
Monday, April 11, 2011

Less purple now

Previous autumn we were still picking many eggplants this time around until I keep on giving it away to neighbours and friends. However, this autumn we don't harvest that much eggplants. Purple King beans yield are decreasing too this month. Maybe we won't have any purple veggies to harvest next month. Surprisingly, our perennial chili plants are full of fruits and excited to wait for them to turn red.
Two small but sweet rockmelon were harvested this week. Kangkung (water spinach) growth has been slow as the weather gets colder now. Sigh, I think it is time to harvest the whole kangkung plant now instead of just snipping at some of its stalk. We have 3 containers growing kangkung at the moment, I will sacrifice one container this week so we can plant new veggies there.
Last weekend we tidied some containers and veggie patches to prepare for autumn planting and harvested some leeks, celery, pak chois, spring onions and accidental potatoes.
Weekend weather was cold because we had a few showers so I just made a simple meal like soup and porridge. It also give me a chance to wander out to the garden while waiting for the porridge or soup to be cooked
You know I just remember that I always wanted to make potato and leek soup but each time when I have both the ingredient together I forgot to make them. It will be my first cooking experience for potato and leek soup though.


  1. Your soup looks delicious! Loved seeing all those purple veggies of yours, can't wait until we are growing some of our own.:)

  2. What a beautiful harvest!! You'll be eating well in the coming days, I think. While it's getting cold there, I'm waiting for it to get warmer here so I can plant. You've given me some inspiration for new things to try!

  3. I love leek and potato soup - I always add a dash of white wine!

  4. In soup, leek and potatoes goes very well and it is so good.

  5. Great harvest, and fantastic looking soup!

  6. I love the idea of "accidental" potatoes! These are presumably what we call "volunteers" - ones that grow from a previous year's crop that hasn't been 100% cleared?

  7. Hello Diana! Another beautiful harvest. I love soup so full of good things. Did your purple kings taste any good? We got so much from our plant but I pulled it out early because they were just tough and chewy although prolific. Your cantaloupe look great!

  8. Looks yummy. Hope it was all great!

  9. leek and potato soup looks yummy! Nice harvest!

  10. Chili is my attention this time, i haven't been harvesting for long. Your chilies are fat! I tried to harvest some potatoes yesterday, i thought just pull them like how we did to the carrots, all 'koyak'!! Stupid milka, lol.

  11. Looks delicious. My leeks are only 1 inch tall and still under lights, and we're waiting one more week to plant out potatoes. We planted the leeks to late to harvest this summer. Hopefully they'll be ready in the fall. Maybe we'll get to try potato-leek soup then. Thanks for the great idea.

  12. Your harvest is great, as always! :) Your soup looks so delicious and full of flavour! If I could only have half of your harvest from my own garden, it would make my day!

  13. I congratulate you on your wonderful harvest ,my dear. you are a successful vege gardener which is not easy to be, I know!

  14. What a beautiful and colorful harvest! It will be some time before we have that type of harvest here!

  15. Beautiful harvest. It will be sad when the purple is gone. I love to grow purple plants as they are so pretty.

  16. How long does it take for you to consume all that? You seem to have a lot of harvest each time.

  17. Mr. H~ There are some fresh greens that will be ready to be harvested in your place soon I hope. As the summer plants takes a while to set fruit. But yours look already big and won't have to wait long.

    JGH~ I am curious which one would you like to try;-).

    Sue, Ellada, Malar~ I must remember to make leek and potato soup one of this day.

    Barbie, Elsie May~Thank you.

    Mark~Yes They are volunteers. We thought we collected them all but it seems not.

    Mrs. Bok~ Last week was actually our first time tasting our Purple King bean. We have been freezing them for winter stock. I add them in the porridge so there were a bit overcook than usual which make them soft to eat.

    Milka~ How was your potato harvest? We will be very interested to hear the result of growing potatoes in Ipoh.

    Jody~ Your leek will be much sweeter when it is ready to harvest in fall. I like harvesting leek in cooler season rather warmer season as it taste much better.

    Joyce~Malu to say that is actually bubur. But someone was busy wandering in the garden while cooking the bubur end up terlampau hancur.

    Rosie~ Thank you. Some plants did succeed on giving us produce some don't.

    Robin~ I was mesmerise looking at your so many healthy seedlings.

    Daphne~Purple plants do make the garden more colourful and cheerful. It is fall now, and it will be not that colourful in our garden here anymore. As we will be focusing more on the greens. Root crop have different colour but you just can't see them in the soil.

    One~1~2days. That is cukup-cukup je sometime. There also some harvest which is not included in the photos. Rayyan food is freshly harvested most morning and that is not included with that vegetables.

  18. Beautiful harvest! I'm hoping to add some purple to my garden this year myself. I'm trying eggplant for the first time, and hopefully I can find some purple beans.
