
Monday, April 4, 2011

Eggs and veggies

We do not have hens to collect our own egg. But I think we used a lot of eggs this week with our vegetable harvest for dinner.
We harvested mostly Pak choi's, leeks and okra burgundy this week. We have not cook any okra dishes yet, all of them were frozen. Bitter gourd were stir-fry with eggs.  Do you think the eggs soak up some nutrient from the sliced bitter gourd fried together? I tried to trick Ilhan by eating a little bit of bitter gourd hiding in the eggs. It went unnoticed as Ilhan was not being picky with his plate.
Water spinach, angled luffa and Pak choi's. I am hoping that our water spinach plant will produce some flower to collect seeds. But I don't see any sign of it flowering yet. We grow our water spinach from seeds last October and harvest them by "cut and come" again method.  It keeps on growing many leaves even we have cut them at least twice a month.
We were really happy to harvest another round of EGGplants and snake beans again last week. This might be our last pattypan squash harvest as the plant has stop producing as I left one big squash grow to produce some seeds.
Thank you for last week suggestion of cooking snake bean with eggs.


  1. Your harvests from the week are absolutley beautiful!! My overwintered pak choi is all finished. I can't wait to plant out some more this week.

  2. Lovely harvests this week. Eggs and veggies are a great combo. We have hens and try to find interesting ways to use both their eggs and the garden produce - when we do meals like that the whole thing is coming from our backyard.

  3. Your veggie spread looks delicious, I would trade some of my chicken's eggs for those wonderful pak choi!

  4. Would you be rearing chickens, then?

    I found your comment about your experience with the Japanese to be very touching. It is only recently that many of us come to know about this part of them.

  5. The meal looks absolutely wonderful. Fascinating how you find ways to include everything you grow.

    Goldenray Yorkies

  6. Robin~ We also have to plant some more as only small baby Pak Choi seedlings will be left on our veggie patch. Pak Choi will also help fill in the gap before fall planting are ready to be harvested.

    KitsapFG~It feel really great when the prepared dish is 100% from the backyard.

    Kat~I will be most happy to trade with you any vegetables from our backyard for fresh eggs:).

    Kwee Peng~ My cousin have been trying to convince me to rear some chicken. But I don't think now it is the right moment to start as the chicken are moulting.I am not sure whether our landlord would allow it too.

    Sunray~I am not a very creative cook. But I do enjoy cooking them.

  7. I wanted to rear chicken since Im growing vegetables but my sons wont allow it.But my Dad used to rear chicken and ducks when we were kids and I love the idea of collecting eggs in the morning and we have home-made telur masin all year round!I havent tried egg with bitter gourd..should be delicious, if Ilhan can take it!

  8. That looks delicious! I just planted Choi for the first time this spring. (I read it was on the top of the list of the healthiest foods.)

  9. Your tittle, i thought you rear hens!! haha

  10. It all looks so delicious. I can't wait for my garden to start producing this spring. It is going to be quite a while still though.

  11. I'm not about to become a chicken-rearer, but I am mad keen about veggies! One of the few veg I don't like though, is Okra. I dislike the texture. But as you have found, the combination of eggs with vegetables is normally a happy one. I particularly like Asparagus in a quiche; and the Spanish-type of tortilla is lovely!

  12. What wonderful looking veg you have. Always a pleasure to see your harvests. I like the bell that rings on your blog, I always look around to see if its the wind chime in the room I'm in.

  13. Very nice harvests. I've never heard of bitter gourd...until I started reading your that a native veggie in Australia? Here a silly question, Is it bitter after you cook it?

  14. Go, get some chooks! The eggs are the best you'll ever eat. :)

    Totally loved the bitter gourd - thank you. We had it in stir-fried veggies, with lots of garlic, onion and chilli. Still bitter - but not unpleasantly so. Looking forward to growing it next season.

    Marvellous harvest again! Great job. :)

  15. My... they look absolutely fresh and beautiful !! I'm tempted to plant vege now he..he..

    Sayur apa yang senang & cepat for a beginner? I love terung, bendi, pakchoy and kangkung...

  16. Wow the burgundy okra is stunning! Where did you get the seeds from? I'll have to get some for the spring! Your harvests are so inspiring! My garden is awful at the moment.

  17. Bitter Gourd soup is another good choice. I love this very much.

  18. p3chandan~Harga telur ikan masin pun makin naik aje. Maybe good idea if we rear some ducks too. My parents just bought a pair of geese and it was RM150.

    Rebecca~ Wow choi one of the healthiest food and it is so easy to grow this fast-growing veggie.

    Milka~ At the moment only in my dream. Have to find a reban first ooo...

    Daphne~ Hopefully the snow will finally come to rest and you can start sowing peas in your garden.

    Mark~ I think okra is an acquired taste. I am not very fond of okra myself until I grown them. The supermarket ones are always already hard not that nice to eat.

    Why I garden~ I don't have a real wind chime at the moment. So I borrow one from the internet for the moment.

    Katrina~ Bitter gourd is an Asian vegetable is not native to Australia. It taste less bitter after you cook it. After you slice it, you can mix it with salt and rinse before you cook it to get rid of the bitterness.

    Veggie Gnome~I think the chook will be a bit stressful hearing the kids screaming;-). Glad you like it.

    I Amsterdam~ As it is still cold in your place, easy vegetable to grow and suitable for your place will be Pak Choi, lettuces and peas.

    Mrs Bok~ Might get lost in our garden now. We got the burgundy okra seeds from Eden Seeds.

    Rainfield61~ Bitter Gourd soup is very cooling for the body isn't it? and taste good too, very healthy.

  19. Alot of new idea with the eggs! I should try them too!
    You should rear chicken too!
