
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Turkish (Dragon) Carrot Pilaf (Winter Wednesday)

Carrots has been one of the main harvest in winter for us this year. This year there are 3 varieties of carrots ~Afghanistan, dragon and topweight carrots growing through winter for us. We have already harvested all of our Afghanistan carrots and few are left to flower to collect seeds. Topweight carrots are growing rather slow and has not develop roots that much. Now its dragon carrot turn to be harvested. We received dragon carrot seeds from our local seed-savers meetings early this year. So last fall was the first time we grew dragon carrots.  Dragon carrots in this basket were harvested yesterday grown in polystyrene container. How long did I left them to grow since I sowed seeds? Maybe at least 18 weeks. 
It was a nice surprise that dragon carrots grow very well in container. How deep was that container? About 30cm. I just finished direct-sowed the balance of our dragon carrot seeds in one container this week. Now, I am wishing for some more of dragon carrot seeds for our spring-sowing carrot plan. It seems I might have to shop for some dragon carrot seeds. Contemplated to let some of dragon carrots to flower but I wouldn't want it to cross-pollinate with Afghanistan carrot which one plant has already has blooms.However, none of the dragon carrots shows any sign to flower yet at the moment. Maybe, I can get a gap in between those 2 variety flowering time?Hmmm...but I still need to sow more dragon carrot seeds next month.
Dragon carrot has reddish purple colour top that make it easier to differentiate with other variety. I found a recipe which goes well with dragon carrot ~ Turkish Pilaf. It was really fun to harvest fresh carrot and cook it straight away within minutes of harvesting it.
Turkish Carrot Pilaf (recipe from Middle Eastern Bibble Book)
3 tablespoons (60gram) unsalted butter
2 cups coarsely grated carrot
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
freshly ground black pepper
2 cups long-grain rice, washed (we used basmati)
31/2 cups (875ml) chicken stock (vegetarian-vegetable stock)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground paprika, for garnish

Heat butter in a heavy-based saucepan over medium heat. Add carrot, stir to coat with the butter and then cook for 10 minutes until softened, stirring constantly.

Add sugar, spices, pepper and rice, and cook for 2 minutes or until rice is translucent.
Pour stock into the pan and season with salt. Instead of using the saucepan to cook the rice until cooked. I transferred them to our rice cooker to cook until the rice is cooked. Stirring occasionally. Serve sprinkle with paprika if you like. But if you are not using rice cooker to cook the rice, here are advices from this recipe book. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 15-20 minutes until rice is cooked.
Stretch a clean tea towel over the rim of the pan and replace the lid. Set aside for 10 minutes to allow the cloth to absorb the steam. Gently fluff up the rice with a fork and serve sprinkled with paprika.
It was really delicious. All of us had at least seconds.
Planning to make this dish again with the next batch of carrot harvest or for Eid Mubarak feast.
I noticed many gardeners that I visited this month harvested carrots. It was fun to see so many different variety of carrots harvested at different corner of other gardeners garden on this planet earth.


  1. I've never had this vegetable but they do look interesting.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Love the dark colored carrots, hope you are able to get some more planted. The carrot pilaf sounds good, I might have to try that myself. I like your new header picture a lot.:)

  3. Those dragon carrots are such a pretty color! It is amazing how well they've grown for you. I never have good luck with carrots here.

  4. That sounds delicious. You have som many wonderful new recipe ideas. Do you ever cook the same thing twice?

  5. A lovely comforting recipe.

    I grew some purple carrots in pots a couple of years ago, pretty amazing in a salad too.

  6. I am definitely going to try this. I never heard the trick of putting a towel over the saucepan with the cooked rice to absorb the steam. Clever!

  7. MKG dear,
    Your pilaf looks amazing. And to think Mama would put those frozen mixed vege - carrot + peas + corn - in hers. Would go well with roast lamb or kurma. yummmm.. .purrrt *giggles*

  8. tak pernah lihat apa lagi makan karot warna seperti ini.Sejak gagal percubaan tanam karot hari tu tak berani nak tanam lagi.oh ya pokok bunga matahari dah tumbuh lebihkurang sekaki tingginya tapi banyak sungguh mushnya sehingga daunnya hampir togel..

    selamat hari raya buat Diana sekeluarga.Mohon kemaafan jika ada terkasar bahasa dan terlanjur kata.Semoga aidilfitri kali ini dapat bersama-sama orang orang yang kita sayanagi.

    Bagus jugak jika dapat masak menu nasi karot ni untuk hari raya nanti...

  9. You have a very beautiful and bright sunflower to offer.

  10. Gorgeous colours! I'm taking a leaf out of your book and have sown some carrots in containers. I've had no luck in the ground at all, so I'm hoping this will be more successful.

