
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Autumn Visitors

We have so many creatures visiting our garden this year in autumn. Many of them, we have not seen them in previous autumn. I am not familiar with these tiny creatures, hopefully you can help me identify them which I have to watch out or welcome in our garden. We are worried that we shoo away the good guys but the bad boys have a nice home-stay with us.
This one on top of leaf amaranth look very cute but I am very suspicious of this cute bug. Let it stay or shoo it away?
Mr. Grasshopper is a childhood friend. It does not leave any obvious damage in our garden, although with many numbers can severely causes havoc in a tropical garden.
I am not really sure whats her name. But it does look one that I should let it stay as it wants in our garden.
How about this bug No.4?
This spider seems to be spunning webs to protect pumpkin behind it.
It is getting colder everyday now here.
Hope you don't catch the bug!
Stay warm.


  1. You've taken some very beautiful pictures. Enjoy the crisp autumn air. We're slowly moving toward hot and humid here.

  2. Beautiful photos. Did you buy a new camera? Got One's feel, :)

  3. cm hanya kenal belalang je:)..dialah yang selalu serang pokok timun Cm

  4. Great photos! I love the one of the spider in the web!

  5. Great shots of the bugs. I can't identify any but that first one looks kind of like a stink bug. I'm thinking I'd shoo it away. The others should be fine-especially the spider and wasp.

  6. You are right! I feel so at home. :) Even milka noticed. The first one is very colourful. Wonder what it is.

    The good guys cannot stay without the bad guys.

  7. Hahaha! yes, I thought I was in One's blog! Nice shots of little friends! I would definitely shoo away the grasshoppers! The first insect does not look good too! The rest, I've got no idea!

  8. Wow! Such a diverse garden population. Sorry, I don't know much about good or bad bugs.

  9. I think the first one is a Stink Bug or Shield Bug (enemy, but not too bad). The wasp is probably a friend. Not sure what Bug No.4 is. Looks like a type of fly. Even the baddies can be quite photogenic, can't they?

  10. I think the first one is shield bug too! It's not gardener's friend!
    You have many bugs in your garden now! Hope they spare you some green vegetables!

  11. geez, i haven't seen a grasshopper up close for a while to think of it! spiders, yes, they are everywhere!

  12. Awesome pictures (even if I don't like bugs)! As others have pointed out, the first one looks like a green version of the stink bug we have in the States. Actually the brown version of the stink bug is a real problem here. I read that they are originally from Asia (where they are harmless) but the ones here ravage fruits and veggies and are a real problem (I've heard) for farmers and home gardeners. I'm hoping I won't see them here in the city, but who knows. Maybe the green guys are good ones tho:)

  13. If only I would have read this post a few days ago. I took out a library book about identifying insects but returned it. Although I read it I of course can't remember enough to id the insects (great photos!) My policy is any insect is welcome in small numbers.

  14. The first one looks like a stink bug if it were in the US. I always get rid of them. The worst damage they do in my garden is to puncture tomatoes. It leaves little circular hard spots on them. In bad years they can really hurt the crop. Other than that I haven't had them do much damage. But then they are our variety. I expect yours is a little different as you are halfway around the world.

  15. We call the stink bug a shield bug and generally wouldn't encourage them as they are plant eaters see here

    The orange and black insect may be a potters wasp see here

    By the way I commented yesterday but my comment seems to have disappeared.

  16. I have so many childhood friend. I love dragonfly the most, especially the red one.

  17. So many visitors! Yes, I think the first one is a stink bug too - it sucks sap out of my citrus plants. Knock it into a pail of soapy water but watch out, don't touch it, it squirts a liquid that really stinks! It can irritate your eyes too if it get in. I think the wasps are good guys.

  18. Your vegetables and even the critters are the colour of autumn, also my name ;>)

  19. blech - great photography, but I don't care for any bugs at all - not even the good ones! :)
