
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Jagung menjadi juga

Male and female together on the same place?
The kernels still tasted very sweet, although exposed like that.
Yesterday we cleared this veggie patch to plant cool season vegetables that is a bit late than usual. Sunflower blooming from compost which is a nice surprise considering that it is winter.
Only a few sweet corn were left to harvest from that patch. I found 2 ripe red tomatoes from self-sowed plant. We have not harvest any red tomato for a long time, wanted to leave it ripen more but thinking about hungry tiny critters better harvest it quick.
Hopefully Ilhan sweet corn patch will ripen and we have more sweet corn to harvest. It takes longer for sweet corn cobs to mature in this cold weather. It will be another 3 months before we can start to sow sweet corn seeds again in spring.
Ilhan stole his father boots when his father went into the house for a while and he is pretending that he is a farmer.


  1. Ilhan looks so cute with the boots. He looks so happy as a farmer:)

  2. Little farmer in huge boots! Ilhan is so cute. I'm so going to buy corn at the next pasar malam....yours made me green with envy. purrr...meow!

  3. How precious! Now you have me hungry and I must take a break and eat. lol

  4. The last photo of Ilhan is adorable - looks like it should be in a magazine!

  5. He is of course a farmer in these boots.

  6. How cute. It takes a farmer to know a farmer and he sure is!

  7. The corns looks glorious! A very sweet and memorable picture of Ilhan. He sure will laugh about this one day.

  8. Kids always brighten up our days :)

  9. I love that photo of your son!! How adorable!

  10. How cute is your boy?! I should show his picture to my toddler who will NOT walk in her boots, totally refuses! Means she gets cold and wet feet everytime we go outside -sigh-

  11. What a cutie!
    How unusual to have corn growing on the male part! It must be very confused!
    Do you have an corn growing tips? Im looking forward to having a better go at it next summer...

  12. We've just planted our sweet corn. It usually does well and provides us with plenty of corn to freeze as well as eat fresh

  13. Syabas! You know we hardly grow corn in our backyard back here in Kota Kinabalu. I truly admire your lovely kebun!

  14. ala comeynya Ilhan pakai boot sampai nak tenggelam badan hehe.:)wah menjadi jagung Ilhan ya:)

  15. Your son is so cute! The veggies are looking good-a wonderful treat at the end of the season.

  16. I miss having toasted corn. I wish I could grow some here too. Maybe later when I have a house or a proper garden
    That last photo is very cute.

  17. Phoebe~ This is the first time we ever succeed growing sweet corn in fall. They are very thirsty need plenty of water and hungry too.

    Sue~We just manage to freeze a few cobs.

  18. wow, love n admire your kebun....wish i can make it one day......n ilhan is supercute....hahahahahh