  11. This carrot look so different! Thanks for the recipe!

  12. Beautifullll.... Ahh I am going to look for the polybox... ^_^

  13. Have not seen this carrot before! Really frustating that all my carrots seedlings died. I have tried many times! But I'm not giving up, trying again! The rice does look good, thanks for sharing the recipe!

  14. You certainly did get some very fine carrots! The deep purple colour is very attractive. Do they stay that colour when cooked, or do they fade?
    I've had better luck with my carrots this year, because I sowed them in containers which #i then raised up off the ground, aboe the usual Carrot Fly cruising altitude.

  15. Oh dear this made me grieve for my lost carrot harvest.

  16. I have never seen purple carrots. Dragon carrots? That's a nice name!

  17. Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family!

  18. I have never seen Turkish carrots before. The pilaf looks delicious!

  19. Those carrots look so beautiful.

  20. Those carrots look great!
    I would love to grow some of those next season. I wonder if I can make some space for them somewhere.
    Do they need a lot of sun?

  21. Those are gorgeous carrots!

  22. Dear Diana, you are impressively knowledgable and competent at growing veggies. The dragon carrots look delish but i intend to try the recipe with ordinary carrots. If I were starting out again I think I would incorporate veggies too ... next life ... cheers, cm

  23. Sounds delicious. I have not grown carrot ... wonder if it will grow.

  24. Your carrots are beautiful and I believe they have a very beautiful cross section too when I cooked and made puree with them once. The next time I'm going to shave them cross section with a mandolin and make a beautiful salad with them :)

  25. Womderful colors of the carrots...

  26. these carrots look amazing, never seen them. Would like to wish you 'Selamat Hari Raya' too!!

  27. Cher~It is fun to grow different variety of carrots that is not available readily from the market.

    Mr. H~Just bought a purple-coloured variety carrot but not purple dragon. Hopefully it will grow like that purple dragon in our garden.

    Tina~We grow better carrots in polystyrene here rather in soil.

    Jody~I cook them many times when I have no ideas to prepare meals. But I think I cook more than twice the same recipes because it taste good and became our comfort food.

    Shaheen~Yup this one has definitely become our comfort food. Must be very interesting colourful fun salad.

    Patricia~Glad that the tips help.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Sedap juga dengan roast lamb or kurma. But with our first carrot pilaf, we decide to made it into a Vegetarian Day.

    Cikmanggis~Anak pokok bunga matahari memang banyak peminat. Saya pun nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf jika ada terguris hati CM. Dah biasa beraya kat perantauan, tapi tahun ni rasa sedih sikit kesian kat anak-anak tak pernah merasa meriah raya.

    Rainfield61~ Sunflower do brighten our day here. Always happy face, sunflower.

    Hearts_in_asia~Good Luck with the carrots!

    Malar~Hope you enjoy this recipe.

    CathJ~Its good to be able to help the environment by re-using polybox.

    Joyce~What causes your carrot seedlings death? Don't give up! Fresh home-grown carrots are worth it. Thank you so much for sending me email wishing hari raya. You made me so happy :). Cos I was feeling a bit lonely.

    Mark~ Your carrots were very good! You did a very fine job growing them in containers to avoid those pesky pest. I did not noticed whether the colour retained after cook or not since it was grated.

    Sue~Do you sow some more carrots in fall?

    Autumn Belle~ A carrots that attracts boys to eat it since it has a very interesting name.

    Malar~ Oh Thank you so much for the wish. So happy :).

    Jennifer~It was delicious.

    Daphne~ It was fun and worth the long growing season to wait to harvest this carrot.

    Fer~I think it can grow in partial shade. You can inter-plant carrots with other veggies in pot.I grow carrots and cucumber plants together in a container last year, it was a success companion.

    Wendy~I really like that colour. Very sexy compare to the orange one...hehehe...

    Catmint~This spring I am experimenting combining flower and vegetables in the garden. Getting excited waiting for the results.

    The seasonal One~ It will grow in tropics as well. My mom had success with it before her chooks notice there were someting growing under grounds as well ;-).

    chopinandmysaucepan~Yes, they have very beautiful cross section. That is a nice idea.

    Lrong~Something different which make gardening more fun.

    Lena~Thank you for the wish dear Lena. Hope you have many enjoyable moments in this festive season too.

  28. We don't usually sow any autumn carrots as we usually have plenty over wintering ones but may have a go this year. The problem is that plants don't really grow through winter here. They just hang about waiting for spring to set them off again.

  29. Howdy Diana! Come in to wish you and your family a happy holiday, Selamat Hari Raya!!

  30. Sue~Hopefully carrots that growing in your potato sacks will do well. Good Luck with this trial.

    Milka~ Thank you for the wish! Hope you have a nice long holiday this festive season.
