
Sunday, July 3, 2011

The UnUsed Land For Edible Garden

The tallest Mammoth plant that we have grown finally bloom this week. It is about 10 feet tall at least. It was raining yesterday and I was afraid that the bloom will be ragged before I can have a proper look at it after a long week at school. Two bees were constantly buzzing around the sunflower while I took some photos. This sunflower home-saved seeds were sowed early last March. 
I was worried that these autumn-sowed sweet corn cobs will never ripen. The tassels have been in dark brown colour for sometime. But went I took a peek inside, the kernels seems to be between white to light yellowish colour. So perhaps they will in about 2 weeks or so, if the weather permits.
We have been harvesting snow peas and Telephone peas. We finished harvesting most of the daikon last month. Now we used the space to grow purple savoy cabbage. Not sure whether the transplanted cabbage will form heads as it is planted a bit later than usual.
Almost a week I did not take a look at this area and found some pear cherry tomatoes on the ground.
We pull out all bush bean plants growing at the front area of this patch and in its place now are very tiny red onion seedlings. Now rainbow chards, dragon carrots and Russian kale received more sunlight so they can grow better. Self-sowed tomatoes producing fruits but it might take longer for them to turn red.
This patch are vegetables that we grown first time. From the back row > Florence fennel, Purple Vienna Kohlrabi, mixed beetroot, dragon carrot and parsnip. Beetroot are already at the stage of baby beetroot.
Sweet corns were finish harvested on this patch last month. So we replaced the sweet corns with our excess seeds of Italian sprouting broccoli, purple savoy cabbage, red choi, silverbeet, Florence fennel, chervil, cauliflower and Chinese celery. 
I was planning on going to the lab this weekend since Saturday was raining and Sunday was expected to rain. But it was a Sunny Sunday :). Cancelled my plan to do some work at lab...hehehe...I promise I work much harder next week in the lab as long as I can have one day in the garden.


  1. Diana, I so understand your priorities - gardening gives clarity of mind and energy to work in the lab. (but I do think you are amazing how much you fit in) cheers, cm

  2. I like how you always make good use of your space for gardening. Hope you get more time to spend doing what you love!

  3. No land is wasted with you around Diana! See all those healthy plants grow and produce. The land is paying back what you gave! Happy gardening!

  4. I support your view on the subject of Work-Life Balance! Gardening puts you in a better mood, so you will be more productive at work.

  5. You have your garden, I have my Cerok Tokun.

  6. Your sunflower looks so happy! I sowed some sunflower seeds for the first time this year and am hoping mine will also smile at me! Enjoy your day in the garden.

  7. I love how you've planned your garden for constant harvest! I hope to take some notes and apply them too. That sunflower is gigantic!

  8. You do an incredible job of keeping the food coming. I hope your broccoli and other hearty vegetables take of quickly for a late winter/early spring harvest!

  9. Hope you had wonderful time tending the garden!
    Your garden plants are just so amazing!

  10. That sunflower is really tall! But the flower is beautiful :-D Bright and pretty. I think your neighbour can enjoy the flower also.

  11. Our peas really need rain but it does look as though we may be able to harvest some soon.

  12. Catmint~ I am always in a good mood whenever I harvest something from our garden before I go to the lab.

    Rosey~Hopefully I have more time in the future.

    P3chandan~I guess there is always not enough land for a gardener. You keep on wanting to expand it.

    Mark~Yes I agree. More productivity in work when you got to spend things that you like to do.

    Rainfield61~ Cerok Tokun is a garden created so many years ago. Perhaps before man were born.

    Patricia~Hopefully you have some smiling faces in your garden soon.

    Holly~We tried to sow seeds every month. We are lucky that we don't have frost here.

    Jody~I dearly hope so. It will depend whether the weather warms up quickly in spring or late. Thanks.

    Malar~I had wonderful time in the garden. I was even force to stop and eat a late lunch by my family who knows I forget everything once I am in the garden.

    Stephanie~I hope they enjoy the sunflower very much so it is easier for me to expand space to grow things I like.

    Sue~Can't wait to see your harvest since I know you have so many varieties growing.

