
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Yellow Currant Cherry Tomatoes

Last spring, I bought a packet of 7 mixture of cherry tomatoes from Green Harvest 'Tomato Cherry Rainbow'. From this seed packet the only cherry tomato variety that sprouted for us was yellow pear, yellow currant and green grape. Among these 3 cherry tomatoes, green grape was the sweetest. Although, it is winter now, spring sprouted tomato seeds that continue to produce in our garden are yellow currant and yellow pear cherry tomatoes. Yellow currant is 1/3 size of the usual cherry tomatoes.
Yellow currant cherry tomatoes are very hardy, it can endure harsh weather like heat waves and cold. They are also very prolific, never seems to stop producing even in harsh weather. During heat waves, it did not suffer as much like bigger size tomatoes. We pruned the burnt leaves and it does not notably reduce the yields.
This is how our yellow currant cherry tomato look like in winter. It has more foliage now than summer and shockingly it still keep on producing sweet tomatoes for the kitchen. Moreover, it is now in a shady area. We thought as it is now cold and it is not receiving any sun it will stop producing and sooner or later that we have to clear this area. However, it is determined to keep on producing. The staking is pretty bad we know but who have thought it grow like this in winter and that is one big tomato plant for a cherry variety.
Grape-like bunches of tomatoes hidden in the foliage.
Yellow currant does grow well in container as well. We have 2 plants still producing in containers. You will need to stake a tall trellis for this plant.We have total of 4 plants in our small garden still going strong although average day maximum temperature is 15 degree Celsius and night about 5 degree Celsius this month. We still in early winter, will be interesting to observe how it will fare in the coldest month of the year later on. Yellow currant is good for salad. I like to add these tomatoes into our fried rice when it is almost done.


  1. Those are some big tomato plants! I prune my tomato plants, as well. Lately, the birds are enjoying my red tomatoes...UGh :/. I need to check out the yellow currant.

  2. Cm tak pernah berjaya tanam tomato:( kami memang suka makan buah tomato.makan begitu saja atau buat sambal belacan atau salad.

  3. Last year I grew a variety called "Currant Goldrush", but I wasn't impressed with it. It did produce plenty of fruit, but they had very tough skins, and were not very pleasant. I hope yours are better!

  4. Loved to pop those sweet cherry tomatoes in my mouth while watering them! Need to plant new ones soon when seeing your lovely cherries!

  5. I have read that tomato plants were historical perennials. I have friends who have kept their tomato plants in place and they have continued to produce through the year.

  6. What an awesome tomato. Gotta love durable plants that refuse to give up. How cold does your area get during the winter?

  7. Juicy tomatoes! I like to eat them too! May be i should try planting the cherry tomatoes!

  8. adusss...bestnya....boleh petik fresh tomatoes n terus month, i pindah masuk rumah sendiri, i pun nak buat edible garden mcm u....bestnya........

  9. My daughter loves cherry tomatoes. I planted once only and it was so fun to see her pluck herself to enjoy the fruits. The bigger tomatoes are difficult to grow- plant, get no fruit and then see them die. Duh.

  10. I love cherry tomatoes - I've been wondering how cold exactly is your cold season?

  11. I didn't know Adelaide is this cold. But if it is like Cameron Highlands, then it should be good for the plants, right?

  12. MKG dear,
    Mama would love to lay her hands on your cherry tomato harvest. She'd make chutney with all those, or even achar. Then can eat them throughout the year. purrr....meow!

  13. They are such a pretty color. Maybe they'll continue to produce all winter!

  14. Amy~Your red tomatoes must be very sweet and juicy to attract many birds. The yellow wants are more hardy.

    Cikmanggis~Cuba lagi jangan putus atas. Mungkin tanam tomato dengan sweet basil kut. Makan tomato dengan garam pun bestnya.

    Mark~I found the tomato skin toughness differ in different season. This yellow currant skin are more tough than the red cherries but not the kind tough to dislike it. But strange during cold season the skin did not become tough very different with summer.

    p3chandan~Don't forget to plant them.

    Patricia~In the tropics they do live longer lives. They can live at least 3 years and continue to produce. Historically tomato were originally yellow too.

    Gardener on Sherlock Street~We do get close to zero degree at night.

  15. Malar~Cherry tomato plants provide more fruit than the bigger one. You will have plenty to share and enjoy.

    Nor Hayati Putri~Seronok ada kebun sendiri kat rumah. Jangan lupa plan buat kebun.

    Milka~Yes cherry tomatoes are more prolific and easier to take care.

    Sue~This year for June is so cold and we had the coldest autumn in 50years. I usually have many Asian vegetables and lettuce to harvest this time of the year. But this year, all the seedlings won't grow that much, just sleeping doing nothing. We have minumum 2 degree Celsius now.

    One~Unfortunately this year not like Cameron Highlands. So cold the day and night temperature is so much different.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Sedapnya, dengar achar tapi tak berapa pandai buatlah.

    Tina~I hope so but mother nature control its fate.
