
Thursday, February 17, 2011

“Project: Save the Bees” in whose garden?

I posted about Project: Save the Bees early this month~Holly the author blog of Tasty Travel…food talks, I listen blog is hosting. I will share our home-saved seeds Poppy Shirley Double Mixed (the only one not home-saved seeds), Calendula Sunshine, Lakspur, Evening Sun sunflower and Nasturtium Jewel Mixed to 3 bees buddies. Three bees buddies will be announced at the bottom of this post.

First I have a question does Dahlia attract bees?

I bought a punnet of Cinderella Dahlia in spring. I wanted a big bloom but with my lack knowledge of dahlia I bought a small size of bloom. I thought of combining different flower in one pot, so I choose Sundial Mango portulaca as dahlia bosom friend. This is a before and after arrangement of these 2 flowers. I think I should just planted one dahlia in that pot.

Yellow Cinderella Dahlia

Dahlia (9)

After the 40+ degree Celcius came, some of our dahlia died and some which have been lush with leaves and flower are back to resemble as baby seedlings. I am not sure whether to try growing dahlia again or not. It does not do well in my hand. But I admire tall and big dahlia bloom in autumn when I walk around our neighbourhood.

Do you have good memories with dahlia?

Three bee buddies are the author blog of ~

Aux Plaisirs du Jardin

Test with Skewer

Vege Patch Diary


  1. We grow dahlais on the plot each year but I find the ones with the largest blooms tend to drop their heads as the flowers are so heavy and they don't make good cut flowers as the flaowers are so huge in a vase.

    Bees aren't particularly drawn to our dahlias but the ones where the pollen is visible - with an eye in the middle - are likely to be more popular with them. Bees don't really like double flowers.

    By the way did you get my email with the album instructions?

  2. Thanks Diana for choosing me as one of your winner. Now I need to make space for the flowers.

  3. Wow! I'm so excited, thank you so much. I've actually set aside space to put calendula and nasturtium in, so this is ery timely :)

  4. I don't know whether dahlia can grow well in tanahairku but i always admire the pattern on the flower and i have a few gardening books with dahlia as the book covers. The red one took my breath away!

  5. Wow! Your Dahlias are beautiful. I have not grown them before. Isn't our weather too hot for them?

    Congratulations to your winners!

    You have been most generous!

  6. they look beautiful... Dahlia, something we never had.

  7. Your Dahlias are very pretty, especially that red one. I grow Dahlias every year from seed, they grow really well here, then I save the seeds. I don't know if bees love them, but they get pollinated enough to make seeds.

    I have grown them in pots in the past, and you're right, one per pot is enough. They get quite big.

  8. I grew Dahlias last year and they seemed to do okay with the heat. They like to be watered well if it's extremely hot other, otherwise they started to wilt.

  9. i only bought dahlias in a survived ab 2 weeks and then they gone ..:)

  10. We have tree dahlias in our garden, the bees seem to love these when they come into flower, and it's quite fun to see flowers up above your head.

  11. I ahve a red Dahlia in my garden. very demanding plant.... no so easy to care for them in hot weather! Hopes your strive well!

  12. So pretty - I love dahlias and if I weren't so cheap I'd buy some more. I have a few that are red like the large photo you posted. This year, I'll finally stake them so they don't fall over. Sometimes it takes me a while to figure these things out!

  13. Your Dahlia so beautiful...I never had this plant, very demanding to plant in hot weather. So lucky you ;)

  14. Both of my eyes are filled up with the red dahlia.

  15. I am not sure about the bee part. My double flower dwarf dahlia seems to love several hours of afternoon sun a lot. After its first flush of blooms, the plant did looked like wilting. I discarded those dried stems and leaves, later the plant bounced back. The plant do not like to be wet - you will either see scorched marks or aphid. Water directly to the root/soil only.

  16. My mom loves dahlia a lot, she mentioned that she had one and it gloriously bloomed.
    Somehow, I tried few times growing them but often failed.
    I seemed to have some chance on roses compared to these.

  17. your dalias are beautiful! I am thinking to get some too. the bees love them, tho they prefer the simple varieties. I guess the nectar is easier to get.

  18. Wow !!! I am one of the winner, thank you so much.
    I have 5 different Dalias and I will put 5 more in my garden.

  19. Your red dahlia are really gorgeous! I tried growing them before, but they do don't last long!

  20. Love this flowr but never tried to plant it..

  21. Dear all, Thank you for the information, advice and encouragement on growing dahlia. To the winners I will try to post the seeds as soon as possible hopefully within this month.
