
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

First Fall Harvest 2012

Pak choi helps to fill in the gap at the moment while waiting for the warm loving vegetables to bounce back after the summer heat. Some chillies were available to pick frequently came fall. Surprisingly cabbage verona purple savoy has been doing amazingly well through out summer as we have been able to pick it fortnightly from late spring. Those cabbages were planted in winter. Hubby also cheated sometime not watering them frequently. Once established, this variety is a very heat tolerant plant. The ones we planted in fall, many of them bolted in winter.

Pull out some carrots (Topweight/New Kuroda?) as the mice has their eye on them. Nibbling on it sometime. Some ripe peppers were also harvested.

Second batch of kangkung/water spinach for 2012 made its way to the kitchen. First fall cucumber. I think we used up many fresh onions this month, mama using them a lot. Probably she like the fresh onion sweet flavour. Some beans and cherry tomatoes.

Cut some rainbow chard/swiss chard from a flowering plant. It is a part that grows from the bottom of the plants that look like a separate plant. I was curious whether it will taste bitter or it usual taste. It tasted ok not bitter.


  1. What a great and varied harvest. Your bok choy looks delicious. Love the purple cabbage.

  2. Wah kangkung!!!..bole buat kangkung goreng belacan. Sedap!I buat cekodok bawang letak kangkung yang dipotong kecil2. Sedap juga.

  3. What a bountiful harvest! The carrots are amazing. I love them in soups. And your rainbow chard is just too beautiful for eating ;-D

  4. What a lovely and wonderful harvest. wishing I could get such a great mix of winter and summer vegs at once.

  5. I'm intrigued by that water spinach. Do you use it like regular spinach or more like amaranth greens? I am assuming it is a water plant and also tropical? Wondering if I could at least grow it in the summer in the pond we're planning.

  6. My cucumbers seem to have stopped producing on me so now I will have to look longingly at yours.

  7. I am in awe of your bountiful harvest!

  8. kenapa kobis tu kerinting?sb kurang siram air ke?atau pun memnag jenis yang kerinting.

    Kat Putrajaya cuaca sungguh panas.Kena siram pokok 2 kali sehari.Banyak pokok yang dah kering:(

  9. Beautiful harvest. I love the chard. It is so pretty. I can't wait to plant my chard again this year. It is such a nice easy to care for plant.

  10. Once again you have an amazing harvest week of lots of variety! We lost much of our carrot harvest last year to a carrot fly infestation and I am really jealous of those beautiful carrots as a result - sure miss having my overwintered patch of carrots.

  11. Beautiful harvest and so many green leaves ! Can I have a carrot, please ?

  12. Nice Harvest! I am not hungry from seeing all these nice veggies...

  13. Your veg always look so tasty!

  14. i would like to turn into a mice today and eat your carrots...haha!

  15. Norma~Its fun growing different variety of cabbage. Especially the ones that won't be seen in the market stall.

    TK~Tak pernah cuba pula potong kangkung letak dalam cekodok. Macam sedap. Thanks for the idea.

    Stephanie~My youngest like carrots very much. But I can't grow enough for him. Everyday we use carrot in the kitchen.

    Mary~The weather here is very weird. The weather vary each week. Day and night temperature fluctuation is also high.

    Eliza~The water spinach really loves water. In tropical village it can be very invasive in the drain water-way near paddy field. We usually stir-fry water spinach with garlic, hot pepper and shrimp paste. Maybe you can try growing them in pond during summer.Water spinach really dislike dry soil, it requires a lot of moisture.

    Liz~Since we are hungry of cucumbers. Did not manage to take any photo of cucumber harvest lately. It was eaten just minutes after harvesting.

    Joyce~Tapi now with mama here with us, sayur tanam sendiri macam tak cukup je.

    Sue~Thanks!I hope for more cucurbit harvest before the weather cools down too much for them to fruit.


  16. Cikmanggis~Memang kubis tu jenis yang kerinting. Kubis kerinting selalu orang panggil savoy cabbage. Katanya yang kerinting lagi manis. Sini pula cuaca asyik tak menentu saje.

    Daphne~Yes, chard is really easy plant to grow.

    KitsapFG~Our summer carrot has been munched by mice and slugs. Never happen before. But the mice has taken temporary residence in our sweet potato patch for shelter from sun.

    Dani~Hehehe...yes you can one root of carrot.

    Skeeter~ Thanks. We were lucky some of the veggies survive the heat.

    Kelli~But our summer carrot this year is not as juicy as last year. Maybe of little water.

    Lena~The mice has been munching on our sweet potato too!
