
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Perch steamed with Lemon Basil and Ginger for Good Friday

We have many lemon basil volunteer plants sprouted from last spring. Sometime when I pruned them to make them bushier, I bring  those pruned stems in the bathroom as they have very strong lemony scent. The lemon basil are flowering and bees really like the flowers.
How was your Good Friday day?
We bought a perch on Thursday and I saw this nice recipe from CikManggis~jom masak, jom makan-makan blog and adapted her recipe with what I have in my garden and pantry. Terima kasih (Thank you) CikManggis, we really enjoyed it, especially Rayyan who was really greedy. It was only 3 of us for dinner on Good Friday, me,hubby and Rayyan. So I thought one medium perch will be enough but next time for greedy Rayyan will have to steam 2 fish. A good protein source and a very healthy dish.
Perch steamed with Lemon Basil & Ginger
(Recipe adapted from CikManggis~jom masak, jom makan-makan blog)
It was really quick dish to prepare if you already have a cleaned fish ready. Took me less than 45 minutes to prepare this dish.
While preparing ingredients you can warm up your steamer.

Ingredient (A):
1 cleaned medium size perch (or any other suitable fish)
3 garlic cloves thinly sliced
3 shallots thinly sliced (or a quarter of red onion)
5cm of ginger - julienne
1 pepper-sliced
2 lemon grass stalk- bruised
a handful of washed lemon basil leaves (or 3 kaffir lime leaves)
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 or 1/2 tablespoon of soy sauce
about 3 spoon of water
(you can season it with white pepper, sugar & salt, but I did not put any seasoning for my toddler)
To make it more spicy add some chillies (did not because of our toddler).

Put the fish and all of the ingredient (A) into a suitable container and steam for 15 minutes.
While waiting prepare ingredients B.

Ingredient (B):
1 tomato-cut
lime or lemon juice from 2 fruits
1 carrot-julienne
can garnish it with coriander, chinese celery and spring onion leaves.

Add ingredients B after ingredients A steamed 15 minutes.
Steam for another 15 minutes and done.

Join in Wendy's Garden To Table Challenge.

We found this video today and was reminded of Rayyan's cardiac surgeries in the past. Rayyan was lucky to have a gifted cardiac surgeon for his first and second surgery with Prof. Igor whom is featured in this video. He has created many miracles for us and hope. We hope that Rayyan will be 3rd lucky to have the same surgeon again for his pending 3rd surgery this coming May.


  1. You're an amazing family. We're praying for Rayyan and his next surgery. I only have to add, being the fisherman you are, I was surprised to read that you bought the perch. Not really! I just love that you and your family love fishing.

  2. The fish looks delicious! I hopeknow rayyan is well.

  3. Lovely fish. And I pray Rayyan does just as well with his next surgery.

  4. Perch looks good. I hope Rayyan does well with with his next surgery.

  5. Good luck with Rayyans surgery - hope he gets the Prof

  6. i hope ryan is good now and will do well in his next surgery. The fish sounds good, the thai basil i think is the daun kemangi that i used for my nasi ulam .

  7. Hope your son will have a successful surgery in May...

  8. My kids love fish too - and they would definitely enjoy this. I will go to the fishmonger next week and see if they have anything suitable.

  9. kunjungan gan .,.
    bagi" motivasi
    keberuntungan selalu menghampri kita
    hanya saja kita yg trkdng tdk brfkir demikian.,.
    si tunggu kunjungan baliknya gan.,

  10. We had a good Good Friday :-D My lemon basil (seed from you) has grown to a little shrub now. I like your idea to use it to steam fish. Will try. Thanks!!

  11. Rainfield61,Holly,Daphne, Tina, Sue,Lena, Lrong~Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.

    Jody~The fisherman in the family don't have much time to go fishing this year. But we do go once in a while just for fun for kids. The catch are mostly not legal size so we released it back to the water.

    Liz~Hope you find a suitable fish and your family enjoy this.

    Outbound malang~ Kunjungan terima kasih.

    Stephanie~I am happy to hear that the lemon basil growing in your garden.

  12. I'm also so glad Rayyan is greedy,.
    I do hope your son does well with his next surgery.

    And,this dish is very colorful,stimulates my appetite.

  13. I will be sending Rayyan all my positive thoughts and energy!! Please let us know how it goes!!

    The fish looks delicious. I've found that kids love fish, don' you agree? I'm always paranoid about bones, but I guess with big fish there's always a good hunk of meat that you can trust right?

  14. and btw, does the flowering affect the taste of the lemon basil?

  15. Kumittyi~Herbs always boost up appetite perhaps.

    Wendy~Young basil leaves and before it flowers are much better. It does affect a little bit. But they still have lemony fragrance when they flower.
