
Thursday, August 4, 2011

End Winter Container Garden

Our container garden at the end of winter season here have more growth and greens now instead of empty containers. This few weeks, the container garden is thriving by its own with an exception of watering after a few days without rain.We are growing some onion, carrot, lettuce and garlic in containers.
An attempt growing one savoy cabbage in container. Beetroots and carrots at this corner of our container garden.
Sweet potato planted last spring which look dreadful but should be ready to be harvested any time. But we didn't because we are collecting Chinese broccoli seed pods which is sharing container with sweet potato plants. The warm weather that we had these couple of days has make some of seed potatoes too sprout. Growing purple vienna kohlrabi, florence fennels, carrot and leeks at this corner.
At this corner of our container garden in our backyard are newly sprouted bloomsdale spinach, witloof chicory, red romain lettuce and garlics.
Different stages of garlic plant growth on the right. Other vegetables that we currently growing at this corner are matador shallots, parsnips, leeks, topweight carrots, beetroots and sweet potatoes.


  1. Everything is really doing well there considering the season and containers.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Fresh spinach in winter will be awesome!

  3. You've done a great job! I find growing veggies in container to be way too difficult for my patience level. Most of the veggies I've grown in containers have fails. Nice to see someone succeeding at it!

  4. Your containers look so happy! Will be a nice winter harvest. Send us some cooler temps will ya...

  5. Yes, that reminds me: I must soon get round to sowing some salads and things in containers to last me through the Autumn. It's August already! Our summer is nearly gone. :(

  6. It's just like a patchwork quilt!

  7. Impressive garden. Mama is green with envy. purrrr *giggles*

  8. Very envious indeed, at the many variety of veggies you grow. Very intensive!

  9. Love the idea of using those polystyrene containers to grow those veggies...:) betul kan tu polisterin? ke salah tgk? hehehe

  10. Your kebun sayur very productive. I thought it is winter and bare.

  11. with such produces, i doubt you ever get veggies from the market!

  12. I saw some of my neighbours using this container to plant their veggies too.. and grow so well.. ah.. I think I am gonna try using this too.. ^_^

  13. What a wonderful gardener you are! I can see so much love you put in :-)

  14. Love your veggies! There's a new one for me, witloof chicory, no idea what veggie that is, very interesting and curious! Have a lovely Sunday,Diana!

  15. Wow, so many containers... looks like you are doing very well even in the deep of winter....

  16. I am going to put you in my blogroll because your blog is such so inspirational and educational. Love your veges.

  17. Meriah sungguh tanaman Diana...Happy Gardening ;)

  18. That's a lot of vegetables at various stage!

  19. Cher~Oh cherry tomatoes plants are dying though. I have to find the time to replace it.

    Rainfield61~Happy Hiking Cerok Tekon.

    Tina~ I have to remember to harvest spinach before it bolts :).

    Thomas~We started container gardening bit by bit because of lack space. Most of the usable space for planting are usually in shade during winter. So the containers are receiving the best sunlight.

    Skeeter~I will be asking some cool breeze when we are in the middle of summer later on too :).

    Mark~How fly time fast. I am also surprise that we be entering spring next month.

    Sue~Oh never realised until you said so. It does. A vegetable quilt...hahaha...

    Cat-from-Sydney~Looking forward to see your balcony garden fill with greens. All the felines will have a place to hide too.

    Bangchik and Kakdah~We found it safer to plants different variety as at the same time there are veggies that does well and some or not.

    HangKebon~YUP polystyrene container. Free from the market.

    Autumn Belle~We are fortunate that we have mild winter. So we actually can grow all year round depending on which variety to grow each season.

    Lena~After 3 winter season, we finally reached our goal this season of no need to buy veggies from the market. So happy:).

    CathJ~Good Luck CathJ. Its very environmental-friendly this way by helping to re-cycle.

    Ewa~Yes winter here.

    Rita~-Gardening is such a good therapy.

    Joyce~I have not eaten witloof chicory yet.Waiting for it to become more bigger.

    Lrong~The growth is slow but the vegetables are starting to pick up as we have some warm days this month.

    The Seasonal One~Oh you are making me blush :).

    Orchid de dangau~Terima kasih.

    Malar~It keeps the vegetable flowing to the kitchen. Different stages so we don't end up with a glut at one time.
