
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our October Container Garden

Almost half of our garden containers are dominated by allium family at the moment such as garlic, elephant garlic, shallots, spring onions, chives and leeks. Some of the containers that has garlic growing in them are inter-planted with carrots. Dragon carrots growing in containers are showing the sign of growing flower stalk, so I probably have to harvest all of them this week. I will perhaps leave a few dragon carrot plants to flower.
Growing different varieties of garlic on this corner. White sweet potato plants that I planted last August growing in this big round pot. Our lemon grass plant growing in pot are almost bald since it has been dormant through cool season while we harvested some for cooking.
Some containers which has just been planted some seed potatoes in it. Sweet potato plants that we left growing through winter has survived. It looks a bit sad but warmer weather will helped it to bounce back. This sweet potato plants has provide me with new shoots to cut and grow new plants. Other plants in this corner are parsnips, topweight carrots and leeks.
We are experimenting growing shallots in container. Topweight carrots sowed last August seems to be growing much faster this month. We cut some strawberry runners from our 2 years old strawberry plant and growing side by side with pansy. Red Choi seems to put on more growth this week.
This corner of our container garden is nurturing Florence fennels, leeks, parsnip, strawberries and potatoes.
What is your main plants growing in your container garden?


  1. Hi, your carrots are looking great! And your garlic too. I have been neglecting my garden lately..shame, shame! Most of the seedlings have died, but on a happier note, the carrot seedlings seems to be doing fine! The only plant that seems to grow well in my container garden, is the basil. I have been harvesting the leaves for cooking and making dessert lately! Have a nice day, Diana, and Happy Gardening!

  2. It's so interesting how you always keep things going. One thing done and you are ready for another to go in that spot.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Hello supermummy... everytime I visit your blog I am fill with amazement what you are doing, some more now I see you can also cook so well.

  4. semua ada:)seronok sungguh bila baca n3 kali ini.Tanam dalam bekas polystrene pun berjaya.Bekas yg Cm kutip tempohari hanya jadi tempat simpan tahi kambing hehe.

  5. Wow, you have a lot of goodies going on around you! White Sweet Potato? Never heard of them before. Interesting...

  6. I just used some of my containers to scatter some lettuce seeds as we begin our winter gardening. I always look forward to seeing your top border photo...this one is wonderful!

  7. Your crops always seem to be in full sun. Is that true, or do you just photograph when the sun is on them? I have lots of shady areas where my crops don't really get enough light.

  8. It looks like you'll have all the allium you can eat. We're planting garlic as soon as the cloves arrive in the mail. You're lucky that you can over winter your lemon grass. We need to pull ours up and bring it inside soon.

  9. sronok tgk mcm2 pokok ada...E-na pun semuanya tanam dlm container..xde laman...

  10. wah...saya kena belajar ni tanam dalam bekas... susun rapat2 mcm tu... selama ni tanam kat tanah je... tak explore lagi dlm bekas... yg dalam pasu pokok bunga je - senang nak alih-alih... hihihi

  11. hi again, you garden is growing so well, really happy to see your harvest.
    it gives a sense of achievement to you and i feel cheerful sharing your photos.
    happy gardening, may you harvest plenty.have a nice day

  12. Our garlic arrived last week so I'll soon be planting - hope it does netter than this year.

  13. I'm still always amazed by how much you pack into your container garden :) What are your containers, do you have to line them? Looking forward to the garlic harvest :)

  14. You have so much growing. I've got some carrots sown in containers, I shall move them in to the greenhouse when the weather gets cooler and hope that they continue to grow. I've also got some spring onions in containers which really need to be pulled up and eaten now.

  15. Joyce~We don't have any basil plants at the moment. Missing them. We just sow some seeds this week hopefully it was not too cold for them to germinate. Wish we live next door, so I can supply you veggie and you can make some sedap dish for us to enjoy together.

    Cher~I have learnt a valuable lesson on our second year of gardening that is to make sure if possible to sow some seeds at least once in 2 weeks. This is to ensure continuous supply for the kitchen.

    Cina~I am more a gardener than a cook. Getting used to the kitchen is a newer experience.

    Cimanggis~Takpe tunggu tahi kambing tu reput dan sejuk dulu untuk menanam kemudian.

    Skeeter~Sweet potato with white skin and flesh. It is much more starchy than the orange sweet potatoes that we can get easily from the market.

    Patricia~Lettuce will love the cooler weather you are experiencing now in your place.

    Mark~There are not constantly in full sun. Sometime the sun move and my backyard will be half sun and half shade. I have to wait for a certain time to snap photos.

    Jody~You can keep some lemon grass roots in pots at your warmest corner indoors. So you have some to plant when spring comes again.

    E-na~Dalam container pun boleh jadi garden :). Semua boleh hidup, janji ada tanah, air, baja dan cahaya.

    ejaMaria~Tanam dalam bekas ni bila boring boleh ubah-ubah kedudukan..

    cookingvarieties~We save some time now not to visit the market often to buy fresh vegetables now. Some fresh food that we are not self-sufficient is garlic, onion, potato, tumeric and ginger.

    Sue~We are not confidant this year that our garlic will do well. But we hope at least half of number planted will be at least a decent harvest. Happy garlic planting.

    Mrs Bok~They are mostly polystyrene containers. We just arranged them to look like a rows of veggie bed. Plastic containers were picked from hard waste.

    Jo~I always wonder whether spring onion can still survive under snows or not.

  16. i'm not really a gardener but do have some thai basil and sweet basil plants, pandan leaves, a lime plant ..ohh and of course some chilli padi plants too!

  17. I always feel so encouraged whenever I look at your plants :)

  18. Lena~ I guess in Malaysia, chilli is one of favourite plant to grow in the garden. I wish we can plant pandan here.

    Petite nyonya~Your baking skill is always inspiring.

  19. Hey what a great looking vegie garden! I'm starting out with a vegie garden just now in Adelaide, can you give me any advice where I can find styrofoam boxes in Adelaide? I'm finding it hard tracking them down. Thanks!

  20. Hey what a great looking vegie garden! I'm starting out with a vegie garden just now in Adelaide, can you give me any advice where I can find styrofoam boxes in Adelaide? I'm finding it hard tracking them down. Thanks!

  21. I think I just left three posts in a row, I couldn't figure out what was happening... oops.

  22. Hi Jez~ You can get them in Sunday market after it is closed.
    Check my previous post where I got styrofoam boxes:

    Good Luck hunting them!
