
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Edible Flower~Bellis Perennis

This is the second year we planted bellis perennis which is also commonly known as English Daisy. However, I just recently known that this flower is edible. Not only that, it does have some medical uses. It was traditionally use to heal fresh wounds. In ancient Rome, the surgeons who accompanied Roman legions into battle would order their slaves to pick sacks full of daisies in order to extract their juice. Bandages were soaked in this juice and would then be used to bind sword and spear cuts (source from wikipedia). I guess in this modern world, the mixer will do a perfect job on extracting healing properties from its juice. It is also used for other remedies (for further read on its other application here a link on more information). In Europe, this plant can be invasive and is considered as weeds.In certain regions can be grown all year round. If you are in the garden and got a small cut maybe English Daisy will be handy to have around. So far, English Daisy has not made in our garden WEED LIST as yet. We saved some seeds last year. We sowed seeds starting from end summer to autumn. It usually starts to bloom in our garden starting end winter through spring. This plants dislike our extreme hot dry summer I think growing in full sun. However, it does well in partial shade during summer.
Bellis perennis seedlings.
The first time I came to know bellis perennis was last year at a Sunday market in a six cell punnet tray because I wanted something pretty as a border for our edibles. From our experience, snail and slug really like to munch on its leaves. Was I working unconsciously with my six sense when I was choosing flowers? Not just a pretty face but edible and on top of that has medical values. Bellis perennis can be a distraction for that always busy fluttering white cabbage butterfly. Bellis perennis grows well with lettuces but I am not sure yet with onions though. Bellis perennis is a good container plant.
Bellis perennis as a border and growing next to garlic in our garden at the moment. I hope garlic don't mind to have bellis perennis as company. At the back row near the fence are supposed to be violet sicilian cauliflower but I am in shock. It does not look any close to violet colour at all more like broccoli. So is that cauliflower or broccoli? I was so hoping to harvest a purple cauliflower this year.
This is a good combination that always grow well for us~ Broccoli with bellis perennis. Well, if bellis perennis has been already considered as weed as least this will suppressed other weeds. Moreover, I have less water evaporation to worry about as the soil is not exposed when densely planted.
It was an educational week for us in regarding bellis perennis. Embarassing after 2 years on growing them, just recently I knew it is edible and has medicinal values.
Have a nice weekend!


  1. See that you changed your header. This one is beautiful. Edible flowers remind me of Nasturtium. I tried several times. One plant grew but it was false hope. It didn't turn out to be Nasturtium after all. I shall be contented with edible leaves.

  2. One is right, that is a very pretty header. Interesting about the Daisies too.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. It is nice to discover that you have a "treasure" right in your garden all along! :)
    I have not seen this before, the flowers are very pretty and attractive.
    How was your Raya? Did you make any ketupat and rendang? I had ketupat with sambal tumis and kerisik kelapa back in Malacca, given by my dad's friend. Thought of getting some coconut leaves and make some ourselves, makan puas-puas! So greedy! :)

  4. It's really strange seeing these daisies being cultivated as we have them growing wild everywhere.

  5. I did not realize that they were edible and medicinal either and will have add some of these to next years gardening list. Thanks for the link, I will have to read up on them some more.

    Your cauliflower does look more like broccoli, the purple cauliflower usually starts out with purple heads. Either way they do look like very nice plants.

  6. Densely planted, less evaporation and weeds-my kind of gardening. The seedlings look great. Most spring like while we here in the northern hemisphere are suffering under drought and heat. Can't wait for next spring:)

  7. So you mean that those things I thought were badly-maintained lawns with daisies (weeds) in them, are not actually lawns at all, but vegetable gardens??

  8. treasure in the garden!
    Everything in your garden look good!

  9. Diana, Your caption has been selected. I added one word to it. Hope I didn't change the meaning.

  10. MKG dear,
    Edible flowers? In a cat's world, any plant (leaves, flowers, stems) are munchable, though not necessarily edible. Send me daisies anytime. purrr meow!

  11. One~I was wondering maybe you can pre-sprout the nasturtium seed overnight in water before you sow the seeds.

    Cher~Thank you. That calendula was shot in the shade which explain the dark background.

    Joyce~Wah ketupat with sambal tumis and kerisik kelapa sounds delicious. I miss ketupat with coconut leaves. Nothing compares with the original.

    Sue~ I guess it is the same with us seeing oxalis being cultivated when the yellow oxalis are a notorious weeds here. Interesting to know that different region has different plant which is "weed".

    Mr. H~They don't take much space and has many blooms to make some kind of poultice I guess.

    Ewa~ Thank you for hosting this wonderful meme.

    Tina~We have not have any rain for a while. I am worried that this summer will be very warm and we won't be able to grow many things due to water restriction. I value very much about your drought-tolerant plant posts.

    Mark~Pharmacuetical investment on the lawn?I guess bellis perennis have a new meaning in our garden as it might be handy to have around when we have 2 hyperactive boys that like to cause mischief.

    Malar~My plants are very thirsty at the moment. Wishing for rain!

    Cat-from-Sydney~Tom seems not interested with those daisies at the moment. He keeps on digging at our onion beds. Daisies necklace will look pretty on you.

  12. last week on the way back home from raya holiday, i saw quite similar flower like this along the roadside.. then i asked my husband to stop and i take some plants and flowers home. its look like chamomile too.. but then after some research sadly it just weed... huuuhuu... may i have some of your seed please..(kalau tak keberatan).

  13. yes - so pretty, and i never knew its medicinal value either.

  14. The Seasonal One~Compliment the green plants.

    Shafirul suffian~I think I have still some seeds from last year. But I can still take fresh ones too. Please send me you address by sending me an email so I can post it to you.

    Catmint~Weedy flower but has medicinal value, isn't it great.

  15. what is your email please...
    i cant find it in here...
    mine is:

  16. Shafirul~ I have sent you an email. Hope you received it so I can know your address.
