LOL. Told my husband maybe I can ask for two instead of one. I hope the seller is still there this weekend.I did thought of your bougainvillea but decided not because in winter it won't receive that many sunshine so it will be hard for it to survive. I am sorry to hear about your bougainvillea. I hope you post your arch and morning glory sometime so I can admire it from my monitor screen.

    Wendy~ I never heard about passionflower just passionfruit so I am going to google it. Going to jote down sweet peas in my list never grown them before either.

  19. Beautiful arch! Looks like you're well on your way!!

  20. Just read the comment on Fer's blog and think a grapevine would look great on your arch - some have colourful autumn leaves too.

  21. A reasonable resolution for new year gardening... good luck. Integrated watering system will be the focal point of my resolution for this year...

  22. That's such a great find, glad you got your arch. I found one for $10 at Bunnings one day and snapped it up. Then the week after, we were walking down the street at council clean up time and someone had thrown theirs out, so we took it home too :) One is in a shady spot, so not sure what to do with it yet, the other has passionfruit on it, but be warned passionfruit grows so quickly and vigorously, it will spread from the arch and go everywhere else.

    I like the idea of your cucumber. What about sweetpeas? I love sweetpeas.

  23. Such a nice gift from Your Husband!
    For a change, vegetables does look good on Arch!

  24. Your arch looks amazing! love how the poppies look together with the little green stones.
    I recommend climbing roses, I think they will look great with your new arch. Ir a grapevine, I think it can be kept under control.

  25. aloha,

    what a beautiful stand, its very colorful and i love all the poppies and other annuals surrounding this.

    thanks for letting us view your garden today.

  26. Your garden arch looks very beautiful with the cucumber on it. I would replant with something else that produces edible fruits or vegetables.

  27. Your arch is awesome, especially for the price! You have a good list of possible climbers. Have you thought of combining climbers? A rose with a clamatis perhaps? I also like the idea of annual climbers combined with cucumber maybe. Good luck. You will come up a great idea. cheers. ann

  28. I am so happy and thank you so much for the wonderful ideas. Now I have many options to grow near the arch and picking combinations.

  29. I like the idea of roses or climbing beans for the arch. BTW Nice arch! The beans will flower too, as will peas or other veggies you are considering.
