
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stir-Fried Radish Cake

I have been craving for some stir-fried radish cake this month. I only have eaten it once and fell in love with it. I did not grew up with this dish although I am a Malaysian and it is a common hawker food. When we were working in Senai (Johor state), we frequently visit pasar malam (night market) to buy dinner. It was cheaper to buy food rather than cooking for only two people. One pasar malam day, walking on the bustling streets with rows of food hawker stalls lining up beside the street and trying to decide which to have for dinner, I saw people crowding on one of this food hawker stall. This heavily pregnant woman with her first child got curious and walk closer to see what kind of food that hawker stall is selling. The hawker is Chinese and most of his waiting customer were Chinese but they were one Malay couple waiting too. So I asked what food it is to the closest customer waiting beside me. She thought I was Chinese at first glance which is a common mistake that I am used too, they told me that the dish is made of radish and egg.    So with some persuasion to convince dear husband, we tasted stir-fried radish cake for the first time 4 years ago. That stir-fried radish cake made such an impact that we still remember the day we first taste it. So now skip the memory lane. We had so much daikon this year that I had to come up different ways to prepare it so members of our small dining table won't complain that much. On top of that, all of us are not a big fan of daikon yet. Last week, I posted recipe for Steamed Radish cake. Here is another way to enjoy the prepared steamed radish cake ~ stir-fried radish cake.
Stir-fried Radish Cake (recipe adapted from Terry Tan's The Thai Table cooking book)
200gram steamed radish cake (previous post linked)
2 tablespoon cooking oil
2 Eggs lightly beaten
2 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
Your favourite chili sauce to taste
One spring onion finely chopped

Slice the steamed radish cake into bite size pieces. 
Heat oil in a wok.
Stir-fry radish cake and eggs for about 3 minutes (you can also add chicken, prawn or other vegetables).
Add sweet soy sauce and chili sauce.
Mix well and remove from heat.
Garnish with chopped spring onions.
Don't you love to cook food that don't use many ingredients and taste so good.
I can't live without a wok in our kitchen. If you happen to visit Malaysia and have the opportunity to visit pasar malam or any hawker stall do try this tasty dish. If you can't do any travelling this year. Then you can make this dish. As we like this dish, daikon has confirmed its place in each of spring and fall season planting plan. In true appreciation for this dish, all the members of our little dining table has agreed.


  1. Oh yes!!!!! I love, love, love that 'carrot cake'. Used to have it quite often in Singapore for breakfast. They call it 'carrot cake', but no carrot in sight, and no cake either. It was hot and delicious. Lots of chilli. Oh, how I crave stir-fried radish cake now!

    Now I wish I had sown daikon radish - I haven't this season.

    Thanks for posting this recipe - it brought back lots of wonderful memories. :) Oh, and shame on you for not having had it more whilst in Malaysia! Teehee...

  2. Thanks for posting the recipe -
    I love fried radish cake and
    haven't been able to find it
    in Adelaide (I'm not Malaysian
    but I've spent a lot of time
    there). I like daikon in anything

  3. This is a new one for me. I will have to keep my eyes open for radish cake. I like to plant daikon...I think it is good for the soil.

  4. Looks great :D *heads to the kitchen*

  5. So nice that you remember in graphic detail how you first discovered this dish! It obviously made a big impression on you. I have many happy memories of night market food from visits to Penang.

  6. Looks so good and yummy! I like the presentation much.

  7. this looks not only yummy but also easy to make. I love daikon raw or in salad but this is very appealing for a change. thanks for the recipe.

  8. I love this! One of my faves at yum cha.

  9. Aaah...the "lobak" that we know... It's a must have when we go to Penang...We also love dried radish, Mama would make a fiery hot stir fry of dried radish with ikan bilis and chili api. yummmy.... purrr....meow!

  10. Radish cake, satu mari. I must have this during the next Pasar Malam.

  11. We call this 'lobak-koh', extremely, delicious, more 'choi-poh, garlic and chili' please! This is an evergreen Chinese favourite. Have not eaten this in quite a while, looking at your delicious plate, I'm craving for some now! My family's favourite! Yum! Jealous-lah that you got your own daikon! :)

  12. never had a radish cake spicy like this. yummm!!

  13. Veggie Gnome~I was surprise when I ate it the first time why I don't taste any radish inside. Did not realised the cake was radish thought it was big fat kuey teow. If you are near the city will be happy to share daikons with you. Too many dishes to choose when you are in pasar malam...hehehe...

    Charmcitybalconygarden~ Another new way to enjoy radish ;-).

    Barbara~Not that I don't like daikon but everyday...hehehe...

    Patricia~It is very good for the soil does all the digging for you.

    KlaRraParis~ Thanks!

    Mark~The thing have to be careful with pasar malam is you can't stop buying and ends up with many leftovers...hehehe...

    Denver~ Good for winter these chilies.

    Catmint~Hope you like it.

    Cat-from-Sydney~What is dried radish?

    Kwee Peng~ Tapau untuk saya juga.

    Joyce~If I am in Malaysia I probably be lazy and buy it from pasar malam....hehehe...duduk sini have to cook sendiri loh.

    Wendy~They are very good. Yummm.

  14. I've never had radish cakes before. Sounds delicious!!

  15. huuu..kecur saliva tengok post ni..hehe :D
