
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Me?Volunteer melons

I should feel grateful to all my volunteer warm season plants, they always provide the first fruit before the ones that we sow start to produce. Self-seeded tomato plants that we transplanted end winter provide us with so many fruits from early summer. Self-sowed melons also gave us some fruit when I almost gave up with our other melon which does not grow very well this year. We were not sure at first if these self-sowed melon were honeydews or rockmelon. As the fruit matures, netting on the skin without no doubt it is ROCKmelon. We were not sure when to harvest them but saw something was hoping to get the first taste of our rockmelon so we guess it must be ready for plucking. The first rockmelon had a hole on it from pecking or drilling?Not sure. Second melon when I turned the rockmelon which face the soil saw many creatures were gathering on it and started to chew on the skin. Oh no you don't, its mine! Both of the rockmelon won't made it into beauty contest and were just the size of my palm.But they sure tastes very sweet and juicy. BLISS.
Okra plants are producing nicely at the moment. I was clearing up a patch that were growing celery, leek and carrot. Vegetable on that patch has not produce the desirable mature size yet but cool season are knocking. What to do with this harvest? Okra into the freezer. Made some ACAR using cucumber, red chilies, carrots, red onion and pineapple (the only ingredient which is not home-grown, we have 2 pineapples which we have grown for 2 years but you probably laugh if I show you how they look like ;-)),Celery and baby leeks goes into chili crab dish together ( Found some crabs we caught last December in Wallaroo almost forgotten).
Harvested some eggplants last week and made Chili Fried Eggplant dish. A big button squash went into the wok for stir-fried vegetables. Our next eggplant harvest, I am planning to try cooking P.F.Chang's Stir-Fried Spicy Eggplant dish which I saw in Kitchen Flavours.

From my husband fishing trip, a fish and squids. Squids were fried coated with Kentucky fluor mix with Lemon Basil leaves and pepper (Our pantry breadcrumbs and tempura were out of stock).
More okras, bitter gourd, cucumbers, angle luffa and capsicum harvest.
What is your eggplant favourite dish?


  1. It is always a pleasure to see your harvest! I never had much luck with mine. My long beans plant is healthy and lush, the only thing missing are the flowers! Have not seen any flowers at all, and they are almost 3 months old!
    Your melon may be small but they sure are mighty! Your eggplants are beautiful! The dish from PF Chang is really very tasty, add more sambal or chili for a spicier taste! Thanks for the mention.
    Belimbing can be dried and keep for future use. Perhaps your mama can dry the fruits and sneak it back to Adelaide for you in future! Dried belimbing are really good in masak lemak.
    Your squid fried with herb sounds delicious! How is Ilhan's bump on the head? I guess it is not so painful now. Rayyan is better now? Take care.. Happy Gardening!

  2. I love eggplant in a veg curry. But I'm very interested to know what you do with your okra and that bitter melon. The neighbours have bitter melon growing on our fence and I've only just discovered what it is.

  3. Your vege harvest always gives me inspiration to grow more of my own. I love eggplant in vege or fish curry, steamed egg plant and also yong tau foo (stuffed tofu). Is Rayyan eating well? How is Ilhan doing?

  4. What a beautiful harvest. And yummy too I bet(except for the squid, I just can't love squid). The best has to be the melon though. I'm going to try growing melon again this year. We have such cool summers that sometimes it just doesn't produce anything. But I'm going to try.

  5. What a great harvest you have had but then your season is coming to a close, isn't that right?

    I enjoy volunteers too but last year pulled one out without realizing it had produced for me.

    One last comment on your blog: the print color (pink) is very light and difficult to read. You may want to consider something darker. Just thought you should know.

    Happy gardening!

  6. So either you added a bell sound to your blog or I am going crazy...I like it.:) Your melons and all the other vegetables, especially those fantastic eggplants look so nice. Looks like you are having a great gardening year. P.F Changs spicy stir fry dish sounds wonderful.

  7. Oh the crab dish looks devine! I have always found the smalles melons to be the sweetest.

  8. That melon really does resemble a rock. But my how wonderful it looks on the inside! I can't wait to harvest something out of my garden.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Kitchen Flavours~Don't worry kacang panjang takes a long time to grow at least 3 months. So perhaps it is not that long to wait now for your kacang panjang to produce. Once they start producing you will have so much for the kitchen and they do have a long harvest season compare with other beans. Ilhan only have mata lebam now. He had an X-ray. Nothing fractured or no blood clogging. With boys it is always one thing after another.

