Saturday, October 1, 2011

Afghanistan Carrot Blossoming

This is the first time I have seen carrot flowers. 
I found the development stages of carrot flowers fascinating.
Before it forms the bud structure, it looks like a creature with many tentacles.
The initial development of bud structure.
The carrot bud in a romantic mood at dusk.
Cheerful and rosy in the morning.
Unfolding dainty new blooms.
Older blooms that have been kiss by pollinators.
Seeds developing under blooms.
Waiting excitedly for Afghanistan carrot seeds to develop so we can collect them later when they are ready.
Have a nice weekend!


Sunray Gardens said...

That actually looks pretty. Very different type of flower.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

I enjoyed seeing the flowering/seed process. So much beautify and productivity.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful flowers on your photos. I like the blue one very much.

Mr. H. said...

How exciting for you, I think you will be surprised at how the seeds themselves look.

petite nyonya said...

Carrot flowers are really pretty! I discovered mine last yr when I was growing carrots in my backyard. I was fortunate to have so many blooms at that time. Some of the seeds dried and fell to the ground and there is a carrot plant growing amongst the messy weeds in my backyard now and there are about 4 blooms now. Every morning I peep out of my kitchen window...the flowers are so so pretty!! They will make a truly beautiful wedding bouquet!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, I love all the photos, and I am intrigued by the colors.

Sue Garrett said...

They're lovely - I guess you'll be collecting the seed too!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

MKG dear,
Pawesome! And you have so much patience to record every stage. purrr...meow!

makcikmanggis said...

masyallah..tak pernah lihat bunga karot...setelah gagal tanam karot tempohari ,tak berani nak tanam lagi.Lagi pun kami dah mula mengemas pokok pokok yang boleh dipindah ke rumah baru kami akhir tahun nanti:)jadi tiada tanaman baru:(..ceria ceria selalu.

Tina´s PicStory said...

beautiful :)

Patricia said...

Just wonderful photographs. Letting plants go to seed allows us to appreciate another phase of the plants life cycle!

Jennifer@threedogsinagarden said...

I had no idea that carrots of any kind bloomed. The flowers remind me of fennel or a pretty weed that grows here called Queen's Anne Lace. Your pictures are great BTW.

Linda said...

simply BeAuTiFuL!!!!

Mark Willis said...

The carrot flowers are as impressive as any allium!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful shots! I only recently found out about carrot flowers. I have seen the blue one but never the pink, very pretty.

Liz said...

I let a couple of carrots go to seed last year and I loved them - as did the bees which was really helpful in pollinating my pumpkins....

Sean L said...

Oh my, the buds are really pretty and the inflorescence does take on an alien like appearance. You must get a lot of seeds looking by the size of the flower-head.

Phoebe said...

How awesome! Do they flower in one year or 2?

littlekarstar said...

Beautiful pics! You're making me excited to see mine! I've never grown a successful carrot before. I don't know why...greedy chickens may have something to do with it!

They are really pretty flowers.

Sue Catmint said...

such pretty flowers - Diggers once sold seeds for an ornamental carrot with flowers like that but they didn't like my garden and didn't grow. What colour and shape is the Afghanistan carrot I wonder?

lena said...

are the carrots of different varieties as i see the flowers comes in different colours?

Malar said...

This is my first time to see carrot flowers! Amazing!

shaz said...

Very pretty, I have never seen carrot flowers before.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Cher~ Their pompom shape look similar like allium flowers.

Pieces of Sunshine~The bloom when it died will leave a nice treasure.

Seraphina~I have never seen the blue one yet. I hope someday I will.

Mr. H~ Can't wait to see how they look.

Petite Nyonya~I agree it will make a beautiful wedding bouquet. You are so lucky by now you don't have to sow some carrot seeds. It grows for you.

Lauri~Different shade of colours in each stage.

Sue~I will be so happy of we managed to collect many seeds from it.

Cat-from-Sydney~Too excited of waiting to collect some seeds. So taking photos is to make the waiting much easier.

Makcikmanggis~Nanti bolehlah menanam semula bila dah pindah:).

Tina's PicStory~ Beautiful flowers for decoration.

Patricia~Although eventually the plant died, it gives back many gifts.

Jennifer~Carrot and Queen's Anne Lace are in the same family I heard. I have never seen fennel flower yet. Hope someday.

Linda Makiej~I am always tempted to pluck and bring it inside.

Mark~Pompom shape are rather cute:).

Ewa~ Thank you for hosting!

Squirrel Queen~I wish I can see a blue on as well.

Liz~Many of our carrots are starting to flower at the moment especially dragon carrot. I am thinking of letting 2 or 3 plants to bolt since you said that it attract bees and help with pollination.

Sean L~I really hope so we will have many seeds to collect and share.

Phoebe~Sowed them end summer. But since it has already through winter and now spring perhaps it is natural for it to start flower. So half a year?

Mrs Bok~My spring-sown carrots many of them gone bald or missing. But I don't know whose the culprit. Try different varieties so you know which one suits your garden.

Catmint~Big and long carrots. Its fun growing them because it comes in different colour like purple and orange or yellow.

Lena~It seems from other comments, other carrot variety has blue flowers. It is the same as leek, different variety have different colour.

Malar~ My first time too:).

Shaz~Previously, I usually don't let them flower. But curiosity got me this time.

CathJ said...

carrot got flowers??? Oh I didnt know hihihi

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

CathJ~ Bunga carrot cute macam pom pom.