
Friday, July 22, 2011

Purple Pleasure

About a week ago, I found some cheerful yellow things in our garden and make all of you guess what it is. So this week, I wonder if I can find purple things in our garden in this mid-winter season. Pleasantly happy that there are several purple things in our garden at the moment. Purple sunflower seeds that I left to dry (not sure whether it will properly dry in this weather though). See some gaps in the sunflower head? I was snacking on them. The seeds were fat, creamy and sweet. I was really tempted to not let them dry on the plant and have them for snack while I entertain my boys in front of the television.
Purple podded peas starting to bloom last week. I hope its not too early for them to set proper pods. The plants have climbed to 2 metres tall.
The only bloom on our tree dahlia. Many buds still but not blooming. Too cold may be.
Established polyanthus in our garden has started to bloom at the shade corner of our garden.
Sweet alyssum seems to bloom all year round here. But in winter we keep them contain in container. Because snail and slugs like to hide under bushy sweet alyssum plant during winter.
Hoping to harvest some kohlrabi next month.
Giant purple mustard which is as tall as our biggest Italian sprouting broccoli plant which is producing side shoots. We won't be eating this mustard as I don't think I will be able to swallow it because it is already very hot and bitter this big. I am going to let them flower. I like how the green stalk, vein and purple leaves look so striking against each other. This mustard is about 70cm tall now. At the back of this mustard is our more than 2 years old pepper hiding and protected by the cold wind with the help from this mustard.
Any purple favourite thing in your garden at the moment?


  1. The most purple things in my garden are my fingers and is cold this morning.

  2. Oh I have just highlighted the pinks and reds in my last two posts. I think together they might make purple. the persian shield likes this time of year and as well as the lovely silvery purple leaves I have little purple flowers on them.

  3. Those purple pea flowers are just beautiful.

  4. Lovely purples going on for you right now.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  5. Lovely colors ;) Your purple mustard and broccoli looks so healthy and yummy. I have a lots of purple orchids in my garden.

  6. MKG dear,
    It's still very green in our garden right now....or black as in soil colour as the seeds haven't germinated. har har har *evil laughs*

  7. purple warna kegemaran Cm.satu satunya warna purple dikebun Cm adalah Bunga telang-clitoria flower...tapi ke biru... bukan purple?...confuse....

  8. Does "red" beetroot count as purple? If so, I have lots of it...

  9. It's not a food plant (for humans) but I love my little Dodonaea viscosa purpurea so much that I've just bought another one!
    And the 'red legs' spring onions, I ate the first one last night but unfortunately there aren't very many more.

  10. WE have a gorgeous purple clematis loaded with flower,

  11. Hazel~Its very cold in Adelaide today too, although it was a sunny day.

    Africanaussie~Lovely sights they make in your garden.

    Daphne~ I hope it will give us big fat purple pods too.

    Cher~Appreciating these purple colours when other colours than green is very rare now here.

    Orchid de dangau~Purple are one of orchids favourite colour isn't it.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Have you ever seen "totoro" the cat-like creature. Perhaps all of you do the totoro dance around the seeds and it will pop out and grow very fast like what totoro did.

    Cikmanggis~Kejap biru, kejap ungu bunga telang. Untuk nasi kerabu punya pewarna?

    Mark~Hmmm...I still think beetroot is red :).

    Hearts_in_Asia~I think spring onions has put a curse on us. Its wierd since last summer I can't get spring onion seeds to germinate. I wish for some red spring onion this winter but the seeds did not germinate. I can understand home-grown produce always finish up quickly.

    Sue~I can just imagine what a lovely sight that plant is.


  12. That mustard is really pretty...

  13. I have some purply red spring onions and pea flowers but that's about it!

    Love your mustard, so handsome!

  14. That sunflower head is a total work of art!

  15. Purple sunflower seeds? Amazing! New for me!

  16. I miss my sunflowers this summer. They did not make it this year. I believe the birds ate the little seedlings. You have some beautiful purple blooms and they look so pretty against the clear, blue, blue, sky!

  17. How beautiful. I especially love the peas.

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  19. Lrong~Not just a pretty face, but it does make the nematode flee too.

    Mrs Bok~Wish we have some purply red spring onions too. We sowed the seeds but it never germinated for us.

    Tina~Yup, a work of art :).

    Tatyana~This are evening sun sunflower seeds. It has many variety colour of seeds.

    Amy~I had some sunflower seeds given to the bird so they don't disturb the ones that we planted.

    Jody~ We growing this pea variety for the first time.

  20. Everything look so purple and healthy!