    Veggiegobbler~ You can cook okra and bitter melon for veg curry too. Bitter melon are also cook in soup or stir-fry with eggs.

    Autumn Belle~ I miss yong tau foo. Rayya eating well but still not very keen with milk.

    Daphne~ Hopefully this year you will have warmer summer to grow things you like. We also have cooler summer this year which create lots of setback for growing plants.

    Marcia~ Thanks for reminding me of my font colour. I wanted to change it for a long time keep on forgetting about it. Volunteers are more hardy aren't they?and thrive in neglect which is very fortunate.

    Mr. H~ The chimes keeps me awake and calm. I found that growing different variety in one season shows that weather can seriously effect what harvest you will get each year even though growing the same thing in the same month each year. Melon were much better last summer than this summer. On the other hand, tomatoes were much better this summer. So glad we kept those volunteers.

    Barbie~Smaller portion save some space in fridge as well as you don't have to worry about left overs;-).

    Rosey~Hope plants in your garden grow quickly as the weather warm up at the other side of the hemisphere.

  10. I thought I was going crazy. Keep hearing bells ringing.

    I only have a small fraction of your harvests. I have harvested some papayas, cabbages, chillies and sugar apples this week. Had a few miserable longans and lemons. I had dragon fruit last week. As I write, I realize it is not as little as I thought. Just that I don't document such things. Got carried away with funny faces.

    I must say that you are an inspiration to many of us.

    Thanks for your mammoth in advance. Must make mammoth space for them.

  11. Melon looks good - I'd happily eat that - but Squid: NO WAY! I know It's just me being silly because lots of people love squid, but I don't eat any fish or seafood. Bring on the veg, please.

  12. Always such an amazing diversity! I love the finished product photos! Very Yummy!

  13. Your harvests are always so pretty! The squid kind of surprised me...that's one thing I can live without. :)

  14. Home grown vege and self caught seafood?? They look delicious !!

  15. It is so good if you grow your own vegetables and cook yourself. My 'cincai' (simple) dish of eggplant is stir-fry with garlic, then dip with sauce (garlic + cili padi + vineger).

  16. Love eggplants too and cook them as spicy hot chilli sambal! Love all your veggies Diana, really motivates me to grow more varieties.

  17. Eggplants are a household favorite. We must have them at least weekly. More often if possible.

    The children favor what is locally known as 'tortang talong' (egg-coated and fried) which they like dipping in ketchup.

    My wife prefers the eggplants a la ensalada: grilled, chopped and tossed with chopped onion and tomatoes, drizzled with fish sauce and lime or a fermented shrimp sauce.

    sedMy favorite dish with eggplant is something we call "pinakbet" which is like a local ratatouille except that the tomato-based sauce is mixed with black fermented fish sauce. This has eggplant, okra, bitter gourd and squash.

  18. Lucky you! I love melons but haven't had much success growing them - maybe this year if I get a community plot with more sun. The rest of your harvest seems to be at full peak. Enjoy!

  19. One~ You have such a nice harvest from each fruit and vegetables catagories. How I long for longan, papaya and dragonfruit.

    Mark~ Hopefully there are some more melon to harvest before we get much cooler weather. We love seafood very much here;-).

    Phoebe~ You will be one of the first to harvest winter vegetables since you have started a way ahead of us.

    Katrina~ Thank you. You have many things fruiting and growing in your garden.

    i amsterdam~ Any good spot for fishing at your side of the world?

    Milka~ I am still on leave of absence from school so got to do some cooking in the kitchen although it is still consider as a simple dish. If not I also always cook cincai saje.

    p3chandan~You still have plenty of space to grow new varieties;-). Boleh expand lagi luar pagar hadap sungai tu macam ada space. Kami pun dah curi pakai tanah luar pagar rumah tahun lepas.

    Bom~All the dish you are describing sounds delicious. What does eggplant call in your language? tortang or talong. As in Malay language it is terung.

    JGH~I have some melon growing in partial shade last summer that give us many harvest because it was really a hot summer. The plant was grateful to have some shade.Hope you have melon to harvest this summer.

  20. Oh yum you grow the most beautiful produce! It's odd that I used to hate eggplant but since being pregnant with my second, I craved eggplant and now that he is two I still love it! I'm inspired to grow more SE Asian vegies next Spring because of you! :)

  21. Mrs Bok~ You inspired me to grow some Rainbow chard this fall (the hen gave the boost too). Oh, I started to like eggplants in my 20s. Don't like them during my childhood.
