
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Detik-Detik Daikon (Lobak putih)

We are having a break from daikon at the moment. Lenay just sow some daikon seeds yesterday, which I planned for 1 row but she made 2 rows. Not that many anyway, there were only total of 8 seeds sowed. We are not sure whether it will germinate this month but we just give it a go anyway. We probably sow another small batch in another 2 weeks, succession sowing is the main goal here so we don't have a glutton of radish again like last fall. But sow some we must to fill in the gap when harvest is scarce while waiting for summer vegetables to produce. Hoping that by mid-end spring that it will be ready.
Since daikon seeds usually germinate less than one week, we probably know next week whether radish tolerate our weather at the moment or not. Wish us luck! If we have luck I might try turnip next. Turnip is one of the vegetable that I have not much success with it yet.
Daikon grows very fast. We direct-sowed daikon, carrot and parsnip on the same day.You can see daikon has grown very fast, follow by carrot and very slow to grow parsnip. I usually don't bother to thin our daikon at this stage.
Oppss, daikon grow so fast I could not catch up...hehehe...its time to thin them.
Daikon thinnings. 
Some space for other daikons to grow bigger. Daikon is good to break the soil if you have hard soil. If you see your daikon root are high above the ground, shows that those daikon root has reached the hardest soil under ground.
Have a nice weekend!
Due to poor posture working many times in front of the microscope this week, I am having back pain.
Will be blog walking again after a bit of rest.


  1. have a good rest dear...oh memang lobak putih tumbuh sangat cepat dan senang di jaga.Semasa cm tanam dulu ubunya timbul ke atas seperti gambar ni.Seronok bila dapat hasil yg lumayan.Selamat menyabut Ramadhan yg penuh keberkatan...

  2. Things are looking good. You take care of yourself and your back now or you will really regret it when you are older. Have a nice restful weekend.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Your garden looks very very good and I thought you are having Winter. It's nice to hear that Daikon will loosen the ground. I wonder if they would loosen mine or suffocate.

    May your back heal speedily.

  4. I think you definitely have a green thumb. :) Also, I hope your back feels better VERY quickly.

  5. Very neat how the daikon raises itself out of the soil like that. I've never seen it before so cool! Also smart to successive sow. I need to get better at it myself.

  6. I love daikon...I grew up calling it white radish...

    Pryaing that your back gets the rest it deserves....

  7. Those sweet sprouts are such a nice site after looking at my crispy plants.
    Take care and get some rest.

  8. What you say about Daikon being a quick grower is so true! Having grown it for the first time this year, I was amazed at how fast it matured. Unfortunately all mine were ready at the same time, so we really had too many, but now that I know how it performs I will be better able to manage it next time round.

  9. Nice Daikon! My radish is growing as slow as a snail!
    Hope your back ache is better now. I had back ache last evening, not from gardening, but from vacuuming and washing my car! Because of that, my plans for gardening tergendala for a few days! Next time I'll use the car wash service!

  10. So happy to see your 'Daikon'.. What weather is perfect for this? Cuaca di sini ok kah tanam ni?

  11. Thanks for the information about daikon. I will try seeding some in some of my soil and see if it helps. I ordered seeds but never got around to planting them because I wasn't sure how to grow them or eat them. :)

  12. Ooo, lovely daikon. Now you've made me crave for daikon greens. It is not something commonly sold over here, except for some organic daikon, where they are sold intact with the leaves.

  13. MKG dear,
    Really sorry about the backache. And how we missed your birthday? Both Mama and I are July celebrants too. Anyway, I saw Mama bought some daikon yesterday, to stirfry with ikan bilis, she said. Oh, we've sown the kailan, kangkung and lettuce seeds. We also put some daun kesom in water and it has sprouted roots, as well as some daun selasih. Amazing what you can grow in the tropics. No need to worry about seasons...only curious cats. har har har *evil laughs*

  14. NICE!! Thanks for reminding me to plant some for the fall garden!!

  15. Oh so that's the reason why they are showing their roots out. Thought it is normal, haha. I usually will cover the roots with soil, will that help to grow bigger? Er don't think so, coz all daikon i'd harvested were kicik-monyek, lol.

  16. We grow other radish and it's always a race to pick them before they become too large and woody!

  17. Oh dear, hope your back feels better soon. You must like daikon, he heh :) Love all the pics.

  18. CikManggis~Bile sayur lain banyak masalah, lobak putih menjadi harapan :). Cikmanggis dah siap sedia nak buat kuih?

    Cher~Thank you. I try to get some rest, the problem is I can't stand the lack of activities. Always keeping myself too busy.

    Amy~Awww...every one has a green thumb :). Thank you.

    Tina~I always have to remind myself to not grow one thing too much at a time but need to practice succession sowing.

    Mom of M&Ms~In my native tongue it is knows as white carrot. Always thought it was relative to carrot. But now I know its not even in carrot family but cousin to cabbage.

    Gardener on Sherlock Street~Hope your plants bounce back after those heat waves.

    Mark~The bonus of growing daikon compared to other radishes that you get big juicy roots and don't have to worry much about it getting woody fast.

    Joyce~Hope your back ache will be better soon too. Yup cleaning the car is very challenging, one task that I delegate to hubby. It will causes back ache.

    CathJ~Cuaca di sana ok nak tanam daikon boleh saja :).

    Rosey~Hope you get to sow some daikon seeds this weekend.

    Sean L~I have not eaten our daikon leaves yet as it is infested with caterpillars and snail. We are sharing daikons with them ;-).

    Cat-from-Sydney~Happy Belated Birthday to you too. Hope those seeds sprout soon and you have fresh food on the table.

    Holly~Daikon so tolerant with cold. It can help to extend your harvest season.

    Milka~It will prevent the top root that is expose from turning green if you cover it will soil. Our daikon not that big too as we planted too closely.

    Sue~ Its always a race with other variety here too. But with daikon, I can be off guard as it usually don't become woody fast. Have you tried growing daikon before Sue?

    Shaz~I think the main attraction for daikon is it grows fast and my cousin enjoy growing it very much. I got used of daikon after living in Japan. Not that fond of daikon before that ;-). But its good for health.

  19. I've never grown daikon Diana - I hadn't even heard of it until seeing it on your blog. Is it the same as a mooli radish?
