
Friday, June 24, 2011

Container Gardening (June)

Our garden containers in early winter month are still not that much organized. We still have many summer plants left growing and have not decided whether to pulled it out or not. The ones that we have tidied are fill with little seedlings. This corner of our container gardens at the back rows are sweet potatoes, leeks and newly sprouted carrots.At the front in the middle wong bok suddenly has so much growth this month it is monopolising this space shared with earliball cabbage. I am not very good at following spacing rule. Well the wong bok can be harvest anytime soon, so the earliball cabbage will have it own space later.
Komatsuna,purple giant mustard, turnips, chinese broccoli, shallot and garlic at this corner in our backyard.
Newly transplanted leeks seedlings from veggie gnome. So far, beetroot and parsnips are growing nicely in this containers.
Different kind of root vegetables growing in this corner.
Yellow cherry tomatoes keep on producing that it won't give me a chance to pull it out. At the centre of  tomatoes plants, bitter gourd plants are still there.
A few minutes more its Saturday, finally has the chance to do something in the garden this weekend. 
Have a nice weekend everyone.


  1. We have spacing issues too. Sometimes we just quickly throw seed down because we don't like to see any empty spaces. It's not always super successful, but we think something is better than nothing. Your tiny leeks are very cute. Ours looked just like that a month or so ago. We planted them late and don't expect a harvest until late fall.

  2. I think all your gardens are so neat and tidy-and healthy! A bonus:)

  3. I really like what you manage to accomplish in your gardens. Very impressive and always looks so neat.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. jelesnya nampak tanaman dalam bekas ni hidup subur.Cm dah putus asa sebab percubaan yang gagal tempohari...dah siap kerja sekolah ke:)..selamat berhujung minggu ya...

  5. Well, it may be Winter in your part of the world, but it looks as if you still have plenty of veg to harvest. Here in the UK, not much is available in the Winter unless you have a polytunnel or heated greenhouse.

  6. Very nice...I like your containers.

  7. I've never been good at following spacing rules either. Well other people's rules. I follow mine on occasion. And then there are the plants that don't follow the rules either.

  8. I don't normally follow spacing specifications. The four papaya plants are touching one another now.

  9. Great job! It's always good to see what you manage to grow, with little space available. Must come and have a look at your garden some time. :)

  10. Even with our large garden areas we still have many issues with spacing....just never enough room. By the way, I have been enjoying the Chinese broccoli you sent.:)

  11. Charming small orchard of the garden.

  12. I long for a day off too to clear up the french beans patch. Hope you had a great workout in the garden.

  13. Jody~Yes same here too. I can't see empty spaces. At the moment for us size does not matter as long as it keeps on giving us food to harvest.

    Tina~Maybe because we made some trick with the pictures made them look more presentable. But in reality it does look sometime very messy:).

    Cher~It has been almost 3 years to create the garden in this state. But I guess a garden is never finished.

    Cikmanggis~Kerja sekolah tak pernah siap. Tapi dapatlah siap separuh apa yang target dalam minggu ni. Bolehlah main-main dan luah masa untul anak-anak hujung minggu ni :).

    Mark~We are in the plain and near the coast is much warmer than the hill. We are lucky to escape the frost.Nothing really much grow in winter but hopefully they pick up growth come spring.

    Patricia~ Free and recycle containers:).

    Daphne~Hahaha...yes other people rules. I guess every gardener will learn to make their own space rule from their own observation which is much more reliable.

    Bangchik and Kakdah~Well our tropical garden is so dense. I guess they don't follow spacing rule as well.

    Veggie Gnome~You are very welcome to come and visit our home and little garden.

    Mr. H.~Hope you like Chinese Broccoli. Space for growing vegetables and fruits are never enough :).

    Leovi~ Thank you.

    Milka~We were blessed with sunny weather and we garden until dusk. Tak mau masuk rumah. Hope you got your french beans patch clear up. Planning to tanam apa?

  14. Hope you have had a restful weekend! Everything is looking great. I am sure you will have lots of wonderful harvest this week.
