
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Late Warm Harvest Continues

Our warm season vegetable/fruit harvest were late this year for picking.
For example, we usually don't harvest any cucumbers in May.
But our white spine cucumber and lemon cucumber has just started to supply our kitchen.
I don't have much luck with lemon cucumber.
The lemon cucumber in our garden is not very prolific.
I am hoping I have success collecting white spine cucumber seeds this year.
Eggplants harvest still continues here in May.
Cherrytime capsicum is the most prolific in our garden this year grown from our home-saved seeds.
We harvested several Turkish Leopard Melons.
I think this melon is very heat-tolerant as they survive with neglect and little watering.
The white flowers are weeds growing between the melon plant.
Show how lazy I have become and not caring much about the plant.
Da Cheong Chae thinnings.
Earlier this month, I was a bit impatient and I harvested chocalate capsicum while they were still green or not fully ripen but left some to ripe. Last weekend some has ripen for picking. 
Big surprise from the garden is that we got a cauliflower harvest from a one year old plant left growing at the back of our backyard fence. The plant had survived our extreme summer heat without much watering. Amazingly the cauliflower was one of the tastiest home-grown cauliflower I have ever tasted so creamy and sweet, pack full of flavour. I thought it was going to be bitter as the cauliflower curd form in warm weather. Other harvest last week was summer grown carrots, beetroots and eggplants. Finally some of our long chilli has also ripen was so spicy.
We also have some fresh salmon trouts last weekend.
Our house fisherman learn a few trick from his friend and found a new good spot for fishing.
I probably be left alone with Rayyan each Saturday morning now this month.


  1. What a great harvest you're having right into May! Oh and congrats to the fisherman! Great eats!!

  2. wow banyak tu, kebanyakan tanaman kat garden tu ada diberi baja ke? memandangkan kebanyakan sayur yang dituai semuanya elok elok belaka

  3. your harvest always makes me want to grow more types of veggies!! it's just wonderful looking at all your freshly picked produce!

  4. A wonderful harvest as usual! Love how your chilies are as long as your carrots!

  5. The last picture makes me thinking that you also grow fish in your garden.

  6. Diana. From my veryy shallow experience, the longer and the slimmer, the spicier the chillie will be...i saw yours are quite slim and long. Very colorful harvest indeed...

  7. Do you ever get a hungry gap when you have nothing to harvest?

  8. Great harvest! Your cherrytime capsicum looks good. I had never seen them before. I love the shape of them.

  9. Great fish! I also think that cauliflower looks perfect and interesting that it stayed in the ground so long before producing. Very impressed you are still getting cucumbers mine gave up well over a month ago.

  10. Great fish! I also think that cauliflower looks perfect and interesting that it stayed in the ground so long before producing. Very impressed you are still getting cucumbers mine gave up well over a month ago.

  11. Beautiful harvests. They are always so colorful.

  12. so inspiring. diana, kagum betul saya dngn kamu.evrthing harvest was so nice

  13. Your harvests always look so lovely! Nice fish!

  14. Wow-
    What kind of cucumber is that dark one in the third picture? It looks like an Armenian cucumber and then turns into something else. Perhaps it got cross pollinated. It is beautiful.

  15. Congratulations to your fisherman, great catch. Such a variety of veggies and so colorful.

  16. Love what you have harvested. I think I would like eating all of those veges :-D Also the fishes look so so tempting hehe...

  17. You always amaze me with your harvests each week and have now added trout too! That is quite a catch~!

  18. Beautiful harvest and gorgeous trouts ! Bon Appetit !

  19. I am always so impressed with the variety of items you harvest every week. Your cauliflower looks like a gorgeous one - well done!

    That was a nice mess of fish in the sink!

  20. Always so geram seeing all your harvest! Lemon cucumber is new to me, have not heard of it before. And fantastic fresh fish, masak apa? Tentu sedap, segar dan manis!

  21. Your vegetable photos are so beautiful! Back when my children were babies the fisherman of the house would disappear on Saturdays, but he didn't come back with any fish.

  22. your family are so lucky to enjoy foods with your own harvest!

  23. Your harvests are always very inspiring. I love all the different colours and shapes of what you grow!

  24. hi diana, sometimes i find you amazing.. you are able to eat everything fresh like having your veggies and fish too!
    real fun, love to see the melons, and cucumbers, we dont have that over here/ have a nice day

  25. lemon cucumber? sounds good to make acar! really admire your garden with such great and beautiful harvests!

  26. The fish look great. There's nothing like finding a new "fishin' hole". I can't believe what you've seen happen with your cauliflower plant. It's normally so finicky, so easy to kill and hard to grow.

  27. Not just plants but fish as well? I think you are doing a great job on what you set out to do -- feeding your children with healthy, natural food.

  28. Holly~Thanks. The fresh fish was really sweet to eat.

    Mat Jon~Saya selalu prepare tanah dengan compost campur tahi kuda sahaja sebelum menanam atau menyemai benih. Lepas tu saya tak baja lagi.

    Petite Nyonya~Nampak banyak tapi kebanyakkannya does takes a long time to harvest. Kadang-kadang the fast crop fill in the hungry gap.

    Mary Hysong~This variety of chilli grows longer this year but it does take a long time to wait for the chilli to ripe.

    Rainfield61~Hahaha...maybe if we have more space in the future, we might try breed our own fish untuk makan.

    Wanie~Cili tu memang pedas. Pedas pula rasa dari cili api. Yang peliknya kadang-kadang pedas sangat, kekadang biasa je even from the same tree.

    Sue~We do have hungry gap. Like when mid-summer many of the plants perished so we had to rely on the frozen stock.

    Sri Ranjani~Sometime the cherrytime capsicum looks like a heart shape. I like to decorate them in the kitchen.

    Liz~Our cucumber could not fruit well in summer because of the heat. So we had to wait until autumn for cucumber harvest. Strange cause we had cucumber harvest in May which is the first for us. Usually March will be almost end season for them.

    Daphne~Thank you. Your Asian greens always look very good.

    Hernyhafiz~Oh ada juga yang tak menjadi. Tapi cover dengan sayur lain...hehehe...

    Allison~We were very excited about the fish.

    Jay~It was supposedly Turkish Leopard melon but it got cross-pollinated with the cucumber that we were growing at the same time. The bees made that match.

    Norma~The fisherman did a good job that weekend with a nice catch.

    Stephanie~It was nice to add protein in the meal that weekend.

  29. Tina~The trout was the main meal in that day.

    Dani~Good time to catch fish now. Its just the weather so cold in the morning all depends on whether the fisherman wants to brave the morning cold.

    KitsapFG~The cauliflower was just pure luck. We still have 1-2 plants from last year abandon somewhere in the garden.

    Joyce~Ikan goreng je makan dengan sambal belacan. Simple just nak enjoy rasa manisnya.

    Kate~Its not often the fisherman of our house brings back any fish too.

    Sonia~Tapi saya ni malas masak ;-).

    Kelli~We have to train ourselves to eat veggies in the season. But we never grow enough potato here.

    Cookingvarieties~I am not very good with socializing. So the only outdoor activities we really do is gardening and fishing I guess.

    Lena~Saya tak pandai buat acar lagi :).Yang simple bolehlah.

    Jody~We somewhat escape frost here, because we are living near the coastal area. So cauliflower grows well during the cold season.

    Bom~Well they do eat organic veggies but the father still pampers them with 'junk food' sometime when I am not around.
