
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Seeds

A memo of what seeds that I am expecting to collect this month or that has been collected but are sitting on the kitchen table until I find time to sort it out. I reckon it will be on the kitchen table until winter when nothing much to do in the garden and continuous rainy day. Most of my containers are now empty or with new seedlings or waiting for some plants to finish it life-cycle. All of our leaf amaranth (chinese spinach) are producing seeds scattered in different containers and location. I like the flowers so I let them bolt. I spied seeds in this red plume flowers of leaf amaranth.
End of season for zinnia (lilliput) in our garden and I just left them to dry like that and will pull the whole plant to let it dry properly under the shed before collecting the seeds. I am using an excuse of collecting it seeds when actually I was too lazy to prune the plant.

Calendula (sunshine), Bush Bean (Redland Pioneer), Pattypan Squash (yellow ruffle), Bitter Gourd and Okra (Clemson Spineless) seeds, can you guess which is which? I found this dried bean on the ground completely forgotten that I left it to dry on the plant. One okra pod will give you at least 20seeds, for a small garden like ours will be sufficient for next summer.

These choy sums growing under burgundy okra plants keep on producing flowers and seed pods since last year. I just cut the stem that has dried seed pod and it continuously keep on producing new stem to produce more flowers. Fresh choy sum seeds for us and we still have one unopened seed packet of choy sum bought last year.
Chinese Broccoli or kailan are also giving us some fresh seeds at the moment. This autumn we used fresh home-saved seeds of kailan and germination was so good. We left kailan sharing the same container with sweet potatoes and it kept flowering. No need to worry about space.

We have problems with capsicum and chili seeds last spring. I bought a packet of Golden Calwonder seeds and it seems only one seeds gave me one fruit. This is a $4 capsicum. I have been waiting for the fruit to mature more than 2 months. I am making sure that it ripen nicely so I can collect seeds from it later. It is the biggest capsicum now in our garden. The plant must have given all its energy to produce this one fruit although the nights are cold. More than 2 months green to yellow.
Some of the plant seeds we are collecting will be too much for us, excess seeds. We will share some of our home-saved seeds maybe next month for the next seed give-away.
What seeds are you collecting this month?


  1. I was rather busy the last week or so, but Kakdah happily collected all sort of seeds.., roselle definitely, balsam, ulam raja, malabar spinach....

    capsicum, nampak cantik!!

  2. Since I'm in the northern hemisphere, I won't be collecting seed until last summer and fall. So I have a ways to go. In the past I haven't been successful collecting pea seed, but I'm going to try again this year. Often our weather is too wet and the seed just rots before it ripens enough to pick. Dry beans are usually easier (and do it every year) since they usually start to ripen in August and that tends to be a drier month. The harvest often goes into September though and then I sometimes have to pick them as shelling beans so as not to waste them.

    Usually I save pepper, tomato, squash, lettuce, beans, parsley, coriander, and dill. And assorted flowers.

  3. Bangchik and Kakdah~ How wonderful to use fresh seeds everytime. Tak sabar nak petuik capsicum ni.

    Daphne~I left some of the beans to dry but some has sprouted inside the pod when we had some several wet days. I am looking forward to see your colourful bean seeds when it is end of season in your region.

  4. Must admit I rarely collect seeds - the trouble is we like trying different varieties of plants.

    Maybe we should have a go!

  5. kebun cm belum ada hasil.Baru tanam sawi itu pun tak berapa nak hidup setelah terbiar selama 3 hari sebab balik kampung.

  6. Sue~ You can try to save the seed which is your favourite and grow well in your place. We like to buy different seeds every year to increase the variety of plants we grow. So we collect the old variety without needing to buy the same seeds again.

    Cikmanggis~Dekat sana musim panas ke sekarang? Untuk bekalan sawi cik manggis tak putus-putus semai benih sawi sebulan sekali.
