
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 1st half Kutipan Sayur

Main harvest for the first-half of March are cucumbers, tomatoes and beans. Lenay managed to freeze more than one bag of beans while we were away. All of the kailans were harvested and sowed some seeds yesterday. Those kailans were caterpillars playground.We plucked our first golden bell capsicum but it looks kind of wierd only one side turned yellow while the other side was still green. Perhaps due to only one side were facing the sun. Purple King bean grown in partial shade was generously producing purple beans for us early this month. Earliball cabbage was the same size as capsicum bell when we harvest this vegetable.
I was clearing up some small area of patch and found some spuds that I have missed, Lucky! Challenger tomatoes have turn red but due to rain the skin split. I was craving for some snake bean but before I can cook it, Lenay keep them in the freezer. So they will be staying there until we have no fresh veggies from the garden. I am already counting how many snake beans (@yard-long bean,kacang panjang) on each plant to satisfied my craving for snake bean. Second harvest of Angle Luffa from the same plant, so soft in the mouth. Steal a tiny leaf from one of the turmeric plant, several stalk of lemon grass, chilies and bitter gourd to cook with dried-salted fish in turmeric soup. Ilhan had his first taste of bitter gourd this month and from what I heard, he was not enjoying it but as he promise to behave while both of the parents were away, he made an effort eating it by breaking it to small pieces. Tsk...Tsk...Tsk...Lenay made him try it;-)
I have been taking division of chives and using them as a border for autumn planting. It has been a good companion plant with kang kong (entsai).
Clearing up some pots that contain leafy vegetables that will be good for quick fried rice or noodle. Cucumbers for Nasi Lemak that I cooked for breakfast this morning.
So much to do this month in the garden, some of the tasks; morning~harvesting, clearing up some patch, manual fruit pollination, sowing, stem propagation, pruning, collect seeds. Then afternoon~transplanting, re-potting, prepare veggie patch with manure and compost, wrapping cucurbit with paper and weeding.


  1. Lovely photos! There is something very special about seeing freshly picked produce in a basket!

  2. Your harvest look great. I love all the variety.

  3. I long for your garden.. Could you com eto TExas and work it all out for me. :) Praying that healing is still taking place!

  4. Looking GOOD! You certainly manage to get a very varied harvest from your plot. Is Bitter Gourd really bitter? And if so, why do people enjoy eating it??

  5. When I think of luffa I think of the ones used in the bath!

  6. You've got a lot of nice veggies there!

  7. Everything looks yummy! I love the little patty pan squash and baby carrots! Great harvest!

  8. Great harvest!
    Now longing for Nasi Lemak! :)

  9. That is such an amasing harvest! I'd love to know what you do with your harvest!! Do you have any recipes you could share?

  10. Wow - and yum! Can I come eat at your house? The tumeric soup especially sounds so delicious.

  11. Great haul. The bell pepper looks so beautiful, so I assumed you turned the green side away for photos :) Wow,you're harvesting cabbage already, I only just sowed some. My garden is SO unproductive, I'm hoping to have better luck this autumn :)

  12. Yep! That is a wonderful harvest you have there.

  13. Fresh vegetables right from backyard!
    The vegebles look so good!
    Happy cooking everything!
    How is Rayyan now?

  14. so many nice fresh vegetable from the garden.
    It must feel so nice to cook fresh & organic using them compared to the ones from the supermarket.

  15. Good harvest as usual Diana, you certainly will have your hands full after a long break for Rayyan's operation. Happy gardening! Kisses and hugs to Rayyan and Ilhan, hope they are both doing well.

  16. Your harvest looks delicious. I'm going to try to grow yard long beans again this year. I have tried in the past and failed. If we get a cold summer they probably won't do well.

  17. You have a great harvest! You must have a very big freezer to have to stock up your fresh veggies! How is Rayyan doing! Hope he is doing well.

  18. WOW. yup, wow. Amazing diversity.

  19. I enjoy all your bountiful harvest even by seeing the photos. I am sure they taste as great. Fried rice and nasi lemak are my favourite food ;-) But I order them from shops. I can't cook them well. I am sure your meals are really 'sedap' :-D

  20. Great harvest! I'm growing kailan for the first time, I hope it turns out as well as yours.. and survives the caterpillars.

  21. Patricia~ I don't have much flowers to arrange in vase. So, I take a chance decorating veggies in basket and looking at them make my day.

    Emily~Thanks, we were lucky this summer with all the different pickings and menu on the table.

    Mom of M&Ms~I would love to help you if we have star trek technology;-). Just in a blink of eye and we can time travel how fun it will be to change ideas.

    Mark~I think bitter gourd is an acquired taste. Different bitter gourd type does produce different level of bitterness. There is this small and more thorny bitter gourd grown in Malaysia which taste much bitter than the one I grown. Also, it must be the mix flavour which complement each other make bitter gourd dish delicious like bitter and spice or sweet and sour.

  22. Wow your harvests are always so amazing!

    I laughed at 'caterpillar playground' - one of my pots of rainbow chard is a caterpillar playground at the moment too :)

  23. Sue~ I have never experience using luffa as sponge. Maybe I give it a try when I left one for seed-saving. LOL.

    Villager,Hazel,CathJ, Barbie~ Thank you.

    Holly~ It was our first taste and first experience growing pattypan squash. Very prolific producer. Glad that I bought those seedlings last spring.

    Malar~Backyard supplying more than the frontyard at the moment. Rayyan recovering well and its good to see him moving around like normal kid.

    James~ No hassle of thinking menus if you are shopping in the supermarket. The garden will tell you what the menu today.

    Andrea~Maybe we can have Nasi Lemak party;-).

    Phoebe~Next time I will try to post some recipe or link someone else that is similar. I am usually a very lazy cook, most of the time I just stir-fry them.

    JGH~ If someone has successfully invented time travel or you are in Adelaide most welcome to join in. I remember you are a fan of Indian cuisine.

    Shaz~ That cabbage was transplanted end winter so actually it is due to be harvested. I just sowed some cabbage seeds this month.

    KakShidah~Rayyan and Ilhan both are well. We also brought Ilhan to the hospital for an X-ray in case there are anything fractured or blood clogging which can be dangerous even in the future. Alhamdulillah everything fines with him. Hopefully nextweek I can resume my studies and back to school.

    Daphne~ Its hard to predict each year weather how it will be. This year we have hot days but cold nights which make those summer vegetables difficult to properly produce flower. Good Luck with the yard-long beans.

    Joyce~Don't have that very big freezer but the stock always run out fast when we have some gap sometime that nothing can be harvest from the garden. Usually March or April is peak season here for harvesting. Nanti sejuk nothing growing, semua hibernate;-).

    Stephanie~ I think my cooking is just edible, & no choice because no kedai mamak here or gerai so if ada rasa sikit boleh jadilah. LOL.

    Kat~ Good Luck with the Kailan, they will grow very fast now.

    Mrs Bok~I thought one of your rainbow chard pot has been claimed only by your hen;-). So many admires your rainbow chard.
