
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Hooray!We finally in Adelaide yesterday afternoon. There is a little bit of fluid around Rayyan heart but the medical team in RCH let us go home and WCH will follow up on Rayyan's condition. Rayyan arteri pulmonori is still narrow and there is a little bit of leak after surgery according to the ECHO results. Well before the surgery, Rayyan was mostly depending on his shunt (bypass) for oxygen to flow to the lung and his oxygen saturation was about 70%. Before having a shunt was much worse, oxygen saturation sometimes drop to 40% and frequent "tet spell". We are very aware that in a few more years, Rayyan might have to undergo surgery again although he just had complete corrective heart surgery. We really appreciate if anyone can give us advice on which health insurance company is good to have in Malaysia (just in case and it is good to be ready for anything).
Ilhan almost gave my cousin, Lenay a heart attack. He was so happy after we call to inform in a few hours will be Adelaide, he bump his head on the floor. We are not sure how did that accident happened but he must have been jumping on the sofa and slip just as I was saying goodbye to Lenay on the phone.Lenay said her hand was shaking so badly, she spilled traditional ointment (ubat gamat) all over the floor. Ouch, a very nasty bump on the forehead.
There were many cucumbers that Lenay harvested while we were away, so we joined the West Croydon Community Fruit and Veggie Swap this morning. We brought cucumbers, chives and spring onions to share

and returned home with
Garlic cloves and other stuff that we ordered from New Gippsland Seed & Bulbs company has arrived which I ordered before we left for Melbourne. I can't wait to plant garlic cloves next month. I ordered 50 garlic cloves that consist variety of Adelaide Red, Oriental Purple and Italian (common). 50 cloves are not enough, so I might have to get some more bulbs. On average weekly we used about 3 garlic bulbs (3bulb X 4 weeks X 12 month = 144 bulb) which means we need to grow more than 144 cloves.

It will be our first time growing beetroot and ranunculus this autumn.
It feel so good to be home.
Rayyan had a very sound sleep last night.


  1. Glad to know you are all back to the comfort of your own home. Poor boy. Really bengkak. There are several good insurance companies. Loading and exclusions may be applicable.

  2. So good to be home. 'Sleeping through the night' is what every mommy like to hear about their babies. So glad to hear this. Poor Ilhan, he must be missing his mom and dad. Hope his big bump has subsided and no dark bruises. I think Great Eastern - OAC and ING are good insurance companies.

  3. Welcome back! Glad to hear your progress report.

    Let's talk garlic soon. :)

  4. It good to see Rayyan home! Sorry for that bump though. As for medical insurance, maybe you can start enquiring directly with insurance companies...e.g.

  5. Welcome home! So glad to hear about Rayyan. Poor Ilhan, what a bump! Lovely haul of fruit from the swap too. I've just spent the last 40 minutes researching growing fruit trees in pots, might try to get some bare-rooted stock this winter. I just planted out some of the seed you sent over, hoping they sprout soon and nothing eats them :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend with your beautiful boys.

  6. Uugghhh that's a nasty "egg" you have there Ilhan, hope it's not giving you headache...

    World Cup 2002, that's how I knew the name Ilhan, the Turkish player :D I was in pain during the labor for Ilham, but still managed to see a bit of the semifinal- Turkey vs Germany(i think) he..he..

  7. Welcome home, so glad to hear that all is going well with Rayyan and hope he continues to improve. I hope those beets grow good for you as I think you will like them and how exciting to have such a nice selection of garlic.:)

  8. aduhhh... poor boy... so big the bump on his head oh....

    Mcm ni lah kids kan..

    and I happy to hear that you all are safely back home.. Wish a full recovery on Rayyan's operation..(another surgery?? ayooo... but be strong lah k.. )

    For me I am taking prudential insurance.. when my boy went thru the operation last time.. all paid by the insurance..

    It's important to have for our kids.. we never know what will happen in future.. like my case.. by boy have to go thru eyes operation.. *sigh*.. expensive betulll.... thank God got insurance.

    take care ya..

  9. We continue to pray that the fluid will resolve itself.. Praising GOd for you.. I am sure that it feels to go home!!!!

  10. Welcome home!!! I'm glad Rayyan's surgery went well and I hope the fluid around his heart corrects itself. What was his primary heart defect? I hope another surgery is far off for him. What a brave little man! Poor Illhan, he must have been too excited to see you all.

  11. prudential =) me, iken h her husband and abbie pun guna yg sm ^^ welcome home rayyan!

  12. Nice to see that you are all back home sweet home! Indeed there's nowhere like home. Poor Illhan! That bump will soon go away. It's really good to know that Rayyan had a sound sleep, he need all the rest.
    The brocolli and celery I sowed have just sprouted. Really happy to hear that you will be back to gardening soon, couldn't wait to see your garlic! Take care!

  13. HOORAY! So glad you are all back home again. Wishing Rayyan a very very speedy ecovery - and Ilhan too! :)
    Your vegies look great, I can't wait to plant garlic as well. They'll all go in the front yard.

  14. It is always good to smell our home. How can we miss that familiar and warm feeling?

  15. Sigh ...that's my sigh of relief that your baby is well enough to come home. He'll probably be running around in the garden in a few days.

  16. Alhamdulillah...Rayyan boleh balik rumah. Happy to hear that good news Diana. Have a good rest and hope Rayyan and Ilhan have a speedy recovery..poor Ilhan!

  17. Hi Diane
    How's the little one doing? He is really such a strong and brave boy.
    Regarding the insurance bit, most insurance co. have a pre-existing medical condition clause which they will not cover. You would still be able to take out a policy for Rayyan but it would exclude any coverage related to his heart condition.
    Best to seek consultation with an insurance person that can provide you with all the necessary facts.
    Regards and take care, cinafong

  18. Dear all, It is so good to be home and thank you for welcoming us back home. Also, thank you so much for sharing information about health insurance. I am very naive in this sort of things. I am still a bit worried about Ilhan bump on the head.

  19. A little late but welcome home! Ouch that 'bungalo' on Ilhan's head must be very painful, i hope he is fine. And it's so cool you can exchange the harvest.

  20. I'm sorry i missed this but I'm so happy to hear that your little one is home. He is so precious.
