
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Finocchio Frittata

We have been very lucky with growing finocchio this year, I have no complaint at all about growing this plant. It grows well without any pampering or much attention. But I will say that it is not a vegetable that can make you fall in love with it at first sight regarding taste. It is definitely one of the vegetables that is an acquired taste. To be honest, I don't hate or like this vegetables at the first month I started to harvest them. But now I started to really like and enjoy them. It is all after trying different recipes and experimenting what combination goes well with finocchio. I found out that finocchio really goes along well with mixing them with lemon juice.
 This is one of the recipes that I tried with florence fennel. This is also the first time I used ricotta cheese in my cooking...I like the taste of this cheese blended in the mixture of this frittata.
Finocchio Fritters (Recipe from The Australian Women's Weekly-Fast Vegies)
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh fennel
1 medium fennel bulb (500gram), chopped finely
3 green onions (spring onions), chopped finely
1 small carrot (70gram), grated finely
2 eggs, beaten lightly
75g ricotta cheese
1/4 cup (35g) plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
vegetable oil, for shallow frying (used olive oil)

~Combine fennel leaves and bulb, onion, carrot, egg, cheese, flour and baking powder in medium bowl, mix well.
~Heat oil in large frying pan; shallow-fry heaped tablespoons of mixture until golden brown both sides and cooked through. Flatten slightly during cooking, drain on absorbent paper.


  1. I was trying to figure out what this was and Googled it and found I know it by another name-fennel. It's a pretty vegetable and it's so great you can grow it. It sure looks good fried too!

  2. It's too early in the morning for me to be looking at such delicious foods, now I'm hungry and breakfast is at least an hour away. Seriously though, that really does look good.

  3. well i am really impressed I cannot get any seeds to even germinate..they look nice

  4. I didn't know that fennel had another name. I tried oven roasting it once and I loved it but the hubby couldn't stand it. I think it needs your colder climate though and doesn't grow up here.

  5. follow your blog really like ur farm ... bole sent sayur2 sikit.. hehehhehe

  6. Diana, this looks delicious! Great with chili sauce! Will try this one day! Thanks for the recipe!

  7. Wow, that's a great recipe! Thanks for sharing it. Isn't ricotta great! I put it in everything!

    Have you tried it sliced up and baked with lemon and oil yet? Soo good

  8. Gosh those fritters look YUM!!

    I lvoe ricotta. I make it and put it in everything too. So good! Even just on its own!

    I have never heard of finnoccio - it reminds me of pinnochio :)

  9. i still have a little bit if that fennel just gave me an idea what to do with it..thanks!

  10. I do love fritters and these look great - I've never used fennel in a fritter - clearly I need to give it a try. I really like fennel thinly sliced in a salad with red onion and grapefruit - the combination seems to work really well.

  11. Those look tasty! I would try that and probably not be able to stop eating. What a great way to use Fennel.

  12. those fritters look delicious. your fennel look so large and healthy - they must taste great. (I'll make do with bought fennel, due to my weird lack of confidence / motivation in growing veggies

  13. Great recipe ! I must sow fennel ...

  14. Tina~It was shorter to type finocchio rather than florence fennel.

    Mr. H~You wake up very early in the morning. I am not a very morning person. Maybe my excuse is because I have very low blood pressure ;-).

    Joyfulhomemaker~ We bought our fennel seeds from The Lost Seeds earlier this year.

    Africanaussie~ Finocchio is Italian for florence fennel. Maybe finocchio does better in Mediteranean weather.

    Apa saja yang boleh dikongsi~Takut layu sayur dalam perjalanan ;-).

    Joyce~Yup good dipping in chili sos.

    Phoebe~I have not try baking it yet. But hopefully one of these days I would have a chance to try. Not that many fennel left to harvest here.

    Mrs Bok~I start liking to call florence fennel as finocchio because of pinocchio. Ricotta is new to me but now since we have some leftovers, thinking of a way to use it in some traditional dish.

    Lena~Glad that it helps! Hope you starts to enjoy it more.

    Liz~It can be a bit strong with that amount of suggest fennel above. Might want to reduce it a bit. Combination of fennel and grapefruit sounds delicious.

    Rosey~Make a nice healthy snack.

    Catmint~Fennels can look a bit ornamental in the garden combine with other plants.

    Dani~Hope you have good success with fennel.
